
For quite some time now, I've wanted to commission a blog layout for Good Golly Miss Holly but for one reason or another, I just haven't got around to it. The instant I found Katelyn Brooke Designs, I knew I had to book in my blog for a makeover. Take a look at the early inspiration board below, doesn't it look divine! I can't wait to see the finished product in early August.

I'm hoping the new look will inspire me to write a hell of a lot more creatively and even come up with a few new brilly blog topics. It seems like I've been in a rut lately with both reading and blogging which I just can't seem to kick. It may have something to do with trying to fit in at a new workplace but luckily I'll have plenty of time to schedule for blogging down the track.

Is anyone else a little overwhelmed by the mummy blogger craze currently riding the wave in Australia? I've heard it happened a few years ago in the US and is only just making it's way down here. It's left me wondering where I fit into this crazy world of blogging especially since I'm lacking in the title of mother and/or wife. I guess it doesn't help that I've decided to slightly remove focus from my extremely reliable book habit so excuse the mess while I try to figure out where I belong in the blogosphere.

P.S. I know I'm always raving about my favourite new website (first it was weheartit, then pinterest and finally bloglovin) but I have only just discovered an extremely entertaining website for those of us who enjoy a good session of online shopping. Wanelo is like walking into a store full of quirky products you never knew you needed until now and I've already built up a list of stuff I need to buy ASAP!

Q: What are your thoughts on the new blog design and/or mummy bloggers?

Disclaimer: I mean no respect to mothers or wives who blog, I simply use the term to easily describe the current trend in blogging.

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