A few months back I went to a sleep specialist. I have had trouble sleeping ever since I worked on a late shift for a television network. I also do 150,000 miles of long haul travel a year and despite always trying my best to fight jet lag through what I eat and how I rest, I must confess sleep has been an issue. And so I can tell you the importance of learning how to sleep well.
While I have always known that natural sunlight is good for jet lag my Doctor advised me that there are some UV lights which also help to promote sleep. He recommended a product called Re-Timer which are glasses you wear as you get on with your morning. I liked this option as it meant I could be active and not have to sit in front of a light source in order to soak up the rays.
So I decided to give it a go. This development has been 25 years in the making. These glasses are easy to wear and I put them on for 30 minutes every morning. I am really finding this a help for both energy and sleep. They are rechargeable and easy to work.
This is a really timely product because so many of us suffer from broken sleep. In today’s world we are doing far more than we used to and never really switch off. It is better for the body to get a deeper sleep with less time, rather than to have longer sleep periods where we don’t actually get into a deep sleep cycle. And so this device is made to reset you body’s time clock in order to help get the quality deep sleep we need.
The best thing is that this is not just for promotion of sleep for jet lag or other issues.
Living in Minneapolis and for anyone in a part of the world that has shorter days, this technology is marvelous. It helps fight the winter blues. The condition of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is quite real and this product helps to combat this
Using the Re-Timer glasses can help you avoid prescription drugs or over the counter sleep aids. It’s one more tool which can help you sleep better. I believe in it and have even secured a discount for Going Global followers. Go to http://re-timer.com/the-product/jet-lag-calculator/ and use the Promo Code “Luxurytravel30”.
Good luck and sweet dreams.
Daniel Green, the Model Cook is a Celebrity Chef known for his healthy approach to food and living well. With TV, books, magazines and live appearances, Daniel spends his time helping fans to cook better, feel better and live better. He’s also an avid traveler and a self-confessed Foodie.
To contact Daniel or learn more visit www.themodelcook.com or follow on Twitter and Facebook.
Give it a try and sweet dreams.
The post Sleep Well appeared first on Going Global TV.