
A wedding ring is a significant part of the bridal jewelry – one that will be worn on your finger for life. Naturally, you must ensure picking the right ring or band that you will love forever.

However, selecting the ring can be a bit difficult task- especially to those who have no prior experience in such shopping. This convenient 6-step guide about wedding ring shopping can come in handy for the newbie.

1. Research and Shortlist

If you and your to-be-better half are shopping for rings together, you can initially browse for wedding ring designs and trends online and shortlist and narrow down some choices. This is a sensible option that can save you time before you hit the jewellery stores.

You must also discuss certain important points like: ‘Should your rings match each others?’ or ‘Would you want the rings to have diamonds or other gemstones?’ These questions can help you further narrow down your choices.

2. Match It With Your Engagement Ring

If your fiancé has proposed to you with an engagement ring, then you already have it on your finger. You might also wish to match the wedding band to this ring. If, for example, your engagement ring already has a large stone on it, you might want to go in for a simpler band and vice a versa.

You can even shop for rings that contour lock with the engagement ring. Your jeweller can also suggest designs or patterns that can match with your engagement ring.

3. Start Shopping 4-5 Months Before The Wedding Date

Once the wedding date has been finalized, start your wedding accessories’ shopping which also includes the rings. In fact; ring shopping should be done at least 4-5 months before the wedding date.

This can give you and your fiancé enough time to revisit jewellery shops for certain designs. If you have your heart set on custom detailing like engraving or other personalized intricate patterns, remember that they could require months for completion.

4. Can’t Agree? Think Outside The Box!

You might like Platinum but your fiancé has his heart set on Gold. Do not worry – these days you can mix and match and even combine different metals and stones.

You could opt for braided designs that have 2 or more metals twisted together and then settle for engravings and inscriptions to make your rings match with each others. Your budget should also be a key factor when deciding upon the wedding ring or bands.

5. Consider Your Lifestyle

Often, couples choose delicate wedding rings or bands but their lifestyles prevent them from wearing it. What is the point if you have to constantly remove your wedding ring simply because your hands are exposed to the elements owing to your active lifestyle?

In such a case, is best to go in for sturdier metals and simpler non-dirt-trapping designs.

6. Maintenance Aspects

Finally, do not forget the fact that delicate wedding rings need a lot of maintenance and upkeep. You could ask your jeweller to recommend no-fuss metals, designs and gemstones which can be cleaned at home using a brush or a chamois cloth, especially if regular upkeep seems a hassle to you.

We hope these 6 steps help you select the perfect wedding bands.

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