
Gmail Login ID is all you need to access all service by Google.

Gmail Login ID is what you need to create or have one. If you don’t have Gmail Account or Gmail Login ID you are actually missing a lot in life I must say. Know more on this as you read it further. What is Gmail Login ID and how can you have one or create one?

Google provides various services for Home & Office propose

All FREE Services:

Gmail – Free Email

Drive – Store Online all your stuff in one place

Sheets – You can create a Spreadsheet online and save it online only with no worries to losing it.

Sites – You can create your own website as well.

Translate – You can translate languages.

Calendar – You daily schedule and even you can share your event with friends.

Slides – Make online presentation

Docs – You can create documents and store it online and access from all around the world.

And more.

With Gmail Login ID, it’s not only for use it for above services but more which you’ll see once create a Gmail Login ID for you, which you’ll be able to access from login in to Google.

Now, lets get started with creating one Gmail Login ID for you.

Follow the steps one by one and you’ll surely have one Gmail Login ID for you in the end.

Procedure on creating Google / Gmail Login ID:

Open any web browser or you can also open a new window. You can do this by Clicking on File > New Window

Now, on the address bar you’ll have to type Gmail.com or google.com

The page, which loads after you have entered, will look like the image below.

Now, on the right hand corner you’ll see “Gmail” “Image” and Blue box with “Sign in”

You can click on Gmail or Sign In – My suggestion is to click on “Sign In”. After you do that you’ll get into another page which will look like the image below:

On the next page which loads, you’ll have look for “Create account” and click on it so that the next page which loads will have guide you to create Google / Gmail Login ID for you. Or you can just follow our previous post in which we have explained about how you can create a Gmail login Account.

Now you’ll have to fill in your details. Please go through all the boxes and title one by one. As it starts from name where you’ll have to first enter your First name followed by another box with Last name. After that you’ll have to choose a unique username that will be Gmail Login ID. Can be your pet name of any hero / actor / super hero or your own name or also a unique words with numbers. Make sure that your Gmail Login ID is more than 6 characters and less than 30.

Next would be creating a password for your Gmail Login ID. Make sure you remember.

Followed up with Birthday, Gender, you mobile phone number that will be required to have safe access and updates.

If you have any other email address you may add it or else may leave the box empty.

Type in text – where you’ll have to enter as you see in the picture if you can’t make out what it is you can click on the round arrow and choose another image with the text.

Don’t forget to click on the “I agree…” and click on Next Step.

Great! You just managed to create Gmail Login ID for you. Now to know and to use all the free services by Google, you’ll have to click on the nine squares, which you can find it on the right hand corner of the page. As soon in image below:

Once you click on that nine squares you’ll see a small sub-window pops up with lots of icons: starting with My Account icon; Search; Maps; YouTube; Play; News; Gmail etc. To know and get more from the Google Services you’ll have click on more that is below all the icons. You can also see in the image below:

More icons slides up where you’ll Shopping; Wallet: Books etc. you think this is it. Well NO! J There are more as you can see under the icons it written “Even more from Google” so why not click on that as well.

Image after clicking on the more is below:

Next image shows you all the service which google provides when you click on “Even more from Google”

Boom! Now, you’ll see all the services, which you can use it with the Gmail login ID, THE ONE YOU CREATED

The post Gmail Login ID, how to create one? appeared first on Gmail Logins.

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