
Lawmaker eager to begin working on key issues

House Speaker Kevin Cotter, R-Mount Pleasant, has named state Rep. Gary Howell to serve on three House committees.

Rep. Howell, R-North Branch, will serve on the House Committee on Criminal Justice, House Committee on Workforce and Talent Development and House Committee on Regulatory Reform.

“I am very happy with my assignments and ready to serve on these three important committees,” Rep. Howell said. “I am highly motivated to increase career and vocational education in Michigan, and will strive to achieve that goal while serving on the Committee on Workforce and Talent Development. We must have good-paying jobs that keep more young people in Michigan, and I believe more vocational education is an answer to that.”

Rep. Howell, who served as a township, city and village attorney for 40 years, said his legal expertise will be an important asset as the panel drafts policy in the Committee on Criminal Justice to enhance public safety for Michigan families.

He also said reforming the state’s regulatory structure is important going forward.

“I believe in keeping things simple and efficient, and that’s why being on the Committee on Regulatory Reform is important to me,” Rep. Howell said. “we should take all the steps possible to simplify burdensome regulations that are outdated or unnecessary. This will remove barriers that block economic growth.”

Rep. Howell said he is in the process of setting up office hours in the district so he can meet with people in Lapeer County communities and listen to their concerns and ideas.

People may contact Rep. Howell by calling 517-373-1800 or via email at GaryHowell@house.mi.gov.


The post Rep. Howell assigned to serve on 3 House committees appeared first on Michigan House Republicans.

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