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Lyrics have become important, defining. Certain songs are not just enjoyable, but provide significance, whether symbolizing a rise from depression or resuscitating the carefree days of high school.

Whether it’s the angst of Eric Clapton’s “Layla”, the bluntness of ZZ Top’s Legs,  or the  joy of The Beatles’ “Love Me Do”…love and music have always gone together.

When I would meet a woman of interest, one of my ”getting to know her” questions was “What kind of music do you like?” For many years, it was simply a question, one of many. Though some responses were certainly indicative of how short the relationship would be!

Given the role music played in the dark days of my depression and then in my recovery, that question has more relevance now. Lyrics have become very important. Certain songs are not just enjoyable, but provide some significance for me.

I met someone back in November—let’s call her M.  The afternoon after we met, we got together at a Halifax coffee shop. We found ourselves discussing many topics, from my journey through depression to her studies at Dalhousie University. We talked for hours.

Though healthy, I hadn’t spoken with a woman one-on-one with that sparkle for many years, okay, 12 years! But onward I went, talking, laughing, getting to know her.

Though there are certainly differences, in particular, our ages, we have  more in common.

I quickly discovered, that one of her favorite artists is Van Morrison, Van ranks high on my list, too. We know Van is an acquired taste and he is not a Top 10 hit maker nowadays. So for her to have been exposed to Van and then to like him spoke a lot about her.

So I ventured back into the relationship world with music as one of my reference points.

A few months later, I noticed a post she made on facebook, listing albums that had had an impact on her. There was of course, Van’s Astral Weeks. Fleetwood Mac’s Rumors was also listed. That album was huge when I was a teen ager just starting to listen to music. I remember playing it the summer I was 16. I  had just gotten my driver’s license and so cruising with “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow” cranked up was too cool. Great memories!

I was both pleased and impressed; okay I was in awe with  M’s  taste in music. It helped me appreciate and understand her better. It also made me feel comfortable in talking with her. We shared something that was important.

I presented at a local university last February and invited M to join me and she readily accepted. As we drove the hour to the school, I suggested she find some music for us to enjoy. She chose Alt Nation, not a channel I would think to check out. The music was certainly different, but actually rather good. Something new for me to experience. Well done, M!

Another time,  I was driving from Sydney, my hometown, to Halifax, about a five hour drive and M and I  texted most of the trip (  yes, I pulled over each time to read and respond ! ). About half way there, I thought it was time to hear some music. When I turned on Classic Vinyl, Bob Segar’s “You’ll Accompany Me” was playing.

“ I’ll take my chances babe I’II risk it all

I’ll win your love or I’II take the fall

I’ve made my mind up girl it’s meant to be

Someday lady you’ll accomp’ny me

Someday lady you’ll accomp’ny me

Out where the rivers meet the sounding sea

I feel it in my soul, it’s meant to be

Oh someday lady you’ll accomp’ny me”

So appropriate and timely!  I’m thankful music can define a moment!


Original article appeared at keithanderson.co. Reprinted with permission.


Photo credit: Getty Images

The post Giving Thanks for Love and Music appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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