So it’s Friday afternoon, almost time to clock out… how about a quick beer review?
Bikini Beer, poured at 39 degrees Fahrenheit, at Golfdom’s editorial HQ.
Bikini Beer, from Evil Twin Brewing, is a low-alcohol IPA. It was recently sold to me at cost, to give it a try.
How low-alcohol is it? Well, it was sold to me as a 3.7% ABV. That I can do, to try.
Then as I tapped the pony I read the label… it’s 2.7%! Oh man… this is beer-flavored water!
But wait! My wife loves it. And you know what? It does taste like an IPA… maybe even a good IPA. Even better, I can drink six of them and still recollect every painful detail of Game 7 of the World Series, and also feel like a human the next morning. Kind of what a guy might need after a long, unexpected 7-game series for the crown.
So, pros: Good taste, wife loves it, got it cheap, no hangover, maybe even low-cal?
Cons: I don’t feel as funny, charming or invincible as I normally do when I drink.
But, after all… it is called Bikini Beer.
I’m told they have a lot of random Evil Twin cylinders they want to get rid of, so I’m sure I’ll try another. They also told me that most of their other beers are high alcohol by volume — like 10%… so I’ll check that out soon and see how the more evil of the Evil Twin beers taste.