
The Time Period: 987.12
Incoming Situations: Desert Prey Cats migrate back to the area (989.03, 991.06, 993.09), Heir comes of Age (990.08)
Statues and The Dead

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Zokktef Steeltooth (Killed by Dragon Cave-in)
Talks To Self (Killed by a Level ?? Dragon)
Remains Unseen (Killed by a Level ?? Dragon)
Speaks Softly (Killed by a Level ?? Dragon)
Thinks and Thinks (killed by a Level 15 Banshee)
Briar Skies (killed by a Chaos Backlash)

Cast of Characters (Players):

Smells Fishy's Regeneration has increased to 50% until he gets one.

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Nolandking: Experiments-Too-Much
Master Alchemist, Expert Herbalist, Mediocre Gardener
SA 3/15, FH 0/3
Davecom3: Smells Fishy
Master Druid, Expert Zoologist,Mediocre Explorer
Major Mutation: 100% Spell Reflection
SA 0/15, FH 0/3
Lokthar: Plays-With-Air
Master Engineer, Expert Stoneworker, Mediocre Astronomer
Mutation: Campfire Heat control (one only)
SA 1/15, FH 0/3
Madmartin26: Sails-The-Horizon
Captain of the Desert Talon
Master Explorer, Expert Warrior, Mediocre Sailor
Inventor of the R.A.C.E.
Captain of the Desert Wind
SA 1/15, FH 1/3
Rogbull: Bearing-Gifts
Goodwill Ambassador to the Zhenkanti
Master Diplomancer, Expert Clayshaper, Mediocre Meditationer
SA 6/15, FH 1/3
SuperVaderMan: Throws-Like-A-Halfling
Master Mage (Earth Elementalism), Expert Architect, Mediocre Tailor
SA 1/15, FH 0/3
Donnigan: Rides Many Things
Master Animal Trainer, Expert Mounted Combat Artist, Mediocre Butcher
Major Mutation: Can create 5 copies of self made of water every 24 hours, lasting 1 hour per copy (5 for 1 hour, 1 for 5, etc)
Mutation: Monkey Hands for feet (cosmetic, clumsier than normal monkey, can walk normally)
SA 9/15, FH 1/3
HerdsCats: Licks-Salt
Master Woundbinder, Expert Treasure Hunter, Mediocre Treasure Sculptor
Mutation: Changes Gender Randomly
SA 5/15, FH 2/3
Athedia: Looks To Leaves
Master Gardener, Expert Inventor, Mediocre Mage (Earth Elementalism)
SA 3/15, FH 1/3
Burns: Swift Of Feet
One of the three All-Spiral Entrants
Master Assassin, Expert Alchemist (Poison), Mediocre Chaos Studies
Mutation: Eyes glow solid red when angry, visible through walls
SA 2/15, FH 1/3
Moose: Makes Ideas Come To Life
Master Inventor, Expert Meteorolomancy, Mediocre Tinkerer
SA 3/15, FH 1/3
Inventor of the Sand Dancer
Inventor of the Sunfire Wheel
I'mBob: Kills Traps
Master Shadower, Expert Hunter, Mediocre Herb Collector
Major Mutation: Voice of The Titans (Amplified voice, strong enough to shatter stone)
SA 7/15, FH 1/3
Feytala: Reaches For The Stars
Chieftess of the Clan
Master Mage, Expert Inventor, Mediocre Diplomancer
Mutation: Sticky Teeth; can bite as a Grapple, cannot be dislodged, teeth regrow if broken off
Major Mutation: Extreme Life Expectancy (175+)
Ol' Mags Gift: Wings Feytala has a six foot wingspan with feathered beige wings. They immediately draw attention.
Ol' Mags Gift: Dispel Magic 10' Radius Three times per day Reaches can Dispel Magic in a 10' radius as a 10th level caster. This affects ALL magic.
Ol' Mags Gift: Animal Mimicry Reaches has 100% Animal Mimicry and can mimic any animal she has ever heard.
SA 1/15, FH 0/3
Astrosteve: Explosive Personality
Master Demolitions (Tunnels), Expert Scaffoldist, Mediocre Prankster
Inventor of the Minor Cave Explosive
SA 10/15, FH 1/3
M0rtimer: Cursed Hands
One of the three All-Spiral Entrants
Master Swordsman, Expert Builder, Mediocre Diplomancer
SA 8/15, FH 1/3
Lozlo: Hunts In Odd Places
Master Hunter, Expert Tracker, Mediocre Survivalist
SA 3/15, FH 1/3
Nikohl: Talks In Rhyme
Master Tactician, Expert Diplomat, Mediocre Visionary (Seer)
SA 6/15, FH 2/3
Loki: Prays Constantly
Master Priest, Expert Clothworker, Mediocre Storyteller
SA 6/15, FH 2/3
Dusk: Travels The Dust
Master Digger, Expert Survivalist, Mediocre Stone Collector
Mutation: Command of finger sized or smaller pebbles, cannot dig new tunnels with this power
SA 4/15, FH 2/3
Corverous: Beats Rocks Together
Master War Leader, Expert Soldier, Mediocre Miner (Gems)
SA 1/15, FH 2/3
Kelten: Tortures Dolls
Master Voodooist, Expert Priest, Mediocre Mage
SA 1/15, FH 2/3
Partial: Head Of Stone
Master Warrior, Expert Armorer, Mediocre Metal Miner
SA 6/15, FH 2/3
D43dlock: Gathers Rocks
Master Geologist, Expert Sand Dancer Driver, Mediocre Alchemist
SA 2/15, FH 0/3
Ttwig: Thinks Quickly
Master Engineer, Expert Alchemist, Mediocre Smith
SA 3/15, FH 1/3
Kida: Dies By Fire
Master Ranger, Expert Farmer, Mediocre Hunter
Mutation: Has Giant Strength (19), can bulk up to 22 (may be fatal)
SA 2/15, FH 1/3
Alaen: Lurks In Shadows
Master Spy, Expert Marksman, Mediocre Tinkerer
SA 4/15, FH 1/3
Badgeaddict: Stops And Stares
Teller of the Clan
Master Lantern Mage, Expert Necromancer, Mediocre Mutation Studies
SA 1/15, FH 0/3
Alavar: ???
Master ???, Expert ???, Mediocre ???
SA 3/15, FH 1/3
WeirdCheese: ???
Master ???, Expert ???, Mediocre ???
SA 3/15, FH 1/3
LooksAtYouFunny: 20% to a Character
Blue Eyes: 20% to a Character

Cast of Characters (Living NPCs):

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Telvek The Earth Slasher, Trelborok Zhenkanti Family Lord, intelligent
Ziktar the Blonde, pompus foulmouthed Zhenkanti Rhezkendal Family Leader, warlike but intelligent, "valkyrie opera singer" build
Vraxxtharvriss, Adult or older Blue Dragon, personal enemy of the Rhezkendal Zhenkanti
Na'han, Klyenti Matron
(Unnamed) Heir to the Tribe

Known Knowledge:

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Things That Matter:
Zhenkanti: Giant Bears-Of-The-Desert, talons for hands, nomads
Zhenkanti are divided up into three tribes: Rhezkendal (warriors and craftsmen), Zhrindil (Mages and Priests), Trelborok (merchants, traders, bards)
Rhezkendal Zhenkanti ride sticky-tongued, venom spitting velociraptors
Sand Dancers: Single-seater Wood seats encased in a glass pod with Cactus Cloth sails; each weighs about 30 pounds
Sky Coasters: Single-seater wood seats encased in a glass pod with Cactus Cloth sails; very light, very little defense
Ravine And Cavern Explorer: Sand Dancer built for heavy cavern exploring
Chaos can be manipulated, very taxing, can only use what you already have and cannot introduce new Chaos
Goblins with mutations that die end up as undead with a demon template
Sandstorm Golem spell courtesy of Throws Like a Halfling
Fear Elemental "Oh Shit" button at Stops and Stares' Command, attuned to him from Looks to Leaves
33 Tarred Feather Goblin Golems available, skills and power unknown
Skrugling Poison Inverts IMEs
Razor Sand Pictomancy: Paint Clones that come to life (as Mirror of Opposition)
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind (but still explorable): Pogitite: Calcified-over Greenwhite Plant, very dense, perfect for weapons, dissolves in blood
Sandrat Skin + Pelto Nut Toxin = Leather Paper
Prey Cat Skin + Pelto Nut Toxin = Resilient Leather or Leather Paper
Cloxin Tuber: Staple of Goblin diet
Pelto Nut: Grows in shade, nuts can be used as sling stones, toxin can be pressed out of the nuts
Greenwhite Plant: Highly toxic acidic mushroom
Desert Applefungi: Highly Nutritious
Brightglow: inedible, but very bright light, seems to "eat" darkness
Shial Weed: inedible, a metal-eating fungus, very rare, normally not found in deserts
Animator Puffball: inedible, animates corpses and objects, no intelligence
Iceheat Fungi: Poisonous, increases body heat 30 degrees
Bloodmute Root: Mutes those bleeding
Soulrend Fungi: inedible, adds fear to spells (currently out of supply)
Goldsight Root: inedible, transmutes eyeballs to gold
Teleportation Beacons: Made of Chaos Crystal and Sandglass; range 800 meters, one target, casters only
Bluestain Juice: Alchemy + Cactus + "Tequila" = Rage Enhancer
Mabo Boars: Giant black boars, 7 feet tall
Soul Dolls can be enchanted, takes on life of location enchanted in
Cactus Farm provides defense / wall of spines
It is possible to trade large amounts of Cactus Cloth for Rhezkendal Velociraptors... requires SA/Reaction Roll)
Trading various unknown-to-the-Zhenkanti roots to the Zhenkanti is possible... (requires SA and Reaction Roll)
Sealing the Corrupted River with Zhrindil help is possible... requires SA/Reaction Roll)
Potential Exploratory Locations: Fleggok Hills (8 weeks north), The Pools of Disease (7 weeks southwest), Zhenkanti Main Camps (six weeks from center of desert), Gleed Tower (Zhenkanti taboo, slimes, oozes, and "The Yaptraps"), Olzosghandror Ruin (north 9 weeks), The Fungus Tunnel (Guarded by the Rhezkendal, 7 weeks west)
Sembogu Mine: An oven with its dungeon compacted in a glacial avalanche; no sign of precious metals, Klyenti are hostile
Small human village of about 200 on the northeast edge of the desert, draconic activity detected
Desert temple at the southern border by the ocean, draconic activity detected
Things that Don't Matter or are Flavor Footnotes: Gloaches explode if fully exposed to sunlight
R.A.C.E.s have cool-looking tinted windows
Mixing Cloxin Tuber with depression sand = quick drying mudstone, effectively cement [out of proper sand to make any more cement, though)


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Trelborok Zhenkanti: Extreme Positive
Rhezkendal: Neutral Extreme Positive
Zhrindil Zhenkanti: Alliance
Gathering Strike: Hostile
Klyenti: Neutral Positive
Razor Sand Orcs: Hostile (War)
Yaptraps: ???

Random.org Rolls made:

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Mystery Aspect increase (7-15): 8
Mystery event roll (42): 75
Experience Pot increase (3-7): 7
{Passive} Smells Fishy's Armor Piercing Studies (79+): 47 (Failure) +15 (Technology 5) = 62 (Failure)
{Passive} Soul Doll Animation Studies (89+): 25 (Failure) +10 (Library) +12 (Sorcery 4) = 47 (Failure)
{Passive} Smells Fishy's Briar Dome Studies (74+): 10 (Failure) +10 (Library) = 20 (Failure)
Experiments-Too-Much SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 97, 80 (+2)
Smells Fishy SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 12, 39 (+0)
Smells Fishy Bonus Roll due to having 0 actions (50+): 9 (Failure)
Plays-With-Air SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 16, 11 (+0)
Sails-The-Horizon SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 68, 43 (+1)
Bearing-Gifts SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 31, 85 (+1)
Throws-Like-A-Halfling SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 13, 87 (+1)
Rides Many Things SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 91, 25 (+1)
Licks-Salt SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 54, 60 (+2)
Looks To Leaves SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 75, 99 (+2)
Swift Of Feet SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 56, 68 (+2)
Makes Ideas Come To Life SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 41, 48 (+0)
Kills Traps SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 65, 26 (+1)
Reaches For The Stars SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 33, 60 (+1)
Explosive Personality SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 72, 75 (+2)
Cursed Hands SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 87, 81 (+2)
Hunts In Odd Places SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 87, 9 (+1)
Talks In Rhyme SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 61, 55 (+2)
Prays Constantly SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 91, 2 (+1)
Travels The Dust SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 73, 9 (+1)
Beats Rocks Together SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 21, 51 (+1)
Tortures Dolls SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 25, 46 (+0)
Head Of Stone SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 10, 86 (+1)
Gathers Rocks SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 45, 1 Critical (+0)
Thinks Quickly SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 21, 99 (+1)
Dies By Fire SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 13, 8 (+0)
Lurks In Shadows SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 67, 65 (+2)
Stops And Stares SA Regeneration (50+, 50+): 11, 48 (+0)
Stops And Stares Bonus Roll due to having 0 actions (50+): 54 (Success)
Experiments-Too-Much FH Regeneration (75+): 74 (+0)
Smells Fishy FH Regeneration (75+): 65 (+0)
Plays-With-Air FH Regeneration (75+): 56 (+0)
Sails-The-Horizon FH Regeneration (75+): 78 (+1)
Bearing-Gifts FH Regeneration (75+): 15 (+0)
Throws-Like-A-Halfling FH Regeneration (75+): 28 (+0)
Rides Many Things FH Regeneration (75+): 20 (+0)
Licks-Salt FH Regeneration (75+): 45 (+0)
Looks To Leaves FH Regeneration (75+): 80 (+1)
Swift Of Feet FH Regeneration (75+): 92 (+1)
Makes Ideas Come To Life FH Regeneration (75+): 91 (+1)
Kills Traps FH Regeneration (75+): 55 (+0)
Reaches For The Stars FH Regeneration (75+): 73 (+0)
Explosive Personality FH Regeneration (75+): 14 (+0)
Cursed Hands FH Regeneration (75+): 35 (+0)
Hunts In Odd Places FH Regeneration (75+): 64 (+0)
Talks In Rhyme FH Regeneration (75+): 95 (+1)
Prays Constantly FH Regeneration (75+): 77 (+1)
Travels The Dust FH Regeneration (75+): 17 (+0)
Beats Rocks Together FH Regeneration (75+): 100 Critical (+2)
Tortures Dolls FH Regeneration (75+): 77 (+1)
Head Of Stone FH Regeneration (75+): 73 (+0)
Gathers Rocks FH Regeneration (75+): 18 (+0)
Thinks Quickly FH Regeneration (75+): 29 (+0)
Dies By Fire FH Regeneration (75+): 74 (+0)
Lurks In Shadows FH Regeneration (75+): 50 (+0)
Stops And Stares FH Regeneration (75+): 2 (+0)
Dies By Fire's Pincushionery (72+): 64 (Failure)
Experiments' Doll Weaponization (80+): 42 (Failure) +12 (Sorcery 4) = 56 (Failure)
Population Deviation Roll (50+): 72 (Positive)
Population Deviation: 18%

Towns and Villages

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Oasis Hearth: 382 +100%
2/3 are adults (252)
100% are Immune to Poison
20% have Minor (non-story-worthy) Mutations (76), are cut off from Ol' Mags
Species Mutations: Thick Skin (+1 AC) no these don't cut off from Mags
.03% (8) have Story Worthy Mutations (requires SA to "Introduce one") and are cut off from Ol' Mags
Population increases by 70% per year (Base 70% + 12% [Home And Family 4] +/- 20% [random deviation]; 9% die due to old age starting in 990.06 due to desert harshness)
80% of 252 adults (201) are Fit To Fight
90% Warriors: 100 Melee Swarmers, 101 Shield Bashers (Metal Weapons provided by the Rhezkendal)
0% Ranged, but can swap out as needed
15 goblins are the Desert Talon, the best of the village and first line of defense (5 HP)
Desert Talon, Sails, Stops, Reaches, Swift equipped with Weighted Leather
10% are Heavy Warriors (38), answering to Bearing Gifts
1% are trained as Assassins, answering to Swift of Foot (3)
10% Casters (12): 3 Arcane (Level 1), 12 Divine (Level 1)
10 goblins (one caster) are in Warcamp at Dragon's Lair
30 goblins (no casters) are in Sembogu Mine rebuilding relationships (and the mine)
Goblins have 5 HP, an AC of 14 and a +0 to damage on average
Heavy Warrior Goblins have 7 HP and a +2 damage on average
Reaches For The Stars has 13 HP, an AC of 16 and a +2 to damage on average

The Poorly Locked Chest (and other assorted Treasure Chests):

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Inside the chest we have: 3 solid gold anklets (100 gold each), a rabbit's tooth spring-dagger, three pieces of tigereye gem jewelry (600 each), fourteen tigereye gems (40 each), one Diamond (900), Light green Goblin Clan belt, Iron Boots with severed human feet still in them, coal torch, gold throat band (75), coal golem's diamond fists, one amethyst (100), one tiny freshwater pearl (5), one shaped piece of tourmaline (140), 80 tiny zircon figurines (60 each), 480 platinum coins.

In Storage in the Temple:

Multiple varieties of all known mushroom/fungus spores

Several stone containers of Gloach Waste Light, Pelto Nut Toxin, Multihued Gloach Light

Multiple Zhenkanti-sized barrels of Fresh Water

Five boxes of Desert Applefungi

The Aspects and Experience:

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Experience Pot: 80 (Caps at 98; average level is 3, +4 = 7, *14 = 98, increases by 2d3+1 per month)Food And Water: Level 3, 11.25/34 [Tertiary]
Perks: Clean Food
Home and Family: Level 4, 2.25/45 [Tertiary]
Perks: Scent Marks, Animal Traps
Village Defense: Level 2, 9.25/24 [Tertiary]
Perks: Inner Shrine to Ol' Mags
Dungeoneering: Level 3, 22.25/34 [Tertiary]
Perks: Danger Sense
Warfare: Level 4, 12.5/45 [Secondary]
Perks: Minor Sandstorm, Tandem Casting
Tactics: Level 3, 11.25/34 [Tertiary]
Perks: Sorcery I (+25%), Social I (+25%), Home and Family I (+25%)
Technology: Level 5, 52/57 [Primary]
Perks: Sandstone Mold, Sandglass Forge, the R.A.C.E., Interlocking Parts
Personal: Level 5, 18.5/57 [Secondary] {Next level: Fort +1}
Bonuses: AC +2, HP +2, Will +1, Damage +1
Social: Level 3, 33.75/34 [Tertiary] [+.25] {Total: .5}
Perks: Word Wise
Spiritual: Level 5, 37.35/45 [Secondary] [Spell Level 1] [+140%]{Total: 1.4}
Perks: Fast Healing I, Divinity Meditation
Sorcery: Level 4, 42.30/45 [Primary] [Spell Level 1] [+.25][+140%] {Total: 3}
Chaos Lance Spell: Damages Physical Materials, more damage the more targets hit
Perks: Elementalism (Earth), Elementalism (Air)
Mystery: Level 1, 2.5/15 [Tertiary]
No Specialties, Forbidden Schools or Extra Weirdness
Going to drop fractions at the next update so you don't need to spend parts of points...

Current Questplots: 1/3: Oven Mitts and Liquid Gold

The Situation:

The month's somewhat of a quiet one, which is all well and good considering your population just doubled and most of the goblins spend much of their time colonizing the first ravine to make more room for those who have come of age. While Dies By Fire works on increasing the cactus yield so you always have a large supply of Cactus Cloth (slow going but progress is being made), Experiments Too Much studies how to weaponize the dolls (did you mean Soul Dolls, or dolls containing some of the souls of the Razor Sand Orcs, or...?) and that's going at a fair bit. Sails The Horizon returns with a story of salt flats to the east, but the ground is "thin" with a "dead sea" underneath --- the Desert Wind almost fell in when the ground gave way. The lake beneath is completely dead; the salt content is way too high and even a goblin could walk or float on the water if they so desired.

Smells Fishy explores the properties of the Briar Dome, sending squads of goblins to cut trapdoors, skylights and holes so that sunlight can get in. He finds no trace of Briar Skies; the briars seem to have absorbed her as the catalyst of their creation, but these things are -thick- and impervious to outside arrows. Vraxxtharvriss wouldn't have much trouble breaking in, but it -would- slow him down, and the idea is floated that maybe the briars can be animated to leap up and snatch him out of the sky. To add weight to the idea, a scry is done to see what the dragon is up to. It seems he is ignoring you, for the moment, as most of the scry shows him soaring on the hot winds above the ruin. No ogres are seen, and it looks like part of the ruin has been torn into from the outside by the dragon's claws. If the dragon noticed, he made no effort to show it.

A lot of work goes into studying the Briar Dome and much recording of the various fruit types is done in the Sandrat Leather books. Nothing yet that is "conclusive", but once success is reached, you're going to have a new source of unique food. The Trelborok want samples of the Briar Dome's fruits for their own, and offer a new type of metal in exchange. They won't say -where- they got this metal, only that they got it (the metal turns out to be high grade Mithril that is magic-resistant; injuries caused by blades made from this stuff can't be healed by magic). Those in the clan who are knowlegable in mutations and chaos say that this Mithril has been touched by chaos, and may -cause- mutations to its wielder if a blade is made out of this stuff and enchanted somehow.

Meanwhile, the Briar Sap has been observed to harden with the consistancy of very thick pizza dough. It stops Pelto Nuts cold, while bolts and arrows are slowed by the material. When it's completely hardened, it is a lightweight, translucent, light refracting material. It's not bulletproof, but it can be used to strengthen something, as if it were used as a mortar or sculpted into supports and then fired in a Sandglass Forge into something more solid. There's a little bit of research going on about using the Briar Sap as the main component in Teleport Beacons, with the nodes recovered from the Prey Cats as a focus piece and focused out through Chaos Crystals. The research looks promising too; the stabilizing effect of the staff seems to shut down or at least dampen the "chaos" in the chaos crystals. This MIGHT be able to be used to extend its range.

Deeper in the ravines, the sounds of the naga and Yuan-ti are getting louder and it's no longer safe to go in the second ravine. They now know it's goblins that are living closer to the surface, and that seems to be just fine with them. They've posted signs that basically go "Go Away, Keep Out" towards the second half of the second ravine... however they've also found the dig site and know that you've found -something-, though they don't know what. So far they've made no move, but you can feel them breathing down your neck and you caught one or two scrying sensors from them in the first ravine before they disappeared.

Finally, at Sembogu Mine, most of the work this month has been done keeping the Zhrindil off the Klyenti's back while they move into the new tunnels you dug. You uncovered a small vein of what appears to be alexandrite, but the Klyenti lay claim to this as part of the "repartations" because of the Glacier Incident. That doesn't mean they won't share it with you later on, after the Zhrindil have been told to Go Away Or We'll Make You Go Away. Your spies report that some of the Zhrindil families who have put up their tents seem to be of an opinion that they want to break away from the main families, basically "going rogue". This would make politics between the three tribes of Zhenkanti... awkward.


A) Send an exploration party further to the Salt Flat Lake / Dead Sea location (and if so, how many goblins)
B) Scry the naga right back in the second ravine?
C) Study the Briar Sap Teleport Beacon idea?
D) Warn the Rhezkendal and Trelborok of potential Zhrindil treachery?
E) Begin training what casters you can in the arts of the Relmish Pictomancer?
F) Trade the Briar Fruit varieties to the Trelborok for the High Grade Mithril?
G) Start Harvesting Skrugling Venom?

Oven Mitts and Liquid Gold

A) Focus on working the Glacier?
B) Focus on being social and improving relations with the Klyenti?
C) Focus on digging new shafts looking for ore?
D) Ask for a break in the action so that the goblins can rest for a while?

Finally, I'm marking Nikohl as the third member of the All Spiral team (though not doing anything serious about it until .03 of the next year incoming), though I want to do a "one on one" group with the three of them in an AIM chat, a Skype chat or an IRC chat. I'll work out the details later.

Statistics: Posted by Aegis J Hyena — Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:15 pm

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