In Ancient Greece and Greco-Egypt, the God Pan had signified “all things.” The meaning of the name of Pan in an old word denoting to close or join together. Pan is the universal agent known as phosphorus that gives light and life to the world. Like phosphorus does here on earth, the God Pan was often considered as the great principle of vegetable and animal life. The ancient city of Pan was known as Panopolis.
Pan is also known as the Goat of Mendes and can be found today in the form of the goat horned God made famous by the Knights Templars, Baphomet. 33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Pike had written in Morals and Dogma, “The Gnostics held that it [universal agent] composed the igneous [pertaining to fire] body of the Holy Spirit, and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes.” (1) This is confirmed by the Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, Proclus who describes Jupiter, in one of the Orphic Hymns, to be both male and female, (hermaphrodite).
The image used in modern times of Baphomet (Pan) was created by French Occultist, Eliphas Levi who had written in “The mysteries of magic;”
The Baphomet of the Templars, whose names should be spelt kabbalistically backward, is composed of three abbreviations—TEM OHP AB, Temple omnium hominum pads abbas, the father of the temple, universal peace of men. According to some, it was a monstrous head, according to others, a goat-shaped demon. A sculptured casket, unearthed in the ruins of an ancient commandry of the Templars, was observed by antiquaries to be a baphometic figure, conformable in its attributes to our goat of Mendes and the androgyne of Khunrath. It is bearded, but with the entire body of a woman; in one hand it holds the sun, in the other the moon, joined to it by chains. This virile head is a beautiful allegory which attributes to thought alone the first and creative cause. The head here represents mind, and the female body matter.
The stars, bound to the human form and directed by that nature of which intelligence is the head, have also a sublime significance. The terrible Baphomet is, in fact, like all monstrous enigmas of ancient science, nothing more than an innocent and even pious hieroglyph.
Author Godfrey Higgins in his book, Anacalypsis: an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis …, Volume 1;”
Proclus describes Jupiter, in one of the Orphic Hymns, to be both male and female, hermaphroditic. Synesius adopts it in a Christian hymn.4 The Priapus of the Etruscans was both male and female. (See Table LVIII. of Gorius.) He has the membrum virile, with the female breasts.
Damascius, treating of the fecundity of the Divine Nature, cites Orpheus as teaching, that the Deity was at once both male and female, to shew the generative power by which all things were formed. Proclus, upon the Timaeus of Plato, cites the following:Jupiter is a man; Jupiter is also an immortal maid. And in the same commentary, and the same page, we read that all things were contained in the womb of Jupiter.
Like the Greek Pan, the God Osiris in Ancient Egypt was considered a God of just about all things. Osiris was the God of the Afterlife, King of Heaven and Hell, the King of Eternity, King of the Living, Master of Souls; He who appears as ram in Mendes, and the Sovereign of Amenti. Hence, the Greek Pan was that goat and Osiris was the ram of Egypt who both represent, “all things” and the planet Jupiter who gave life and light to the planet earth.
The soul of the Egyptian God Osiris who is Jupiter was symbolized here on earth with the figure of a ram or ram horns. In Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Osiris was murdered by his brother Set who represents the planet Saturn and Satan. In my previous articles on Osiris and the mythology of Jupiter, I detailed much my research connecting the God Osiris with the planet Jupiter who is also called the Morning Star. The Ancient Greek Historian, Herodotus had simply stated that Osiris and Jupiter were the same person. Jupiter was the king of the Gods and Osiris, in this genealogical account of the Kings, the son of Jupiter and Juno. Jupiter is also the cause of all human, animal or vegetable life and was worshiped not as a goat in Egypt, but as Osiris under the figure of a ram or the green man.
In Ancient Greek Mythology, Pan is the son of Zeus who was also the Greek God and son for the planet Jupiter. However, in the past over in Egypt, the Pharaohs were Gods incarnate on earth as Osiris because they were the SO BELOW Gods or sons of the AS ABOVE planet Jupiter who were depicted as in artwork as green men or having rams horns on their heads. The pharoahs were not only kings, but high priests and magicians as well. But in Greece, Pan’s symbol is a black goat and he is in charge of magic. The Greek poet Aeschylus speaks of Apollo, Pan, and Zeus, as the gods who send the Furies ; Zeus as ruler of the world, Pan as the daemon that disorders the intellect, Apollo as the god of punishment. (2) Hence, Pan represents magic, chaos and the Sons of Cush (Chaos).
The great empire of the Greeks had risen later than the Egyptians. As I stated above, the Ancient Egyptians had worshiped the soul of Osiris in the form of a ram and they also had worshiped the gods in the form of humans, animals, insects and just about everything in life. However, the Gods of the Ancient Greeks were only worshiped in human form. These gods are usually depicted in artwork as incredibly beautiful and or muscular. Sometimes they take on half human and half animal or fish form. Never did they worship the Gods under the form of animals or insects.
Diodorus Siculus who was best known for his historical works, Bibliotheca Historica had written, “Osiris sometimes Serapis, and sometimes Bacchus, at other times Pluto, sometimes Ammon, at others Jupiter, and often Pan; and some said, that Serapis was the Pluto of the Greeks.”
Forced every god (his fury to escape),
Some beastly form to take, or earthly shape.
Jove (sings the bard) was changed into a ram,
From whence the horns of Libyan Ammon came;
Bacchus a goat; Apollo was a crow;
Phoebe a cat; the wife of Jove a cow,
Whose hue was whiter than the falling snow;
Mercury to a nasty ibis turned—
While Venus from a fish protection craves,
And once more plunges in her native waves.”
The Ancient Greek historian, Diodorus Siculus says Pan was adored by the Egyptians. His statues were to be seen in all the temples, and that to his honor they had built in Thebes the city of Chemmis (Egypt), that is, the city of Pan or Panopolis. However, there was no place in all the world, where Pan was more honored than in Ancient Greece in a city called, Arcadia (Ark-adia) which was part of the administrative region of the Peloponnese.
Pan was said to reside chiefly in Arcadia, in woods and the most rugged mountains. As Pan usually terrified the inhabitants of the adjacent country, even when he was nowhere to be seen, that kind of fear which often seizes men, and which is only ideal or imaginary, has received from him the name of Panic. (4) The English the word panic is derived from the Latin “panici .”
Herodotus says that the inhabitants of Arcadia were Pelasgians, the Greek name for the supposed ‘indigenous’ inhabitants of Greece, who dwelt there before the arrival of the ‘Hellenic’ tribes.
This was the home of the Pelasgians who first appear in the poems of Homer: those who are stated to be Pelasgians in the Iliad are among the allies of Troy. This is also where the political state of the Sparta (Spartans) had become the dominant political power in the 6th century B.C. In the section known as the Catalogue of Trojans, they are mentioned between mentions of the Hellespontine cities and the Thracians of south-eastern Europe (i.e., on the Hellespontine border of Thrace).
The Iliad also refers to “Pelasgic Argos”, which is most likely to be the plain of Thessaly, and to “Pelasgic Zeus“, living in and ruling over Dodona, Later Greek writers offered little unanimity over which sites and regions were “Pelasgian”. One of the first was Hesiod; he calls the oracular Dodona, identified by reference to “the oak”, the “seat of Pelasgians”, clarifying Homer’s Pelasgic Zeus. He mentions also that Pelasgus (Greek: Πελασγός, the eponymous ancestor of the Pelasgians) was the father of King Lycaon of Arcadia. (Wikipedia)
Geographically, ancient Arcadia occupied the highlands at the center of the Peloponnese. The Peloponnese could be considered highlanders much like the goat is the highlander of animals and this may very well be one of the reasons that the goat was chosen by these people as their main symbol. After the collapse of the Roman power in the west, the home of the political empire known as the Peloponnese in Arcadia became part of the Greek-speaking Byzantine Empire whose symbol today we see in the double headed eagle.
The Roman poet, Ovid had said that the “Horn of plenty” is given in Greek mythology to the goat which nursed the infant god Zeus on the isle of Crete, afterwards transferred to the stars.
The image of Capricornus as the Sea-goat is said to have come from Oannes (Adapa), the Sumerian god of wisdom and the ancient Greeks associated Capricornus with their god Pan. In Greek Mythology, Typhon, the dreadful fire-breathing monster, was about to devour Pan. But Pan turned himself into a fish – or tried to – before jumping into a river to make his great escape. However, Pan was so scared that he goofed up, changing himself into a half-goat, half-fish hodgepodge instead of a fish.(2)
The Hebrew word Pan, or Phan, denotes a man under consternation meaning, “feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.” Today in our kitchens, we have what is called a ‘pan’ that we use to cook food over a fire or flame. These cooking pans are made by molding various metals together just like we humans are also made of various metals and chemical energies that are essentially joined together to create the human being. When we too are placed over the flame of life and of our own free will, we too can fry our chemical energies by way of the magic of Pan because remember, Pan is the demon that disorders the intellect. I guess you can say that the human race has went from the frying pan into the fire and the magical God Pan who is Baphomet has made many of us goats, the scape goats unless we find ORDO AB CHAO.
It is an interesting note that all these symbols of Pan that I have listed in this article appear today in Catholicism, Christianity and Freemasonry. Is this all just a coincidence or is this the great honored goat God Pan at work playing his music, performing his magic and dispatching terrors?
1.Morals and Dogma By Albert Pike Page 734
2. The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race, Volume 1 By Karl Otfried Müller
3. The Geography of the Heavens and Class-book of Astronomy By Elijah Hinsdale Burritt Page 128
4. EarthSky – Image credit of Capricornus the Sea-goat: Old Book Art Image Gallery
5. Other sources are listed or are linked to in yellow