
Last night the committee met at the Broadstraik Inn in Westhill. Despite a very frustrating season with poor snow conditions, it was a very positive meeting!

The regular dry mat sessions running at Alford are proving very popular and a massive thanks goes to James P for organising the kids and the coaches. This is the first year for a very long time that the club has offered regular twice weekly dry mat sessions during the Winter when the snow conditions have been so poor. It was agreed that we would try and continue running the weekend Sunday session (430-630pm) after Easter. In addition it was agreed that we will look at the possibility of club trips to Hillend and the indoor slope at Braehead prior to the Twin Peaks dry mat events and the Scottish indoor races in June. The Twin Peaks event is great fun with friendly racing at Firpark, Tillicoutry on Saturday 3rd June and then more excitement at Hillend, Edinburgh on Sunday 4th June. (more details to follow)

Plans for the annual Gordon Skiers party are well underway! This year the party will be held at the Westhill Golf Club on Saturday 6th May...please save the date! We would like to encourage as many members and friends as possible to attend. If you haven’t attended before it is always a good fun night for the kids, coaches and parents, including a raffle/auction and awards presentation. Tickets will be on sale shortly.

Another important date is the club’s AGM. This will be held in the Broadstraik Inn on Wednesday 21st June...please save the date! The club is run by a small committee of dedicated volunteers and each year at the AGM we look to encourage new members to join the committee. Succession planning is important for the club committee and we try and have a good mix of newer members with new ideas with those who have been around the club for longer. The club seems to be thriving at the moment with membership up and many new enthusiastic and supportive parents. New ideas and new faces on the committee, however, are always very welcome. The commitment is not onerous and if you would like to know more about how the club runs or are interested in joining the committee then please just ask me or any of the other committee members. The current committee members are Gary Whatford (coaching convener), James Paxton (race convener), Philip Carry (treasurer), Paul Green (communications/IT), Alistair Morrison, Al MacKay, Craig Ross and myself (chair).

Thanks to all the racers, parents and coaches for your continued support.


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