
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Dear Mr President! We believe that Russia and the fraternal peoples of Ukraine and Belarus will adopt this Charter for the sake of their salvation and subsequent development. If Russia adopts this Charter, she will become the single option on the planet that will be able to resist the globalizing system of death. The young Russian generation must be enlightened and properly educated in this respect; otherwise these young people will succumb to the cunning globalization methods. Technologies subverting the human mind will make them victims of the antichristian system. Today there are only two options: to serve Christ or the Antichrist. Life or death! The power behind the American globalization system is the American bankers and the Illuminati who are dedicated to Satan. They promote satanization of the world. They can only be resisted by God’s servants who have given the first place in their lives to God and God’s laws and are grounded in the truth. The Russian nation now faces this task, and it does not fight for its sake alone but for the life on the planet in general. Communist ideology took over the biblical idea of a classless society (Acts 4:32 ff.). However, it excluded its most basic element – the relationship to God. Their programme thus became unfeasible. It failed to affect the nature of the human being. Besides the desire for goodness, love and justice, man has in himself a hotbed of evil. This is the source of all conflicts, crimes and wars. Only communion with God can renew harmony in the human heart which then makes an impact on one’s surroundings. In this year 2013, we have commemorated the anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus by St. Vladimir, which is associated with the adoption of the Christian law. This law has been the foundation of the Russian culture and its moral values enshrined in the institution of the family. The whole European civilization was built on these Christian principles. Globalization ideology implicitly promotes moral and physical autogenocide, sheltering itself behind positive terms. We are witnesses to satanization not only of the European but also of the American continent, both of which were built on the Christian foundations. All kinds of philosophies, heretical theologies and psychologies have undermined the spiritual and moral power of Christianity. They have opened the door to amoral gender sodomy connected with the stealing, devastation and satanization of defenceless children. This was preceded by a decadent process in the last century, particularly by the promotion of paganism through yoga, Zen and martial arts associated with pagan meditation. by the psychology of Freud, Kinsey’s sexual perversion, drug addiction, pornography, rock music rooted in the satanic voodoo, and invasion of destructive sects. All those pernicious influences spread especially through the mass media. Instead of standing in defence of divine truths and moral values, Western Christianity lapsed into mass apostasy. By proclaming heresies and syncretism, it opened the door to homosexuality, autogenocide of Christianity and of the Christian nations. The fruit of the pernicious curse which is on the Western Catholic Church has become manifest recently on the so-called EuroMaidan in Kiev, Ukraine. It was organized by Catholic leaders who have the spirit of homosexuality. The restoration of the Russian nation necessarily requires the appointment of a new Patriarch who will have the Spirit of God and will perceive the essence of the spiritual revival. The current Patriarch of Moscow has the same spirit as the apostate Vatican leaders. That is why the Church structures are dead and are an obstruction to the spiritual revival of Russia. The globalization system which promotes autogenocide of the individual nations is a totalitarian system and brings death. However, it can only be established by abusing contemporary democracy. Therefore, the newly established with the supremacy of the law of God needs a firm political hand. It must strictly protect justice, punish injustice and prevent aggression and the spread of globalization technologies both from within and without. The greatest divine and human commandment reads:

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