Want to build a super-strong connection with your audience? Use drip campaigns!
You may be wondering, “What the heck is a drip campaign?” Drip campaigns are series of autoresponder emails that you can schedule to be sent at specified intervals.
We identified six women who are getting great results with autoresponder drip campaigns. On average, these women achieve an 80% view rate for the initial email in the campaign. (That’s ridiculous!) For the second and third emails, their average is 69%. Outstanding.
These women know how to keep people’s attention! What can we learn from their drip campaigns?
Offer High-Value Drip Campaigns as Signup Incentives
Hannah Marcotti is a soulful life coach for women and host of “Magic Making Circle” in Providence, RI. Hannah offers a free gift for newsletter subscribers (yep, it’s a drip campaign!). Near her web form, she writes, “Sign up and receive 5 prompts towards creating your own vision book. A magical little gift that will change your life.” The subscribe button reads, “Get My Free Gift!” Here are the six emails that arrive in new subscribers’ inboxes:
Welcome. I am so happy you are here.
Thank you for being here. {Spirits of Joy} Day 1 : Give it a name
Thank you for being here. {Spirits of Joy} Day 2 : Create your color story
Thank you for being here. {Spirits of Joy} Day 3 : I am
Thank you for being here. {Spirits of Joy} Day 4 : As I listen
Thank you for being here. {Spirits of Joy} Day 5 : Dream and envision one thing for your home
Her lovely emails look like this:
Give Each Autoresponder Email in the Drip Campaign a Clear Subject Line
Hannah’s subject lines are quite clear in that they include the number of the email, as well as the topic of the day for the vision book. A lot of the other high-performing drip campaigns feature clear subject lines as well. Take Julie Gillies‘ “5 Days of Extravagant Prayer” drip campaign for example. Julie is a writer and speaker whose mission is to help women believe, pray, and dream (more). Look how she makes the subject lines oh-so-clear for her readers:
5 Days of Extravagant Prayer
5 Days of Extravagant Prayer – Day 2
5 Days of Extravagant Prayer – Day 3
5 Days of Extravagant Prayer – Day 4
5 Days of Extravagant Prayer – Day 5
Here’s a snapshot of one of Julie’s prayerful emails:
Put Yourself Out There
Like many of the other women featured here, Julie shares details of her life that may draw others in. Karen Ehman does this well, too. Karen is a Christian writer and speaker who wants to help other women live their priorities and love their life: faith, family & friends (in that order). In her “Pause Before You Pounce 5-Day Challenge” drip campaign, Karen opens with a story about losing it with her kids. Human? Check? Trust-building? You bet! Read about it here:
Day One: Pause Before You Pounce Challenge
Day Two: Pause Before You Pounce Challenge
Day Three: Pause Before You Pounce Challenge
Day Four: Pause Before You Pounce Challenge
Day Five: Pause Before You Pounce Challenge
Here’s what Karen’s personal, thought-provoking emails look like:
Include Multimedia Content to Show Off Your Product or Service
Kristen Kalp from Brand Camp offers a program called Sales Without Shame (the photographer’s step-by-step guide to soaring income & super-satisfied clients). Her website features a free program sampler that is delivered via drip campaign. In the first email, she delivers the goods: a 12-page PDF and an audio recording of a SWS preview call. Very professional! In the second email, she asks readers to share SWS with three people (with copy + paste suggestions!). Here’s her campaign:
Oh hi, Sales Without Shame smartypants!
Thank you.
Kristen’s professional, to-the-point emails look like this:
Share Your (Infectious) Enthusiasm
While their topics vary greatly, all of these women write with a lot of spunk. Brooke Snow is a great example! Brooke is a photographer who helps others find their creative inspiration, use photography to heal hearts and strengthen relationships, and discover their own path to a thriving life. She takes a fairly straightforward topic — photography perspectives — and creates a drip campaign full of multimedia content that truly inspires. Check it out:
Photo Perspective with Brooke Snow
Photo Perspective CHEAT SHEETS!
The Welcome Packet
Brooke’s clean, modern emails look like this:
Include a Surprise Gift or Offer
Raine from limetreefruits.com has a mission to add color, joy, and fun to people’s lives through eye-candy functional artwork. One of her specialties is planners. In her “Filofax Starter Kit” drip campaign, the first two emails say {1/2} and {2/2} in the subject lines. But wait … there’s more! Then she throws in a surprise email with a free printable planner. Her final email includes a strong call to action: now that you’re hooked, buy a LimeTreeFruits Planners Membership. Check out the whole campaign:
Your Filofax Starter Kit is inside! {1/2}
Second Half of Your Filofax Starter Kit is inside! {2/2}
150+ pages of planner printables?
Raine’s colorful, enthusiastic emails look like this:
Give Your Drip Campaigns Your Own Special Sauce!
We hope you picked up a few tips from these incredible drip campaigns (and the equally incredible women behind them!).
But the #1 thing you can do to connect with your audience is to make your drip campaigns truly your own — to infuse them with your own brand of awesome. Give people something unique that only you can offer!
Mimi Wants to Know:
What’s your favorite idea here?
Do you have another drip campaign tip to share?
Do you sign up for other email newsletters to get ideas like this?
What other email examples would you love to see?