Holistic Nutritionist and NYT Bestselling author Yuri Elkaim explores the reasons behind why these 7 superfats can help you lose weight.
Fat started getting a bad rap in the 1970’s and 1980’s, when low-fat and fat-free diets were all the rage. Cut fat from your diet, and you’ll lose fat from your body–that was the promise.
The problem? Diet doesn’t work like that. Just as low-fat, Olestra-laden, Foreman grilled foods boomed in the marketplace, obesity numbers started skyrocketing. Something was seriously wrong. The public was being warned that fat was to fear, so they carbo-loaded on Snackwells treats and pounded packs of high-sugar (but nonfat!) yogurt. But, when we began to really look at the body processes behind obesity, fat wasn’t to blame. It couldn’t be. It had been cut in record amounts from diets everywhere.
Why Low-Fat Diets Don’t Make You Low Fat
1. Eating Fat Does Not Make You Fat.
When you eat fat, your body doesn’t instantly turn it into body fat. It’s not a 1:1 ratio. When consumed with a whole food, no-refined carb diet, your body actually uses fats as a powerful slow-burning energy source. Eat Fat, Get Energy. That’s the equation at work here.
2. Cutting Fat Makes You Hungry.
Fat comes with a satisfying mouth feel, the provide flavor to help us feel full. Most importantly, fats digest more slowly than carbs or protein, so they satiate longer.
3. Cutting Fat Makes You Eat More.
Not satiated? Studies show low-fat food eaters turn to carbs to cut their hunger and cravings. More carbs (especially refined carbs) means more blood sugar highs and lows. And a lot of hard-to-beat cravings.
4. Low-Fat Often Means High Sugar.
To make foods fat-free or low-fat, food companies turn to additional processing, adding chemicals and fat replacers to keep textures and tastes similar to the originals. These additives (gums, inulin, maltodextrin, plydestrose, starch, modified food starch) are carbohydrate-based fat replacers. In many instances, fancy names for sugar.
5. Low-Fat Isn’t Healthy. Looking for a pure, whole food diet. Low-fat foods are chemically altered, far from the natural state of the original substance.
How Eating Fats Can Actually Make You Thin
The truth is, your body needs fat. It needs fat for energy. It needs fat to feel full. It needs fat to work right.
Just as all calories aren’t created equal, all fats aren’t created equal. Trans are a no-go because they raise your cholesterol and increase your risk for heart disease. But some saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats actually boost your nutrition, help protect you from disease, and deliver the power-punch of slow-burning energy good fats are made for.
We call these fats “superfats”. Aka, fats that are more than flavor, more than a mealtime cooking agent, more than slow-burning energy. They’re high-quality, wholly natural, health supportive fats that will do you right on every level. Swap out the bad fats–corn, soy, and vegetable oils, margarines, shortening, and other fats primarily used in processed foods and packaged meals, and you’ll start to feel a difference in your body. Add approximately 4-8 tablespoons of these healthy superfats everyday (consult a nutrition coach to determine the ideal amount for your own diet), and you’ll be fuller, fitter, and feeling great!
The 7 Healthy Superfats You Should Be Eating
Keep in mind that when it comes to the sheer weight loss, a calorie is still a calorie. You still need to consume fewer calories when you are burning. Adding fats won’t magically melt away the pounds, but they will support your goal of ultimate wellness and nutrition. You’ll feel satiated. You’ll have more energy. These fats won’t just fill you up, they’ll kickstart you on the road to healthier eating habits. And these 7 superfats will help get you there.
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is readily used by the body as an energy source. Plus, it tastes great. Add 1-3 tablespoons of coconut oil daily to your diet by stirring it into morning tea or melting it over salmon with a bit of garlic. The high smoking point of coconut oil makes it ideal for cooking. With naturally delicious flavor, it’s easy to eat and you’ll enjoy powerful antiviral and antibacterial benefits, as well.
2. Avocado
Avocadoes pack about 14 grams of healthy fat per 1/2 fruit. Add them to salads or eat them straight with a spoon. They’ll increase your post-snack satiation, meaning you’ll likely eat less at the next meal. On top of the good-for-you fats, avocado consumption actually aids in the absorption of vital nutrients when eaten with other fruits and veggies.
3. Nuts
Almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts. Pick your favorite, grab a handful, and start snacking. Packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, raw nuts are nature’s ultimate “fast food.” A great snack to pack whether on the run or on the road. Full of everything you need to feel full, feel full of energy, and enjoy maximum health.
4. Fish Oil
You can take it in a supplement, but I recommend you eat it as a meal. Fish oil is full of Omega-3’s, known to promote weight loss, support gorgeous skin, prevent Alzheimers, and even may help prevent cancer. It’s a list like that which truly makes fish oil a superfat. It packs in the benefits for more than a single meal.
5. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Not for cooking, but ideal as a dressing or drizzle, EVOO is high in antioxidants and is a natural anti-inflammatory. Try drizzling it over greens with a bit of lemon juice and sea salt for a truly satisfying salad dressing.S
6. Red Palm Oil
Some civilizations consider Red Palm Oil a sacred healing oil. Science seems to back up the idea that this oil offers something special. Blend it into your morning smoothie, or melt it over meat to get satiating fats, tons of Vitamin E, and heart-protective benefits which will fuel lifelong fitness.
7. Chia Seeds
Full of healthy Omega-3 fats and a natural source of fiber, chia seeds are a family favorite because they make a simple pudding that everyone (kids and adults) adore. Sprinkle them on salads, or blend them into superfood smoothies for healthy fats that help you stay full all day long.
Learn more about how healthy fats can support you on the road to Ultimate fitness. Check out Top Foods That Burn Belly Fat? where I bust the myth behind foods that “melt away fat” then catch my take on Foods that Burn Fat, from my Eating for Energy video series.
This article originally appeared at YuriElkaim.com
Photo credit: Flickr/Rachel
The post Eat Fat, Get Fit: 7 Superfats That can Help you get Healthy appeared first on The Good Men Project.