
Andrea Davison‏@beforethestars

Problem with justice in the UK is that the bad people can choose the Judge and so many judges are corrupt. So it's all too simple to set-up

Known as Mr Establishment this man  LORD SIMON is a senior figure in the cover-up of the Westminster pedophile Ring

UK justice is  run by criminals in wigs and ermine who are just stooges of a corrupt and failed State.  They head Inquiries like the recent whitewash into the crimes of Jimmy Savile at the BBC.  As barristers and lawyers they make fortunes no-matter if they win or loose for their hapless clients. They are the final gatekeepers of the corrupt system keeping in power arrogant and amoral masters.    All this is funded by you the Tax Payer.   Its time to stop the Legal Professionals gravy train !

Below is the new Statement of Andrea Davison


In this statement I deal more specifically with UK CSAPT mandate described as   ‘dealing specifically with complicity/cover up or failure by the police (anywhere in the UK) and perpetration/complicity/cover-up by MPs.’

This Statement aims to shed some light on the machinations of a group of VIP privileged criminals and a lower network who rape, torture and murder children in the United Kingdom. The top level of this group held and or hold key positions in the United Kingdom.  From their senior positions within the Establishment they have successfully subverted the Justice System, the Intelligence and Security systems and Parliament itself to protect themselves.  Their powerful positions allowed them to continue to rape, torture and murder children for pleasure and profit.  Whilst the perpetrators are few, those who have aided and abetted them to cover-up these monstrous crimes are legion

The criminal cabal members have included Prime Ministers, Home Secretaries, Ministers, Judges senior and minor, Queens Councils, senior Police officers, senior Security and Intelligence officers.  All backed by a proliferation of civil servants who obey their edicts.  Promotion was guaranteed to anyone who actively supported the Cabal and it is because of this that those the cabal trusted rose up through the ranks to be placed in key positions. Whistle-blowers on the other hand are anathema, to be ruthlessly persecuted and ruined using the power and resources of the State.  Whilst the public purse has borne all the costs.

The decades of cover-up must be laid bare and those who have profited from it removed from office, otherwise nothing will change and children will remain at risk.


1.1  As Background I refer to my Statement to the Macur Review dated 14th  July 2013  and contained herein in Appendix  document (1)    For ease I may repeat some statements  and evidence  previously made where appropriate.  Further and other details relevant to this statement are elucidated herein where applicable.  There are some matters I deliberately do not wish to expand upon at this juncture.


1.2 For myself as for other children caught up in the Juvenile Criminal Justice and Care System which led to abuse, the Police and the Courts were an integral part of the persecution and abuse.   Like many abused children I attempted suicide, this is a recognized symptom of abuse because of the helplessness of the child against its adult abusers. When the abuser is the State itself the extremes of helplessness and worthlessness are compounded.

1.3 My first experience of police involvement came early in 1963 when I went to visit my family in Yorkshire I had just turned 13 years old.  The Mecca in Leeds was a haunt for young teenagers and I went there with friends. That night I was attacked and then arrested, I cannot remember the reason given for my arrest.   Following my arrest I was taken to Leeds police station and thereon parts of what happened to me are crystal clear but other parts are hazy.  I was tortured by one male officer and one female. The male dragged me down the police corridor by my hair and the female cut my nails with scissors until they bled.  The officers yelled at me a lot and I remember being stripped and thrown into a cold cell.  I was assaulted by both the male and the female.   The next day I was put into handcuffs and delivered to the police in Dunstable.  I remember a police man in Dunstable was horrified that a battered and bruised child was delivered in handcuffs.  This was my first experience of the British Police and from the reports of how children are still being treated in the North of England little has changed in 50 years.

1.4 A month or so later in 1963 I was arrested again for being drunk. The men who plied me with drink were not arrested or interviewed.  I was remanded in custody to an extremely abusive establishment where I was subjected to physical and psychological abuse.  Later I was sentenced for being drunk and disorderly.

1.5 As I recall my parents appealed and I was moved to a less abusive Remand Home where I was compelled to take an IQ test with a result of IQ 158.  Eventually I was taken to Court where the judge upheld my conviction and sentenced me to two and half years in an Approved School.  The Judge chose Duncroft Approved School because of my high IQ.

1.6 This State run children’s prison became infamous because it allowed the serial pedophile Sir Jimmy Savile to rape children. The School also allowed entertainers and members of the Royal family the run of the Approved School for example Princess Alexandra whose husband Angus Ogily was a known pedophile

1.7 Arriving at Duncroft I still had spirit so I was drugged, stripped and kept in Solitary confinement in the punishment cell.  Perhaps they wanted to brake my spirit before allowing me to integrate with the other children in much the same way they do with juvenile elephants, destined for the tourist trade, in Thailand.   Whilst at Duncroft I was fed a cocktail of drugs to which I had adverse reactions and this makes exact recall difficult.

1.8 Duncroft was part of an abusive State system, but certainly not in itself the worst establishment. My only thought was to escape and one night helped by the other girls I did.  We knotted bed sheets together to make a rope and I descended from a third floor window to freedom.   Duncroft was not very far from London City.   I had been given an address in London by one of the girls at Duncroft as a place of safety from the police. This turned out to be frequented by people who preyed on children and I became aware of a pedophile ring involving important people.

1, 9 I never returned to Duncroft, as a child I was petrified of the Police who in main supported the abusers and an even more abusive Justice system designed to silence children. “No-one will believe you” I was told and no-one did. This system had thrust me from the shelter of my family and forced me to live on my wits. But I survived and turned these hard early experiences into a fighting spirit.

1.10 It was these early experiences which meant it was impossible for me to turn a blind eye when as an adult in the 90’s  I became aware of the continuing systematic exploitation of vulnerable children. That is how I became a whistle-blower as I tried to open the door for the light to shine on the murky world of systematic child exploitation and abuse.


2.1            During the 80’s and 90’s I was based in North Wales working for and with the Intelligence Services mainly on investigations concerning the illegal supply of arms and technology to Iraq Iran and the Former Yugoslavia. I was involved in an investigation into the transfer of Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) technology to Iraq. At one point I was working with a strictly military intelligence section and when the Gulf war started all the reserves were called up and I became involved in detecting sabotage and other matters.

2.2            During the course of the investigation clear links were identified between illegal arms sales, drugs trafficking, support for terrorist groups and the sale and distribution of child pornography, including snuff videos. The illegal arms trade is connected to a much larger organised criminal network. The fact that sections of the Conservative Government, the Police and government agencies were involved made it more perilous and destructive to the fabric of society. No-one knew who is working for whom!  I was later to give evidence of these matters in secret to Lord Justice Scott’s Inquiry into ‘Arms to Iraq’.

2.3            I became involved in the investigation of child abuse in 1989 whilst carrying out a search of a suspect xxxxxxxxxxx  premises. We found hard drugs and child pornography in video and photographic form. Some of it looked ritualistic. The suspect was involved with a company called Orbit Technology. Which was engaged in research at a building connected with Bangor University. The investigation concerned tech transfer of biological weapons data to Iraq. XXXXX  lived close to and was associated with xxxxxxxx       who ran the Workhouse gym in Bangor High Street. Following further investigation it was discovered that Lee was distributing pornography on a large scale including child porn videos and highly priced snuff videos, where a child would be sexually abused and murdered on film.  Lee a former mercenary was involved with another mercenary xxxxxxxxx  who had been in mufti in Angola.   BothXXXXXXXg were protected by the Police and certain shadowy sections of the intelligence community for which they worked, I understand, on contract.

2.4          For years the police as a body denied snuff videos, now re-named necro porn, existed. Which poses the obvious question why when there was so much hard evidence easily obtainable.   The   North Wales Police certainly protected suppliers, of snuff videos involving children and this situation is I believe repeated around the country.   Supported by the fact that senior people within the Justice System are involved in the criminal exploitation of children. Where Judges, Home Secretaries, Prime Ministers, Barristers and senior Police Officers are either pedophiles or cover-up for pedophiles the whole system becomes corrupted.

2.5   Following the discovery of the child abuse images, mentioned above I decided to run an unsanctioned parallel investigation into child abuse... This included an investigation into ‘snuff’ videos. I discovered some of the children exploited were from local children’s homes where there appeared to exist a ready supply of children.

2.6 This investigation quickly led to connections with Islington and Lambeth and Dolphin Square. The investigation revealed a network of Pedophiles around the country with high level contacts. It transpired that this network of dangerous criminals who exploited children were protected from exposure and prosecution by the very organs of State which should have protected the victims.


2.7 Around this time I secretly met DC Nick Lewis from the North Wales Drug Squad in a car park in Seiont Manor.  My friend xxxxxxx owned Seiont Manor at the time and this was the reason I chose to meet the Police at that location.

2.8 I later secretly met Nick Lewis and DI Maldwyn Roberts of a Bridge in Caernarfon at the request of Nick Lewis. They asked me to help them with the an investigation into child abuse and Satanic Ritual Abuse they told me it was a Home Office Directive and asked for my confidence. I agreed to assist them and did so and did share some information with them and passed them evidence. I kept detailed notes in my diary. This diary was later stolen in July/august 2012 by two thieves Robert Ostler and Mathew Pike and turned up in the hands of Andrew West of the Crown Prosecution Service who has buried it.

2.9 When the opportunity arose I asked colleagues to check the Home Office Directive and they came back with a negative. Following this I was briefed about The Pedophile Information Exchange hereinafter called ‘PIE’, who’s magazine Magpie had been printed in the Home Office.  I was also briefed about and the use of pedophilia by section of M15 to control influential people. The briefing included information about the abuse of children in local Care homes, the extended elite paedophile network and the lucrative child porn sex trade. I was firmly told not to trust anyone in the North Wales Police because they were deeply involved.  This was an apt warning.


2.10    I was forced to accept the unpalatable truth that I had been used by the North Wales Police.  They had asked me to investigate Child abuse and Ritual Abuse in order to identify threats, destroy evidence and cover-up that abuse and I had been used.   So amongst other actions. I arranged to see my MP Davith Wigley MP.

2.11   In September 1990 Davith Wigley was my MP and I had several meetings with him about child abuse in North Wales.  Davith Wigley knew my Mother, and both my mother and I knew him to be a caring man who loved children.   I passed details to Davith which included details from victims and a Reverend about Ritualistic Abuse and details of North Wales Police corruption and their involvement in the cover-up of abuse against children.   Davith Wigley told me he would talk to the Home Secretary and he did try to raise this with the then Home Secretary David Waddington but Waddington refused to see him.

2.12 Evidence that Waddington refused to See Davith Wigley to discuss child abuse in North Wales has recently emerged from documents disclosed by the Cabinet Office. Why the Cabinet Office felt in necessary to keep secure this matter is yet to be determined. In a supplement to the Wanless/Wittham review it says  “A Written Statement made by the Minister for Cabinet and Paymaster General on 4 February 2015 [Annex A] announced that the response from his Department was flawed. As a result we were invited to examine further material at the Cabinet Office on 16 February and 24 March this year.”One section was marked 31712 4/10/90 HS decision not to meet Davith Wigley

See Appendix Document (2) or follow this link https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/447564/Peter_Wanless_-_Richard_Whittam_supplementary.pdf


2.13 it was clear that the cover-up was actually more revealing than the actual abuse itself and more complex, convoluted and insidious. Without the systematic and organised cover-up of the abuse by the Police and Parliament the abuse could not have continued. It became clear to me that the abuse and cover-up was supported by a network of paedophiles and a wider criminal network involving elements within Police Forces, State Agencies and Government itself.

2.14 Decades of cover-up had led directly to children being sexually, physically and psychologically abused by protected paedophiles since at least the 1960’s

2.15     From 1990 to 1996 I worked with Journalist xxxxxx on Scallywag Magazine and its successor Spiked Magazine exposing child abuse. Where details could be verified or affidavits taken from the victims Scallywag and its successor Spiked published regardless of the consequences. Articles were published about PIE of which Peter Righton and Jimmy Savile were members, and about the Jillings report and Spiked called for a Public Inquiry into child abuse in North Wales.

2.16        There was a dedicated group of journalists from HTV, The Independent and Wales On Sunday and freelance journalists such as Eileen Fairweather who from about 1992 started to write and broadcast about the child abuse and the Paedophile Ring.


2.17 Having either personally, or via information from others who had done so, interviewed former residents of Bryn Allyn and Bryn Estyn a number of police officers were named. Affidavits were also taken.  Nineteen officers were named from the North Wales Constabulary.  Amongst these officers was a Freemason and senior North Wales Police officer Chief Superintendent Gordon Angelsea.

2.18 The North Wales Police were protecting Angelsea from investigation but Scallywag Magazine published the story about Angelsea.  Following this several newspapers and HTV equally keen to expose the child abuse cover-up ran stories.  The Observer, the Independent on Sunday, Private Eye and HTV (the holder of the ITV franchise in Wales) all ran stories.

2.19 The Police Federation took exception to having police complicity in child sexual abuse and exploitation exposed and funded Angelsea so he could bring a libel action against The Observer, the Independent on Sunday, Private Eye and HTV.   Backed by the Police Federation Angelsea could afford Queens Council Lord Williams of Mostyn, Gareth Williams QC.  Williams would terrorize the vulnerable witnesses with great expertise.  He accused the victims of being liars and deceivers dismissing the truth about State paedophilia. As Simon Regan Editor of Scallywag wrote “I watched it in the now famous Court 13 at the High Court during the libel action between former Supt. Gordon Anglesey and Private Eye (and others) when, despite the fact that under cross examination, Anglesey had to admit that his evidence did not correspond with his own notebooks, the ‘other side’ subsequently tore the five main prosecution witnesses to pieces in a monumental act of judicial harassment. Like the whole story of child abuse in North Wales and elsewhere, it broke my heart.”

2.20 The Judge presiding over Angelsea’s libel action was fellow Freemason Sir Maurice Drake QC, could he have prevented the vulnerable witnesses being badgered?  In the event Lord Williams of Mostyn QC secured for his guilty client hefty damages of £375,000.  Later in 1999 Williams was made Attorney General.  He was certainly a gifted facilitator in the cover-up of the elite paedophile network and appears to have been amply rewarded. Had Angelsea lost his action would the cover-up would have crumbled?

2.21 Following his successful win in Court Angelsea then sued Scallywag. By these maneuvers the Police Federation and Angelsea managed to silence those who were at the forefront of exposing the elite pedophile network and the child abuse cover-up.  Angelsea was later called before the Waterhouse Inquiry where the Chairman Sir Ronald Waterhouse, friend of serial pedophile Lord Janner QC, and the Tribunals Council fellow Freemason Gerard Elias, QC exonerated Angelsea.

2.22 In 1997 Judge Waterhouse placed draconian restrictions on the Media, particularly preventing publication of persons named during the Inquiry, unless they had already been convicted. This meant that investigation and reporting into the VIP and State supported pedophile network and was snuffed out.  Allowing protected child rapists to continue without fear of exposure.

2.23 Eighteen years later we await the review into the failed Waterhouse Inquiry by Mrs. Justice Macur. Whilst  former Chief Superintendent Gordon Angelsea has finally been charged for sexual crimes against children.

2.24 Gordon Angelsea who had been protected by the North Wales Police and the system for more than 25 years was arrested by a Police task force from outside of North Wales code-named Operation Pallial.  The Pallial task force however are choosing their targets carefully as despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary they concluded that the North Wales Police are innocent of assisting in a cover-up of child abuse in North Wales.   "No evidence of systemic or institutional misconduct by North Wales Police officers or staff in connection with these matters has been identified” They conclude in their report Published on the 29th of April 2011.  The truth is that evidence exists in abundance to support the opposite conclusion.

2.25 Operation Pallial refused to take any evidence from me concerning the North Wales Police.  To my knowledge the North Wales Police have been protecting pedophiles and involved with child abuse image producers from 1990.  In 2014 the IPCC announced it was to investigate North Wales Police's delay in looking into allegations of child sex abuse uncovered by Canadian police. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-29886007  plainly a proper investigation into Police complicity and involvement in Child abuse and the child sex trade is necessary. But the investigation must be truly independent of the State and cannot be conducted by the IPCC which has itself been accused consistently of cover-ups


2.26 Members of Special Branch in North Wales visited my home on a number of occasions where we had several vague and guarded conversations along the lines of   “ I thought we were all working  together”  My investigations into the pedophile network was extremely unpopular with the Police.   Special Branch however took a more cautious approach and actually protected me from the excesses of their colleagues in the Police.  It is my view based on my experience that North Wales Special Branch whilst being totally complicit in the cover-up of VIP pedophiles were not involved like their colleagues in profiting from the child sex trade.





2.29        In the 90’s the NWP tried to silence me and I suffered concerted and obvious persecution. Arrested several times and interrogated, the NWP tried to find out who I was working for and repeatedly asked me who I was working for!

2.30    The lady next door to me Mrs Edna Simms disappeared and I was questioned by Chief Inspector Gareth Luke told me confidently they would find blood and hair in the boot of my vehicle and he would charge me with her murder. The Police seized my vehicle, documents and other property some of which has never been returned. Theft of personal property seems to be habit with North Wales Police. Months later Mrs Simms was mysteriously found dead.

2.31       Whilst I was assisting the Select committee during the inquiry into ‘Arms to Iraq (document 3) and was due to visit Parliament to brief members of the Select Committee I was arrested again and quickly prosecuted for a fraudulent car tax disc on my car. An out of date tax disc had been mysteriously moved from one of my cars to another.

2.32       I visited the Attorney General’s office at the request of Sir Patrick Mayhew. I made it clear I was being persecuted by the NWP who were involved with organised crime. I also made it clear that his Government would stop at nothing to cover-up their illegal sales of arms and technology to Iraq and the involvement of Conservative politicians in paedophilia. I made a case that these false arrests were counter-productive as they did nothing to prevent the exposure but in fact made the cover-up more obvious. Following this all charges was dropped by the Prosecution.

2.33       Due to my prominence in the ‘Arms to Iraq’ affair, the Conservative Government and those involved in organised crime decided they could not simply silence me. Had this not been the case I am quite certain my life and liberty would have been in serious danger. In fact I was under close protective surveillance.

2.34        Undaunted by the arrests I continued to liaise with the Press and a growing number of concerned parties who networked.   I campaigned along with Politicians, the Press and concerned others to have an all reaching Public Inquiry set-up. We sort a Public Inquiry that would investigate the sexual, physical and psychological abuse of children from Care Homes. The abuse was alleged to be by the Directors and staff of the Homes, members of the extended paedophile network which included famous names, police officers, politicians, businessmen and members of the legal profession including judges. We also wanted specifically an investigation into the on-going cover-up and the targeting of investigators, whistle-blowers and victims.


2.35 Amongst others in 1990 I contacted Geoffrey Dickens MP because of his keen interest in exposing the child abuse image network and VIP involvement.   Geoffrey Dickens stands out as a truly honourable politician and a man who deeply cared about exploited children.  He fully investigated the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) members over many years and I was able to benefit from his knowledge. He passed to me documents to help with my investigation into PIE and the National Paedophile network, including the Westminster Paedophiles.  These documents formed part of what has recently become known as the ‘Dickens Dossiers’.  These dossiers were presented to paedophile Sir Leon Britten QC, when he was Home Secretary. It is claimed by the Home Office that they are missing. Reference to them has recently been discovered along with other missing documents https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/372933/Annex_I_-_114_file_schedule.pdf There are over 2000 missing files concerning child abuse and a number of  entries concerning these missing files  mention Dickens. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/372925/Final_Report_-_Annex_E_part_2.pdf

2.36 Newspaper Editor and respected investigative journalist Don Hale was threatened with jail by Police and paedophile MP Sir Cyril Smith if he published details from a dossier which exposed VIP paedophiles. The dossier was given to him by Barbara Castle MP but originated from Geoffrey Dickens MP. Many pages from this dossier are most likely to be the same pages stolen from me the UK Police. http://www.itv.com/news/granada/story/2014-07-21/the-prison-threat-that-stopped-high-profile-child-abusers-being-revealed/


2.37 Spurred on by public speculation over the missing Dickens Dossiers.  On 7 July 2014, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced a review into the handling of historic child abuse allegations, to be led by Peter Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC.  On 11 November 2014, Peter Wanless and Richard Whittam QC published their findings into the disappearance of the Home Office files, saying that they had "found nothing to support a concern that files had been deliberately or systematically removed or destroyed to cover up organised child abuse". They also reported that they had found no evidence to support allegations that the Paedophile Information Exchange had been funded by the Home Office. However, their report acknowledged that Home Office filing procedures had created "significant limitations… It is, therefore, not possible to say whether files were ever removed or destroyed to cover up or hide allegations of organised or systematic child abuse by particular individuals because of the systems then in place”

2.38 Firstly:  Wanless was not given the correct clearance  It would be a criminal offence under the Official Secrets Act for anyone to even mention the existence or contents of classified documents to him.  Wanless would have needed the correct clearance and he would also have had a ‘need to know’ before the documents could have been disclosed to him. The Home Secretary omitted to give Wanless the correct Clearance and so the review was entirely pointless and costly exercise.

2.39 Secondly: Crown Advocate Andrew West in cohorts with Craig Law the West Yorkshire Police and two thieves had possession of all or part of the Dickens Dossiers. Because these documents was amongst the documents stolen from me by the said two thieves who delivered them into the hands of the West Yorkshire Police, who handed some or all of them to the CPS. So the West Yorks Police and or the CPS have a copy

2.40 Thirdly: Barbara Castle MP  had been looking into the ‘Westminster paedophile Ring’   said she had been given copies of classified documents from the Home Office which included all or part of the Dickens Dossier. Barbara Castle collated the dossier and handed it to Don Hale, the editor of her local newspaper, the Bury Messenger.  Don Hale later told how a “heavy mob” of Special Branch officers raided his office and confiscated the dossier a day after paedophile Liberal MP Cyril Smith had visited him to demand he bury the story. So Special Branch had a copy.

2.41 Fourthly: the fiction that sensitive and explosive files of documents concerning VIP paedophiles would simply go missing is not credible. In the world of government and intelligence documents with important intelligence in are not lost.  In those days the files would have been given a number and if very important each page would have been numbered. Like every security service in the world MI5 have extensive files and retain all evidence. MI5 would certainly have a copy of the Dickens Dossiers.

2.42 It is a game of obfuscation, disinformation and illusion.  They rely on the publics gullibility and willingness to believe they are telling the truth, when actually they are perpetrating a deception out in the open with the full glare of the spotlights upon them. It is an art, but it does not benefit the Tax payer who funds the whole show.


2.43 In the early 90’s I also communicated with Tony Blair, who was Shadow Home Secretary at the time, and who appeared keen to root out and expose Police participation in child abuse and the cover-up of child abuse in North Wales.

2.44       Tony Blair wrote to the then Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke QC but Clarke was dismissive and refused to consider the child abuse cover-up.

2.45 More recently Kenneth Clarke QC has been justice secretary in Cameron’s Government.  Then In August 2015 a trail took place of an actor Ben Fellows who had made a statement to ‘operation Fairbank’ a unit launched by the Metropolitan Police to investigate VIP pedophiles.  This statement claimed that Kenneth Clarke QC had sexually groped him.  To protect Clarke the police investigated Ben Fellows.  Then the Crown Prosecution Service took the truly shocking decision to prosecute Ben for ‘perverting the course of Justice’ because he had made a statement about Clarke QC to operation Fairbank.

2.46 The prosecution made a concerted effort to ban all reporting of Clarkes name during the trial but this was unsuccessful because of media opposition to the censorship. Justice prevailed and Ben Fellows was found not guilty of perverting the course of justice on 30th of July 2015.

2.47 Had operation Fairbank and the Crown Prosecution Service succeeded many victims of VIP pedophiles would have been too frightened to come forward fearing they may be prosecuted if they accused a Politician of abusing them.

2.48 Although Ben Fellows won us many never know how many victims now consider it too risky to name their VIP abusers to Police units allegedly convened specially to bring VIP pedophiles to justice.   Once again we see the organs of State pull out all the stops to protect VIP abusers whilst they pursue relentlessly their victims and accusers.

2.49 Meanwhile Kenneth Clarke QC has not been arrested or charged with perverting the course of justice for any statements he made in the Crowns failed prosecution of Ben Fellows.  And so the cover-up continues.

2.50 When former Shadow Home Secretary Tony Blair MP became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. To my knowledge he was fully aware of the Westminster Pedophile ring, he most certainly knew all about Peter Morrison the former MP for Chester and Leon Britten QC.   Tony Blair also was aware of Police complicity in protecting child abusers and exploiters. As Prime Minister Tony Blair had an opportunity to expose the cover-up and stop children being abused and exploited but he did nothing. And so the cover-up continued.


2.51 From 1990 to 1996 I did research and investigation together with journalist xxxxx for Scallywag Magazine and its successor Spiked Magazine. Scallywag published where others would not and where details could be verified or affidavits taken from the victims Scallywag and its successor Spiked published regardless of the consequences. Articles were published about Dolphin Square, the trafficking of children from State Care homes and the Westminster pedophiles. I co-wrote  an article about the Home Office the Pedophile Information Exchange and the use of child abuse by MI5 for blackmail.  We called for a public Inquiry into the horrific child abuse and child trafficking in North Wales.

2.52 As previously stated. There existed a dedicated group of journalists from HTV, the Independent and Wales On Sunday and freelance journalists such as Eileen Fairweather who from about 1992 started to write and broadcast about the child abuse and the Paedophile Ring. It is now widely recognized that what Scallywag published in the 90’s about the Westminster pedophile ring, Dolphin square and the VIP pedophiles was mainly correct. Sadly publication did not stop the crimes against children. Publication just made those Politicians involved in the cover-up determined to close Scallywag down.


3.1 These pedophile child traffickers are amongst the most powerful people in the UK. They inhabit the halls of Westminster, they are Police chiefs and Intelligence chiefs, Judges and Barristers and despite their terrible crimes not even one has been brought to justice,  So effective is the protection they receive from every branch of the Establishment they have been able to rape, torture and murder children with impunity. They rely on secrecy, deflection, obfuscation, deceit, spin and a gullible public. They are often some of the most well educated people in the land and combined with their inherited and or other wealth they are formidable enemies, especially pitted against deprived and vulnerable children.  These ‘us and them’ circumstances have allowed the cover-up to continue and without the cover-up the abuse would have stopped years ago.

3.2 But the Public seem now ready to strip away the veils of illusion and peek behind the curtain at the broken bodies and minds of innocent children which the system, they paid for, betrayed.

3.6 The late Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith MP are among those so far publically named, the full extent of their deviancy exposed only after their death and after numerous sexual assaults on innocent children had been perpetrated by them.  Both Savile and Smith were child procurers.  They preyed on the most vulnerable children in society those in State Care and profited from delivering these children to their masters in Westminster to be raped, tortured and even murdered.

3.7 Margaret Thatcher, who was very close to Jimmy Savile, did everything she could to protect the Westminster pedophiles which included many powerful people in the Conservative Party. To name a notable few Sir Edward Heath. aaaaaaxxxxxxx, xxxxter XXX, xxxxxxxxxSir Peter Morrison, Sir Leon Brittan QC, Lord Boothby, Sir Nicholas Fairbank, Michael Havers, Earl Victor Montague, XXXXXXX  and on.

3.8 Former conservative Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath also had a close friendship with Jimmy Savile. Savile would go Yachting with Heath.  Heath and Thatcher shared their Savile friendship with Prince Charles and other members of the Royal Family.  This ageing disc Jockey from the backstreets of Leeds had friends in very high places simply because he was an excellent procurer of children and without compunction could silence anyone who complained.

3.9 Heath recommended Savile for a royal honour, and Thatcher recommended Cyril Smith for a knighthood.  Honour and prestige was the reward for child procuring.

3.10 Bringing the cover-up into modern times David Cameron recently described child abuse campaigners as “conspiracy theorists” and so the cover-up continues

3.11 Meanwhile all this was and is known by Police chiefs, senior people in MI5 and MI6 and was an open secret in Parliament itself.  Where could a vulnerable abused child go?  Those children who would not be silent about their abuse, were often silenced permanently

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