
Now, onto the voting for the Civilization's Races.

Here's the list of available races, along with their Pros and Cons. Each vote for a race brings 70 members of that race to the civilization. When you do your vote, also list how you want the 70 members of that race to be divided up, and I will add everything together. You can make up your own job titles/classes and I will fit them in, so if one person votes goblins and has it divided between 35 healers and 35 arcane casters, another can vote goblins and say 35 warriors, 10 "orb slingers" and 25 "stone slammers", for example, and I'll make something up based on the job title you give. Breeding rate is listed as a percentage; to make it easier on me I will be averaging the total of the breeding rates and then adding a bonus of some kind based on common sense (rats get a higher bonus, goblins get some decent bonus, magical beasts get lesser bonuses) The top five votes for race will be in the starting civilization.

Player characters will (to start) be restricted to the top five races voted for once the composition of the tribe is set up. Once other intelligent civilizations are met, races from those civilizations can be taken, or if wandering adventurers are met, their races will become available. Pros and cons will be averaged (so in the case of three races being voted on with social difficulties of +20%, +20% and +50% then the total difficulty would be +30%). Some things that are alien to other races (such as the Formicids' unique various skills) will remain with their race only rather than potentially spreading to the rest of the races but you won't know which skills would filter down to the entire civilization. If the various Food Tweaks are taken, they will rule over natural tendencies (so Ponies, who are naturally Herbivores, will be Carnivores instead if that Tweak is taken). The top 3 get their Racial Power added to the Civilization, with the fourth remaining one becoming unlockable after 7 game years and the fifth becoming "lost knowledge" (may or may not be unlockable depending on story)

Every Winter's Meet, I'll take the current population, modify the percentage somewhat by current events, add bonuses from Home And Family, and then apply the new modified result.

Player cap is 20. Anyone who votes 5 times will be eligible for a character (and be considered a "Player"); after 20 characters the rest will go on a wait list (but remain active Voters for purposes of generating Heralds). If people die or go inactive, the wait list gets priority (d100 roll, high roll gets open slots). I am extending an invitation to various 4Chan boards and a couple webcomic boards to try to pull in a large group of players, as while /b/ is a pisshole, people CAN be civil elsewhere (failing that, I'll just sic Moose on them). While those who are "slow" or arrive later won't get a character to start per se, anyone who votes at least once will remain eligible to be Heralds (so those on the wait list get a shot at acting). I expect I'll have a massive list of players by the time this is all over, but we'll see.

As a general rule:

HUMANOIDS are uncomfortable around Lawful Races, neutral toward the Animals and Outcasts, and afraid of Big Guys.
ANIMALS are uncomfortable around Lawful Races and Big Guys, are neutral to Humanoids, are afraid of Humans, and dislike Outcasts.
LAWFUL RACES are uncomfortable around Humanoids, will attempt to enslave Animals, and openly dislike outcasts and Big Guys (but not enough for open fighting at the start). If there are two or more non Pony Lawful Races, they will attempt to tag-team any Humanoids into subservience before the Civilization story opens.
BIG GUYS don't like each other, are neutral to Animals, and especially dislike Outcasts (open fighting at the start is possible before the Civilization story opens). They will bully Humanoids but not directly harm them. They are (usually) neutral to Lawful Races. Two or more Big Guys is dangerous; three or more is asking for trouble.
OUTCASTS are uncomfortable around Lawful Races, are neutral toward Animals and Humanoids, and are afraid of Big Guys. If there are two or more Outcasts, they will bully around but not directly harm Lawful Races before the Civilization story opens.
Skaven hate everyone and are hated equally in return.
Maeterra are neutral to everyone except Skaven; they hate them just as much as everyone else does.
The Simple Celled are neutral to everyone, including Skaven, who don't know what to make of them and thus avoid them like the (heh) plague.

The following combinations are currently in a state of open war. Pairing these races together is simply asking for trouble or risking destruction from within right away.

Humans and Animals. Humans, as usual, are afraid of what they can't understand. They're currently in a war of extermination and won't accept the fact that they may be wrong. Animal races on the other hand are just trying to stay out of their way.
Drow and Elves. Naturally, this war will never end. The Drow have just suffered a major magical setback while the Elves have weathered spider-poisoned water supplies for the LAST time.
Dwarves and Goblins/Kobolds. Another never-ending war. So far, the Kobolds are winning through sheer numbers, but the Goblins are gaining fast as the Dwarves turtle up for their next push into Kobold territory.
Centaurs and Wemics. They'll never get along, will they? The Wemics are outlasting them in physical combat but don't do well in forests against Centaur bowsmanship. This is probably the "most neutral" of the wars in that they can (probably) be convinced to lower their weapons given a good enough reason.
Maeterra and Skaven. The giant raccoons actively hunt the Skaven, which they consider delicacies. Naturally, the Skaven (who are outnumbering them 8 to 1) want them dead for the same reason they want everything else dead.
Garou and Orcs/Skaven/Drow. The Garou have a bone to pick with the orcs' "incompatable" shamanistry, while the others want the heads of the Garou as trophies of spiritual conquest. The Garou have the upper hand except vs the Orcs, where it's even.

If Sentient Animal has been voted on for one of the tweaks, you still vote for race here and the animals will take on the traits of the top five races. If the Civilization is made up of mostly Animals AND Sentient Animal has been chosen, it just means the Civilization will be far more... primal-instinct.

You get -one- vote for race. The top five enter the Civilization; the losing votes will be divided up equally (as untrained journeymen) among the five that make it with any remainder going to the one with the most votes. Halfbreeds will be treated as a single vote rather than 2 votes for their two parent species.

THE HUMANOIDS: Because humans are so mindnumbingly dull.







Lizard Men

Goblins :
Goblins are 3' tall energetic humanoids that tend to be light and springy on their feet, and come in a variable billion colors. They breed every year at a rate of 105%, their kids take 2 years to mature and their alignment starts as Neutral.

Goblins are known to employ Wolfrider Elites (10% of the goblin population; other races will have 3% riders) and are notorious for using the Group Swarm, which breaks morale to hostiles in combat (especially if they have a readied action and elevation bonus). While they typically live in communal "filth" (but that's just your opinion, man) such living conditions have given them a Biological Resistance, giving them a +3 to Saving Throws vs poison and disease, including magical variations and manufactured ones. They are also religious with a bit of Spiritual Affinity (Difficulty drops by 10% on Spiritual-related Actions).

Unfortunately, Goblins are also Socially Frowned On (Social Difficulties increase by 30%) and due to their small size they can only use "small" (low damage) gear. They are also Fragile, taking an additional Wound of damage on any hit, and their Low Wisdom means that research advances at half the normal rate.

Goblins' Racial Power is Maglubiyet's Blessing: All Actions have a +5 bonus. At Midsummer, all player Actions have a +30 bonus; at Winter's Meet, +40 bonus.

Kobolds :
Kobolds are 2' tall doglike creatures with a touch of dragon in them and usually rely on sheer numbers and stealth to win. They breed every year at a rate of 95%. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral Evil.

Kobolds are masters of Crossbowmanship (+8 to all rolls using Crossbows) and are known widely for their Sorcery Affinity which drops the difficulty of Sorcery rolls by 10%. They have an Eye for Shinies which gives them +10 to all Dungeoneering rolls and they are Very Very Quick , always getting first strike in any combat as well as a +3 to Reflex Saves and dodging Actions.

Unfortunately, they are Very Fragile, taking 2 additional wounds of damage from any hit. They have a Low Wisdom which raises the difficulty of all Spiritual actions by 20%. Due to their small size, they can only use "small" (low damage) gear, and they are Highly Distrusted --- perhaps moreso than goblins. Because of this, social rolls roll twice and use the worse result.

Koboldian Racial Power is that of Dragonvision: All members of the Civilization will be able to detect stealth far easier and have a 60% to naturally Detect (but not See) Invisibility.

Orcs :
Orcs aren't ugly, they're just drawn that way! They stand about six and a half feet tall, with upturned noses and a lower jaw full of upwards-pointing tusks. Bruteforce bashers, they aren't too keen on the arts of magic. Orcs breed every 2 years at a rate of 55%. Kids take 3 years to mature and 15% will not survive their coming of age. Their alignment starts as Neutral Evil.

Orcs are Big And Strong, taking 1 less wound of damage 50% of the time. They are also Divinely Stable giving them a +10 bonus to Spiritual Actions), and their Skill At War combined with Nerves of Steel gives them a +6 to all battle-related actions and an immunity to fear and morale breaking effects.

Unfortunately, they are Weak against Mind-Affecting Spells, Necromancy and Enchantments and always put Tribe Before Outsider, which means that Social Difficulty increases by 20% vs other Orcs and 30% for all others. While they may be strong as a boulder, they're also as Dumb As A Rock (Difficulty for Sorcery/Technology increases by 20%) and are a bit Socially Inept due to the tribal structure. so Social results are 20% worse than normal.

Orcish Racial Power is the Barbarian Chant. The Civilization has access to a chant that increases physical, magical and elemental resistances by 25% for two hours.

Grippli :
Grippli are small (about 2-3 feet tall) anthro frogs. I must admit, I didn't expect them to go as far as they did in the last civilization. Anyway, Grippli breed every 2 years at a rate of 55% and their kids take 3 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral Good. They are egg-layers and require special spawning pools for their children, which they will NOT begin with (Tweaks depending...)

Grippli have a thick, knobby hide, which gives them a bit of Natural Armor while their "elite" caste (about 15% of the frog population) has Toxic Skin that deals 3 wounds on touch, and one on spit with a time delay of another one an hour later. They are Socially Skilled, allowing Social rolls to roll twice and use the better result, and due to their connection with deities of nature they can Smite Evil three times per day by delivering a fierce tongue-lashing.

Unfortunately, they also have a Necrotic Weakness which gives them a weakness to Poison, Demons, Devils, Undead, and Necromancy in general. Their belief system also places an Aversion to Metal; using Metal is usually taboo and using metal in Actions does not generate Mastery or Action Points. They are Spiritually Open giving them a weakness to omens, celestial events, divine smites and dreams/nightmares, and since they are Cold Blooded they suffer in extreme tempratures.

Grippli racial power is that of Dragoonery. Members of the Civilization will be able to leap straight upwards of 30 feet[/color][/b] (less if wearing armor but never less than 10 feet) and can "Jump" in a stomping attack.

Wemics :
Lion-esque counterparts to the centaurs, they're built for open plains and savannah but can survive just about anywhere else too with those big, wide paws of theirs. Strong tribal magic makes them a force to be reckoned with. Wemics breed every year at a rate of 50%. Kids take 4 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Chaotic Good.

Wemics have the ability to Step Sideways, allowing them to journey to the Spirit World and back quite easily. Such skill also gives them skill with Shamanistry giving them the ability to interpret omens, ward off smites, and speak with spirits/ghosts accurately. They're Really Damn Lucky (-2 DC and +3 to all Saving Throws), and their Great Endurance gives them +2 wounds and the ability to move at 133% normal speed over tough terrain.

Unfortunately, they put Tribe Before Outsider (Social Difficulty increases by 10% vs other wemics and 20% for all others) and their Fast Metabolism means they require 30% more food sources than normal. They are fiercely Anti-Sorcery causing Sorcery rolls to suffer a -12 penalty and a 30% increase in difficulty, while they're constantly involved in Tribal Warfare with themselves and others; tribal Civilizations nearby will be neutrally negative if not openly hostile to begin with.

Wemic Racial Power is the Needs of The Many. The Civilization's members can reroll their Finest Hour if it fails and can spend an additional 10 AP to reroll failed Actions (done at SA use, so if you don't need to reroll it, the 10 AP is wasted). Critical failure is still a critical failure.

Gnolls :
Gnolls are 5 to 6 feet tall anthro hyenas. They're about as "tribal" as one can get in the sense of the word. Gnolls breed every year at a rate of 50%. Kids take 3 years to mature and they will kill their weakest (10%). Their alignment starts as Neutral Evil. Of -course- I was going to have my personal species added to the mix...

Gnolls are Greatly Skilled in War, with a +12 to all battle-related Actions and an additional 3 AP/MP generated when in combat. Their elites are Hyena Riders and 5% of total gnoll population will own a hyena (1% and the chief a Sabre-Toothed Dire Hyena). Gnolls are Resistant to Torture which means they will not break/divulge secrets, and they are the runners of the savannah; their Extreme Endurance allows them to travel three times as long as normal before needing resupply, with solo scouts able to move 200% normal speed over rough terrain.

Unfortunately, Gnolls are also Opportunistic so percieved advantages will automatically be acted on, even if they're obvious traps. Their active lifestyle gives them a Fast Metabolism which requires 30% more food sources than normal, and due to being "extreme tribals", they are also Socially Inept (Social results are 20% worse than normal). Finally their deity is a Vengeful Deity and will likely simply eat those who don't constantly succeed.

The Gnoll Racial Power is naturally The Last Laugh. The Civilization gains access to a mind-affecting enchantment that causes fear and unnerves opponents.

Lizard Men :
6-foot or so tall lizardpeople (ruled by the Kroxigors, defended by the Sauri, and attended to by the Skinks) traditionally considered humanoids, so I decided not to make them Big Guys or Animals. They can gain a lot of power through sacrifice and death to their enemies. Lizard Men breed every 3 years at a rate of 35%, and are egg-layers. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral.

Lizard Men are naturally Venomous (By blood or fangs, players' choice) and begin with Amazon Slaves equal to 1/3 of the Lizard Man population. Their Divine Power gives them extra power through Sacrifices of important enemies and their resolve allows them to Stand Firm becoming immune to hostile movement-based effects, such as Hold Person, as well as knockback.

Unfortunately, Lizard Men suffer from Wyrm Weakness making them weak vs things that affect Dragons, such as dragon slaying. They are Cold Blooded which makes them weak against extremes of both heat and cold, and on top of that they have a Fast Metabolism which requires 30% more food sources than normal. Finally they have a Magical and Technological Ineptitude which gives them a -30 penalty to Sorcery and Technology-related rolls.

Lizard Man Racial Power is Dragonskin. The Civilization is unaffected by anything less than Masterwork gear and this resistance grows stronger over time.

THE LAWFUL RACES: They're the good guys, right? Uh... not exactly...






Humans :
The Humans are... annoyingly mundane to say the least, but they're here if you want them. Humans breed every year at a rate of 75%. Kids take 5 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Lawful Neutral.

Humans are Experienced, giving them a bonus of 5 to all rolls and +2 AP / +1 MP any time it is generated. They are Socially Intelligent which gives them a +12 to Social Actions, they are Resilient (+2 to all saves) and their skill in Bardic Knowledge gives them a 20% chance to identify unknown magic immediately.

Unfortunately, Humans are also Prideful (Social difficulty increases by 10%), they are Greedy (big treasures heard about -must- be sought out), they are Superstitious giving them a weakness to spirits (both the liquid and the supernatural kind), and they are Easily Corruptedas Necromancy has double its normal effect.

Humans' Racial Power is the Diplomatic Do-Over. The Civilization can reroll critical fails during Diplomancy, and even then, critical failures are only treated as regular failures.

Elves :
Pointed ears. Thin physiques. Magical and swordery skill. What more do you want? Elves stand about 5 feet tall and breed every 5 years at a rate of 35%. Kids take 6 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Lawful Neutral.

Elves are known far and wide for their Magical Skill and their Sorcery/Spiritual difficulty is reduced by 20%. They have near equal skill in Swordsmanship, as their Melee Difficulty reduced by 30%. They have the gift of Beast Speech (naturally Speak With Animals) and are natural Ley Line Conduits allowing them to recharge magic faster and learn more magic when researching.

Unfortunately, Elves suffer from Supernatural Attraction and attract things like spirits, werewolves, and magical beasts. They are Somewhat Frail (-2 Wounds on the wound list, -2 to Fortitude saves), they are a bit Arrogant, as their Social difficulty increases by 20%, then increases by 9 vs non-friends and 4 for friends/allies... and finally they suffer from a bit of Magical Corruption; critical failures on magic rolls open dark paths to power that are very hard to resist.

Elven Racial Power is Magic Resistance. The Civilization has 30% Magic Resistance to area effects, and 10% Magic Resistance on individuals.

Dwarves :
No Dwarf Tossing. No beard shaving, either. Highly creative, just not very good in magical skills. Dwarves stand about 4 feet tall and breed every 5 years at a rate of 75%. Kids take 4 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Lawful Good.

Dwarven constitution is known throughout the world and they are Extremely Robust, giving them +3 wounds and a 20% chance to not to be injured any time a wound is called for. They have Steampunk Mastery, beginning with knowledge of explodey things and the potential for actual guns, sentries and other weapons of war. They are also Hallowed giving them bonuses vs demons, undead, necromancy, and anything with an "Evil" tag, and finally they are Technologically Talented, with Technology difficulty reduced by 40%.

Unfortunately Dwarves are Not So Magical, as Sorcery difficulty increases by 40% and they learn spells at half the normal rate. They are Sheltered (Social Difficulty to "first contact" rolls vs non-dwarves increase by 30%, 10% to all other Social rolls), they are Greedy (big treasures heard about -must- be sought out), and finally they are well known to be Alcoholic --- Want to stop a dwarven war machine cold? Destroy their beer supply!

Dwarven Racial Power is the Heart of Mithril. The Civilization gets a +4 to all Saving Throws, and 50% resistance to Poison and necromantic/infernal effects.

Centaurs :
You just knew women would be attracted to horses eventually, and this is the result. Masters of the bow and good warriors to boot. They're about 7 feet tall at the shoulder and breed every 3 years at a rate of 55%. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Lawful Neutral.

Centaurs start with a Domestication Bonus giving them a +10 to taming animals and natural creatures. They begin with Supernatural Allies (such as Fey, Satyrs, Dryads, Spirits, etc). Their Bowsmanship is legendary; Actions involving bows have a +15 bonus and difficulty drops by 10%. Finally they can bring Regrowth to an area, bringing life to dead lands and giving a bonus to farming, though corrupted land cannot be regrown.

Unfortunately, Centaurs are Extremely Haughty; Social difficulty increases by 30%, then increases again by 15% vs other centaurs, 20% for all non-wemics, and 30% for Wemics. They, like the Dwarves, are Alcoholic, just replace "beer supply" with "wineries and grape farms." They suffer from a Weakness to Necromancy (-4 to Saving Throws) and are Moderately Xenophobic as "First Contact" rolls will never be better than Neutral and Social increases at half normal rate.

Centaur Racial Power is the Deadshot. Ranged attacks have a +20% damage modifier and are treated as +1 magic weapons for purposes of targeting those with resistances.

Ponies :
My Little Pony, My Little Pony, oh my gods go die... #Brony Ponies are about half as big as Centaurs and breed every 2 years at a rate of 65%. Kids take 3 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Lawful Good. "Cutie Marks" have a chance to develop after the first level gained, gaining a +30 to all rolls regarding a particular purpose (which could be potentially useless, as it is rolled at random from a random "job" generator). You get no control over what your butt symbol is.

Ponies are Mystery Solvent (Something Interesting happens on a 60+ and a Mysterious Event on 70+) and very Mutation Resistant (Warpstone has no effect on Ponies and the Civilization will be at least 20% resistant as a whole). They have the ability to Weather Control; this allows them to control local weather with 30% accuracy within 500 yards (this scales by 2%/requires 15 Pegasi per Sorcery/Technology level). They are also very Skilled Healers and can regenerate 2 wounds per month instead of 1, with a 25% to regenerate 3 instead of 1, and a 5% to regenerate all instead of 1.

Unfortunately, Ponies suffer from a bit of Wild Magic since magic or Sorcery rolls that fail have a 20% to change to a random effect. Their Lack of Hands means they cannot wield/swing melee weapons effectively, their Soul Purity means they are too pure to be raised from the dead in any way and may attract powerful Infernal creatures, and they tend to attract Greater Magical Enemies such as large/giant magical monsters.

Pony Racial Power is the Celestial Eclipse. Once per game year the Civilization can call on a solar eclipse, allowing for special effects that would normally happen at such times (exotic spells, omens, research, summoning, etc).

THE OUTCASTS: Bugs, blobs, spider-elves and rats, oh my!




The Simple Celled

Half Breeds

Formicids :
Some'd call 'em Thri-Kreen, others call them big ugly man-sized cockroaches. I call 'em Formicids. They stand about six feet tall and breed every year at a rate of 95%. They begin with the Hivemind Tweak. Kids take 1 year to mature but require an exotic mix of compounds known simply as "Royal Jelly" (placeholder name, will be renamed on Civ startup). Their alignment starts as Neutral.

Formicids have Immense Strength and can carry eight times their own weight. They possess a Poison Acid Spitthat deals 4 wounds, regenerates after 24 hours, and dissolves sedimentary stone quickly. They are Earthen Specialists (Anything involving earth-working rolls twice; use the better result) and having Four Arms means they can wield two 2H weapons, or multiple shields/weapons.

Formicids have No Religion; the concept is completely foreign to them, and they cannot worship deities; Spiritual provides no perks or gifts or bonuses at all. They are a Magical Null, being unable to wield Arcane or Divine Magic, period. Bug nervous systems are simple, making them extremely weak versus Natural Poison, Fire, and Necromancy (the Saving throw always fails on all of these), and finally they Can't Move, being immune to Movement-changing spells, including Hold Person, Hold Monster, Haste, Teleport, Blink, Paralysis... but NOT Petrification.

Formicid Racial Power is Alien Thought. The Civilization will be immune to mind-affecting spells and effects.

Skaven :


The Rats breed every year at a rate of 125%. Kids take 1 year to mature and they will kill their weakest (20%). Their alignment starts as Chaotic Evil.

The Rats are Sneaky Bastards and know where to hit to deal +1 wound of damage on any hit. Their living conditions have given them an Immunity to Natural Diseases (although Mummy Rot, etc., still hits), their starting population is doubled (140 instead of 70 per vote) and they start off with access to a Warpstone Mine to start giving them a big source of power... and potentially the mutations that come with it.

Unfortunately, the Rodents also have an Extremely Fast Metabolism which requires 80% more food, and some 15%-20% or so rats will drop dead after a battle due to exertion. Their Animosity (a -50 penalty to Social rolls with non-rats, -30 to rats, and social difficulty increases by 40%) effectively means they do not have, nor ever will have friends, and they are both Politically Unstable and Universally Despised. There will always be faction infighting and almost all other races will attack on sight, including other rats.

Rats have the Racial Power of The Horned Rat's Horror. The Civilization will be able to Cause Fear in enemies, rooting them to the spot via a foul appearance or disturbing presence.

Drow :
Thin as a rail and frail in the HP department, but powerful in the magic department to compensate. Drow breed every 2 years at a rate of 45%. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral Evil.

Drow rival the Elves in Supreme Magical Skill (+25 bonus and -30% difficulty to Sorcery and Spiritual), their skill at Swordsmanship is no less matched by the elves (+10 bonus to combat Actions and dfficulty reduced by 10%), they have an Alchemy Expertise giving them a +15 to any and all rolls concerning it, and their Spider Affinity means that 10% of the entire starting population will own trainable Giant Spiders as pets.

Unfortunately, Drow suffer from Lloth's Vengance; She demands constant sacrifices of intelligent beings and is vengeful to Her own race. Any Civilization that has Drow in them will be Spidertouched (5% of the ENTIRE starting population will be Driders, not just the Drow, leading to social problems!), they cannot tolerate sunlight (as sunlight burns drow badly, though not vampire-badly) and their equipment suffers the same sort of Equipment Failure (Equipment and gear will rot immediately if exposed to daylight).

Drow Racial Power is Poison Immunity. All members of the Civilization will be immune to natural poisons and be 50% resistant to manufactured ones.

The Simple Celled :
If you read certain comics, cross Schlock (Schlock Mercenary) with Fred (of GPF) and this is the result. If you don't read comics, imagine dwarf-sized blobs of translucent opalescent slime that can change color and pattern, have human intelligence, and have a Hivemind Tweak. The Simple Celled "divide" every two years at a rate of 100%. There are no "kids" as such. Their alignment starts as Neutral.

The Simple Celled are Physically Resistant; they take only 1/5 normal damage from physical weaponry. They are fast-growing in their bacteria pools and are Amazingly Resilient (Regenerate 5 wounds a month), they have an Immunity to Acid and can cause Chemical Control to convert water to acid and back again if immersed in it.

Unfortunately their strength against physical things shows in a weakness to all things magical; they are weak to Fire, Lightning, Cold (triple damage) and magic in general (-5 to Saving Throws). Like the Formicids, they have No Religion and are a Magical Null being unable to get bonuses from Spiritual nor can they cast spells, period. A lack of feet or appendages (though they can create pseudopods to hold items) means they are Slow to Move and Act; they move 50% slower than other creatures, and SAs/FHs take 60% longer to complete.

The Racial Power of the Simple Celled is that of Evolution. Once per game year the Civilization has a 15% chance to evolve one of the Personal (body) Tweaks at random, like horns or a prehensile tail. This chance increases in proportion to the Civilization's overall tension and stress levels and in response to outside stimuli.

Half Breeds :
Halfbreeds get their pros and cons randomly rolled from their two parent races (4 of each), and start with double the normal population (35 Race A, 35 Race B, 70 Half Breed). Garou, Skaven, Formicids, Centaurs, Wemics, Simple Celled, Ponies and any Animals cannot be Half-Bred.

Their Racial Power is simply the Best of Both Worlds. The Civilization's Pros are increased by 10% and their Cons are reduced in penalty by 30%.

THE ANIMALS: I made up two races because I like raccoons and wanted to have something -really- unusual, and the other two are silly little additions.

The Maeterra




The Maeterra :
Giant sentient raccoons about as big as a bear, with the warrior-build to match, the Maeterra breed every 2 years at a rate of 35%. Kids take 3 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral Good.

The Maeterra have the Paws of a Craftsman (+10 to all rolls involving construction of any kind) and are rather Healthy (+2 wounds); they are skilled with Sword and Board tactics giving them a -10% difficulty to Warfare rolls when using Sword and Shield and they're damn Smart, allowing research difficulties to drop by 15.

Unfortunately, they are also Anti-Technology (-25 to all Technology rolls), they can be Hoarders which means there may be faction infighting over rare/valuable treasures, they are Very Magic Poor (One caster per 250 members) and are Actively to Exclusively Hunted as Maeterra meat is incredibly nutritious and pelts are used for magic cloaks.

Maeterra Racial Power is Masterwork Trade. The quality of the Civilization's goods is on par with Dwarves, or better if Dwarves are available to help.

Mimigas :
Ok, so I'm a fan of Cave Story. It's only just recently that I actually thought up how they'd translate to a Civilization. The sentient rabbits are about three feet tall and breed every year at a rate of 95%. Kids take 3 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral Good.

Mimigas, being rabbit-dog-things, Mate Like... Well, Yeah and are unaffected by population-damaging effects. They are Friendly to the outside world (Social Difficulty drops by 15%), they are Expert Cultivators with their farms having twice the normal yield, and they are Ranged Specialists giving a -3 to enemy AC and +3 to own AC when using or dealing with ranged attacks.

Unfortunately, the Mimigas have a Psychological Weakness to the color red; the more red seen, the greater the penalty. They are Cowards vs Magic (Sorcery Difficulty increases by 25% and Spiritual by 15%); they are Somewhat Frail (-2 Wounds on the wound list, -2 to Fortitude saves) and have a Weakness to Mind Affecting effects (most notably Berserk) and transmutation (automatically fails the save)

Mimiga Racial Power is Crystology. Knowledge of gems and jewels, as well as magic regarding the same, will be far easier to research, cast and come by.

Skyborne :
A humanlike Avian species of meat-eatingchocobos parrots. Inspiration taken from Starbound's Avian race; these aren't the Kenku. Skyborne breed every 2 years at a rate of 50%. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral. They are egg-layers.

Skyborne are armed with a natural Armor Piercing Beak and have Spear Mastery (+6 to hit and damage). Their Wingsgive them a mediocre flight speed (nothing spectacular), and they also have a natural avian rapport with any Birds of a Feather (start with Gryphon, Hippogryph, Owlbear allies/mounts).

Unfortunately the Skyborne Cannot wield Earth Magic (and have very poor control over water magic). Due to their brittle and light bone structure for their wings they are also Very Frail (Take 3 extra wounds on a hit). They have a Dislike of Groundwalkers (Social penalty of -10 except for those who live in mountains) and they have a Fast Metabolismrequiring 20% more food.

Skyborne Racial Power is a Storm Cleansing. The Civilization can call down a hurricane once per game year to destroy their enemies.

Chelydrians :
How's this? Dwarf-sized Anthropomorphic Turtles, because I couldn't think of anything else besides elephants and we already have ogres Don't call them Koopas, they're not. They breed every 3 years at a rate of 25% and are egg-layers. Kids take 3 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral.

The Chelydrians are Superbly Healthy (+4 wounds) and due to their incredible memory and insight from livng forever are Expert Casters (being treated as one level higher for maximum level/number of spells available). They possess a Shielded Shell that turns aside arrows and bolts (Damage Reduction 3), and has a 15% to absorb Magic Missiles and other ranged touches. While they don't have ninja skills they do know where to strike for the greater damage (Improved Critical), allowing them to score critical successes on Warfare actions on 90+ instead of 95+.

Unfortunately the Turtles are Cold Blooded, suffering in extremes of heat and cold. They are Delicacies to the Lawful Races so they are likely to be intently hunted. They are Stubborn to New Ideas (Aspects advance at 1/3 speed) and are Somewhat Cursed (Critical Failures are 50% more potent and Hazards have a 50% to be hostile despite doubles or triples).

Chelydrian Racial Power is Divination. The Civilization will see base difficulties of rolls in writeup choices and 1 outcome will be predetermined.

THE BIG GUYS: Built for power and bashing over magic and sorcery... big on the physical, small on the... well, everything else.





Garou :
Spiritual werewolves with an emphesis on nature and pack, to defile mother nature or said pack are the greatest crimes. Garou breed every 7 years, at a rate of 25%. Kids take 8 years to mature, and births are a very noteworthy event. Their alignment starts as Lawful Neutral. Total population of Garou will be PCs plus their packs instead of 70 per vote. If more than five Garou characters are playing, they will be lumped together instead as a single pack.

PCs each lead a pack of 5 Garou; this pack always contains one trickster, one mage, one bard, one priest, one warrior and the PC picks which role of these five to fill. The Garou have a Totemic Strength; the tribe gets powers from a particular animal, dependant on animal, chosen by player vote later. PCs begin with a Klaive which is a powerful magic silver dagger bound to them by ritual, and they also have Gaia's Aura which allows them to regenerate 2 wounds a month, gives an immunity to Transmutation and Polymorph, and is very resistant to Necromancy.

Unfortunately, the Garou have a Weakness to Silver and Arcane Magic (like you're surprised) which makes them suffer 2 additional wounds against it. Silver damage heals at 1 per 4 months, and they have a +3 DC vs hostile spells. Garou have a habit to enter a Frenzy which makes them Berserk until they or target is dead, then they move on to new target until all enemies are dead. They suffer from The Black Spiral making them easily corrupted, especially if they spend too much time in non-natural surroundings, and always put Pack Before Outsider (Social Difficulty increases by 30% vs other creatures and 10% for other Garou).

The Garou have the Racial Power of Supernatural Endurance. The Civilization will be able to take twice as much damage (from mortal creatures) on the Wound scale.

Minotaurs :

Minotaurs are the classical 10-foot tall bullmen everyone knows. Horned, hugely muscled, but terrible in the arts of magic. Minos breed every 3 years at a rate of 65%. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral.

Minotaurs are Very Big And Very Strong (Takes 1 less wound of damage, 2 wounds less 25% of the time) and Extremely Robust (+5 wounds on the wound scale, +3 to all Saving Throws). They are natural Juggernauts and can't be stopped once in motion (without high level or strong magic) and their Healthy Population means they are 90% resistant to disease, sickness, poison, and necromancy.

Unfortunately they are a bit of a Wild Animal, entering a Berserk Rage in battle, with a 50% to ignore commands from non-minotaur commanders and a 25% to ignore all commands outright. They are Very Magic Poor (One caster per 250 members), their Horns are valuable in Lawful Race magic (You may be hunted) and they are Very Stubborn to New Ideas (Aspects advance at 1/4 speed)

Minotaur racial power is of Resilience. The Civilization will be immune to Critical Hits.

Ogres :
Giant neanderthals that stand about 8 feet tall, the Ogres are strong, but even the minotaurs are smarter than they are. Ogres breed every 3 years at a rate of 55%. Kids take 4 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Neutral Evil.

Ogres are Big And Strong (Takes 1 less wound of damage 75% of the time), are Spiritually Stable (Divine/Shaman magic is 50% harder to dispel), are very much Tied To The Earth (+15 bonus to Earth magic Actions and difficulty decreased by 20%) and get a Domestication Bonus (+10 bonus to domesticate big/difficult creatures/magical beasts).

Unfortunately they are also Boneheaded (10%/5% to forget SA/FH if used; Trance increases at 1/2 speed), they're Dumb As A Rock (Difficulty for Sorcery/Technology increases by 20%), they're Magic Poor (One caster per 100 members) and Stubborn to New Ideas (Aspects advance at 1/3 speed).

Ogres' Racial Power is a mighty Divine Intervention. The chief deity directly intercedes at a cost based on the Action (determined after Action goes off) once per year. Repeated callings may result in retribution.

Trolls :
Trolls are seven-foot tall rubber-skinned atrocities built to rip and tear anything they meet into shreds. Trolls breed every 4 years at a rate of 45%. Kids take 2 years to mature. Their alignment starts as Chaotic Evil.

Trolls are well known for being Too Dumb To Die; anything greater than Badly Hurt has a 35% to completely regenerate to Uninjured at the cost of Trance. They have Supernatural Claws (which are treated as +2 magic weapons), they do not suffer "Potential Permanent Damage" (both wounds are treated as Badly Hurt) and they're known for their Regeneration (3 wounds per month instead of just 1)

Unfortunately, Trolls are also Really Stupid (20%/10% to forget SA/FH if used and Trance always only increases by 1/3 normal), Always Hungry (Requires 200% more food), Very Magic Poor (One caster per 250 members) and have a Weakness to Fire/Acid/Holy Magic which means they take double damage, they cannot regenerate, and injuries slow to 1 wound healed per 3 months

Trolls' Regeneration filters down to their Racial Power, giving everyone else in the Civilization Minor Regeneration. All Non-Troll members of the Civilization will regenerate +1 wound per month.

ENTRIES OPEN. I am NOT going to pay ANY attention to this thread whatsoever until the seven days lapse, so I'll leave it up to you to fight and argue it out. I'll be going down the pages myself to tally votes, so you don't need to keep a running track unless you absolutely want to.

ENTRIES CLOSE seven days hence, to give people time to come in and read and post their own ideas. After Entries Close, I'll open entries for the "extra tweaks" you guys end up earning from the first round of voting. After that we'll kick it off with six game months of a pre-show, and then... the adventure.. This'll give me time as well to defuse drama that builds up (or possibly move again, in which case I'll push it back a bit further. Just remember I'm on unstable footing living-wise.


Statistics: Posted by Aegis J Hyena — Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:26 pm

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