
Hello Tara

Thanks very much for your suggestions.

We may consider a 'copy/paste format' feature for certain goal
properties such as color, marking, Responsibility, Tags,
user-defined Notes tabs, etc.

Goal name font size is essentially variable. It self-adjusts
according to: the length of the goal name itself (character count);
the size of the goal slice; and the chosen View (Focus and number
of levels showing). It also changes to suit the screen size (and
resolution) and the chosen size of the application window within
the screen. So manual re-sizing (using the right-click context menu
or Goal Edit drop-down menu options or hotkey shortcuts) always
refers to relative changes ("Increase" or "Decrease" font
size) rather than to specific font sizes.

We have published an
online Survey where you can comment on some proposed new
features and add your own suggestions. We always listen to our
customers and the opinions in the Survey (and posted on this forum)
directly influence our development priorities and scheduling.

Enjoy the journey!


PS Incidentally your message here went into our spam filter –
hence the delay in responding. You can avoid this happening in
future by creating an account on this forum – just click
the 'Create a Profile' link at the top of every page. When you
complete your Goalscape Forum registration and log in, you will be
able to see a list of all your discussions (as well as being able
to access all the public ones posted by others) – and your
messages will never be misidentified as spam.

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