
A few weeks ago I learned about Terra's Kitchen, a meal-kit service that sends prepped, fresh, and organic ingredients to help you make a healthy meal for yourself or the whole family. When the opportunity to review a free week of Terra's Kitchen, I jumped on it. I was intrigued because although I know many meal delivery services exist I never tried one. I am also probably the ideal candidate for a meal-kit service like Terra's Kitchen because I am far from a gourmet cook. I don't mind cooking, but I avoid elaborate recipes and don't like all of the prep. All the chopping, dicing, mincing, and zesting takes a lot of time that I don't always have during the week. I also tend to stick to cooking the same four or five dishes which are on a VERY heavy and boring rotation in our house. Trying my complimentary delivery of Terra's Kitchen was a great way to try something new both in terms of convenience and flavor.

The Ordering

On the Terra's Kitchen website, allergens such as gluten, dairy, nuts, and fish are clearly noted in each recipe.  You can filter your selections based on your dietary needs and flavor preferences. I figured this was my opportunity to try something new so I chose a bison-based dish, a salmon dish, and a chicken dish. Believe it or not, I never cooked salmon and never ate bison so this was a new experience! All of the recipes I chose were labeled gluten-free on the website. I scheduled two-person, three-meal delivery and then waited for my package to arrive.

The Vessel

I think one of my favorite parts of this experience was when the Terra's Kitchen package arrived. This thing was impressive. It was like a mini college fridge delivered right to my door. It is climate-controlled, easily returned, and is reusable up to 100 times. Everything arrived cold and fresh in this futuristic looking vessel, which is how Terra's Kitchen refers to it in their online materials and return information. Bonus: The return shipping is paid for so all you have to do is put the empty vessel outside the next day before 8am and it disappears back into FedEx land!

Terra's Kitchen "vessel"

Check this thing out!

The Meals

After I got over the awe of the vessel, I unloaded all of the food and recipe cards from Terra's Kitchen. All of the ingredients are labeled with a sticker that has a number that corresponds to the recipe card. This made your prep basically as easy as possible which was perfect for me! I loaded up the ingredients by recipe in my fridge for when I was ready to cook. I also ordered an extra salad and a Suja juice to round out my box.

Meal 1: Paprika-rubbed Salmon Tostadas with Avocado-Orange Salsa
Meal 2: One Skillet Bison Tacos
Meal 3: Strawberry-balsamic Chicken Thighs with Wilted Spinach-Quinoa
Add-on 1: Chopped Power Green Salad
Add-on 2: Suja Mighty Greens juice*

* I didn't end up drinking the juice because I didn't realize one of the ingredients is barley grass which I do not personally consume.

Look closely and you will see the 214 sticker at the top of the recipe card
as well as the top-left of all of the ingredient packages

The ingredients were very fresh, everything was pre-washed and chopped, and the recipes were fool proof. Each recipe card included the kitchen equipment you will need, the additional ingredients you will need, and what was sent in the vessel. The only ingredients that weren't included in the meal kit but are readily available in my kitchen were olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, and canola oil.

Chopped Power Green Salad from Terra's Kitchen

Out of the three meals, the bison tacos were the top pick at our house. The dish was flavorful and it was really nice to eat something totally out of the ordinary (a direct quote from my man). It was good to change it up from our normal beef or turkey tacos. Also, the chipotle and sour cream mix was smokey but not too spicy which was good for my weak heat tolerance.

Terra's Kitchen Bison Tacos

My fiancee really enjoyed the salmon, but I have never been a fan of fish so it was my least favorite. I did eat it because I cooked it, but heaped on the avocado-orange salsa to cut the salmon flavor. (Note, I NEVER liked fish so this really had nothing to do with TK and everything to do with my taste buds.) I would have never of thought to put avocados and oranges together so this recipe gave me a new idea that I will definitely use in the future. Oranges and avocados are abundant here in California. The chicken dish was good too, but we eat a lot of chicken at our house so it was fun to change it up. I will definitely make the quinoa with wilted spinach again. It was so good and I ate the leftovers for lunch the next day.

Paprika-rubbed Salmon Tostadas with Avocado-Orange Salsa

Strawberry-balsamic Chicken Thighs with Wilted Spinach-Quinoa

Terra's Kitchen Parting Thoughts

Overall, I was very pleased with my first food box delivery experience from Terra's Kitchen. I can't emphasize enough how fresh all of the ingredients were and how nice it was that everything was prepped for me. The pre-preparation made meal prep so much quicker and easier. The only meal planning I had to do was to figure out which one I wanted to eat first. I also really liked that all of the ingredients on the packages were clearly labeled. There was one item that had a "May contain wheat, dairy, or nuts" statement but that was one out of about 20+ ingredients so I just skipped it. I think. Unfortunately, I forgot to make a note of it at the time and forget which ingredient. Lastly, we got to try three new dishes that I would have never thrown together on my own.

One thing I was a bit concerned about was the amount of individual packaging for the ingredients. Te recipe card actually did say the food containers are recyclable but they encourage people to "upcycle" them instead. Use them in the garden or get creative with other kitchen-based uses. I personally washed them out and recycled them all.

The Terra's Kitchen meals range from $10.49 per serving up to $17.99 per serving for a meal that contains steak. While this might be a bit cost prohibitive for some, remember there is the time and convenience of it all that factor in to the price. You can order from Terra's Kitchen one time or you can set up regular deliveries of meals that you choose each week. Terra's Kitchen website is VERY user friendly and I found it simple to search for dishes, order, and schedule my delivery. We really enjoyed the new meals in our kitchen, the easy recipes, and the healthy and fresh ingredients, so Terra's Kitchen gets a double thumbs up in our house.

Interested in trying Terra's Kitchen in your home? Use code GFF30 when you check out,
good for $30 off for first-time users at TerrasKitchen.com.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Terra's Kitchen. The opinions and text are all mine.

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