
Today I see Ray Smith’s blog post about EM CLI Verb Changes. He provided a quick list of several new and deprecated EMCLI verbs in Enterprise Manager 12c R4. Pete Sharman commented on the blog post and said there are missing verbs. Ray said he made the list based on Oracle Documentation. So I decided to make another list based on EMCLI HELP output. Here’s the list of new EMCLI verbs:

invoke_ws: Invokes EM web service.

Agent Update Verbs:

get_agent_update_status: Shows Agent Update Results using Gold Image.

get_not_updatable_agents: Shows agents which can not be updated

get_updatable_agents: Shows updatable Agents for a given gold agent image name or series

update_agents:  performs Agent Update Prereqs and submits Agent Update Job

BI Publisher Reports Verbs:

grant_bipublisher_roles: Grants access to the BI Publisher catalog and features.

revoke_bipublisher_roles: Revokes access to the BI Publisher catalog and features.

Blackout Verbs:

create_rbk: Creates Retro-active blackout on given targets and updates their availability. The retro-active blackout feature needs to be enabled from the UI for using this emcli command.

CFW Verbs:

cancel_cloud_service_requests: Cancel the cloud requests. Either user or names option should be provided.

delete_cloud_service_instances: Deletes the cloud service instances based on the specified filter.

delete_cloud_user_objects: Deletes cloud user objects including cloud service instances and requests.

get_cloud_service_instances: Retrieves the list of cloud service instances. All Instances will be printed if no option is specified.

get_cloud_service_requests: Retrieves the list of cloud requests. All requests will be printed if no filter is applied.

get_cloud_user_objects: Retrieves the list of cloud user objects including cloud service instances & requests. All objects will be printed if user option is not used.

Compliance Verbs:

fix_compliance_state: Fix compliance state by removing references in deleted targets.

Deployment Procedure Verbs:

get_runtime_data: Download execution runtime properties data. The execution can be retrieved by using either instance GUID, or execution GUID or name value pair.

Discover and Push to Agents Verbs:

generate_discovery_input: Generate Discovery Input file for discovering Auto-Discovered Domains

modify_monitoring_agent: This verb can be used to change the agents that are configured to monitor targets in a WebLogic Domain.

Event and Incident Verbs:

delete_incident_record:   Delete one or more open incidents based on the provided IDs, up to a maximum of 20 incidents. This removes any association with the underlying events and annotates them accordingly. Incident deletion does not remove underlying events. These events will remain open.

Fusion Middleware Provisioning Verbs:

create_fmw_domain_profile: Creates a Fusion Middleware Provisioning Profile from a WebLogic Domain.

create_fmw_home_profile: Creates a Fusion Middleware Provisioning Profile from an Oracle Home

create_inst_media_profile: Creates a Fusion Middleware Provisioning Profile from Installation Media

Gold Agent Image Verbs:

create_gold_agent_image: Creates a gold agent image using the provided source agent.

decouple_gold_agent_image: This command decouples the list of agents from gold image subscription

delete_gold_agent_image: Deletes a gold agent image.

get_gold_agent_image_activity_status: Gets the status of a gold agent image activity

get_gold_agent_image_details: Get the platform, plugin, patch, configuration properties, and agent details of a gold agent image

list_agents_on_gold_image: Lists the agents that were installed or updated using a gold agent image.

list_gold_agent_image_activities:  Lists the gold agent image activities.

list_gold_agent_image_series: Lists the gold agent image series.

list_gold_agent_images: Lists the available gold agent images.

promote_gold_agent_image: Promotes a gold agent image to the Production maturity level.

stage_gold_agent_image: Stages a gold agent image.

Job Verbs:

export_jobs: Export all matching job definitions in EM, including Corrective Actions. System jobs and nested jobs are excluded.

import_jobs:  Import all job definitions in to EM, including Corrective Actions from zip file. Library jobs are created. EMCLI logged in user is set as the library job owner.

job_input_file: Specify some or all properties for the job verb in a property file. Properties set on the command line override values set in the file.

resume_job: Resume a job or a set of jobs matching the filter criteria.

suspend_job:  Suspend a job or a set of jobs matching the filter criteria.

Privilege Delegation Settings Verbs:

clear_default_privilege_delegation_setting: Clears the default privilege delegation settings for a given platform.

set_default_privilege_delegation_setting: Set the default privilege delegation setting for a given list of platforms

test_privilege_delegation_setting: Test Privilege Delegation Setting on a given host.

Services Verbs:

edit_sl_rule: Edits the service level rule for the specified service.

SiteGuard Verbs:

get_siteguard_health_checks: Displays schedule of health checks for an operation plan

schedule_siteguard_health_checks: Schedules health checks for an operation plan.

stop_siteguard_health_checks:  Stops all future health check executions of an operation plan

Software Library Verbs:

stage_swlib_entity_files: Stages one or more files associated with an entity revision in the Software Library to a file system location on a host target.

Target Data Verbs:

create_assoc:  Creates target association instances

delete_assoc: Deletes target association instances.

list_allowed_pairs: Lists allowed association types for the specified source and destinationtarget types.

list_assoc: Lists associations between the specified source and destination targets.

manage_agent_partnership: Overrides Enterprise Manager’s default behavior of automatically assigning partner agents to agents. A partner agent is an agent that, in addition to its other functions, is assigned to another agent as its ‘partner’ in order to remotely monitor the availability of that agent and its host. This verb is not meant to commonly used. It is provided to support special circumstances where an administrator might want to explicitly assign agent partnerships or exclude agents from being partners or exclude agents from being remotely monitored by other agents.

Trace Reports:

generate_ui_trace_report: Generate and download UI Page Trace Report (to identify slow rendering pages)

As I see only deprecated verb is “resecure_agent“.

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