The FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference 2014, a military exhibition and conference on current and future trends in the area of defence and security and closely connected with the relevant professional community, will host the most numerous meeting of CBRN experts.
One of the principal topics of the exhibition, which will take place on the PVA EXPO PRAHA exhibition site in the Czech Republic from October 15 to October 17, 2014, will be CBRN. Over 50 experts of the NATO Joint Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defence Capability Development Group will focus on future CBRN threats and challenges in Prague. The planned workshop will deal, inter alia, with issues such as CBRN Capability Development, CBRN Functional Services, Warning, Reporting & Hazard Prediction of CBRN Incidents, CBRN Physical Protection and CBRN Medical. The Czech Republic is on the peak of CBRN segment and the Open NATO CBRN Workshop is under the auspice of the Czech Military Research Institute, State Enterprise.
The exhibition will be supplemented by an accompanying professional programme comprising workshops, seminars and live demonstrations attended by experts, scientists, members of National Armament Directorates and government representatives from more than 80 countries. In addition to issues related to the 21st Century Soldier concept, the agenda will also focus on international logistics, unmanned aerial vehicles and CBRN protection.
There will also be a meeting of one of the most important expert working groups of the Alliance - AC/225 LCG DSS (Dismounted Soldier Systems) – during the FUTURE FORCES Exhibition & Conference 2014 in Prague. The participation of the Dismounted Soldier Systems Working Group at the FUTURE FORCES is exceptional among similar events in Europe. Conclusions drawn by Working Groups have a long-term effect on requirements of NATO member states and their partners for equipment and armament of armed forces, and thus also affect product portfolios of companies and subcontractors involved in national Future Soldier programmes. The LCG DSS Working Group numbers about 150 members from 35 countries, whose responsibilities include specifications of requirements of military units for small-caliber weapons, optical devices, ammunition, non-lethal weapons, combat gear and equipment, communications, science and new technologies, based mainly on lessons learned during recent or current military operations. They will thus present acquisition plans and current needs in the field of protection, equipment, armament and means of communication for soldiers in Prague. Results of their discussions can also be made use of with respect to other security forces and elements of the integrated rescue and disaster-relief system. As a matter of fact, there are considerable overlaps and duplications among all military or security forces, particularly in the fields of research of materials for equipment and the development of communication technologies.
Experts in logistics will also convene in Prague
Specialists on international logistic operations, standardization, codification, transportation, supply of materiel and POL, and Smart Energy will come to Prague for a meeting of the Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre (MLCC). It will be a meeting of top-level logisticians and procurers from more than eleven countries of the world. Top-of-the-notch experts in the field will discuss lessons learned during the recent largest logistic exercise in NATO's history and future challenges of logistic operations.
The combination of the FUTURE FORCES 2014 exhibitions and active involvement of groups of experts brings exhibitors and professional visitors alike a top-notch accompanying programme, which reflects current trends and needs in the field of defence and security. At the same time, however, it will touch upon issues and challenges which armies, police forces and other elements of integrated rescue systems are likely to face in the years to come. It will include the Open NATO Future Soldier Workshop, Open NATO CBRN Workshop, Unmanned Systems Workshop and Capable Logistician Workshop. The Future Crises conference, a follow-up event of the previous Future of Cyber conference and held under direct professional auspices of and in cooperation with the AFCEA Cyber Security Working Group, will constitute an autonomous chapter of the accompanying programme. The main issues it will focus on will include cyber security, protection of data in mobile networks, protection of critical infrastructure elements, home security and crisis management. The FUTURE FORCES 2014 exhibition will also host representatives from top echelons of the Alliance and the Alliance´s partners, the European Union, as well as representatives of Latin American and Asian countries with a rapidly growing commercial potential.
An Opportunity to Win New Contracts
As a specialized B2B event, the FUTURE FORCES 2014 exhibition helps exhibitors find new business opportunities, establish personal contact, demonstrate their products and technologies to relevant parties or get an idea of where their research efforts and manufacturing potential should be directed. Its meticulously built programme and close cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Defence, NATO HQ and EDA draws not only military and civilian experts, but also procurers and businessmen looking for new suppliers, to Prague. Compared to similar exhibitions in which thousands of companies participate, the exhibitors in Prague will have a great opportunity to personally address experts and official delegations and demonstrate their products to them without any stress. The FUTURE FORCES 2014 organizers offer the exhibitors a possibility to arrange bilateral meetings with experts and businessmen according to their requirements.
You can find detailed information about the FUTURE FORCES 2014 exhibition and conference at
Four workshops will be organized during the FF14 to answer this question:
Open NATO Future Soldier Workshop
Open NATO CBRN Workshop
Unmanned Systems Workshop
Capable Logistician Workshop
While international security and stability are today challenged by a multitude of phenomena, nation-state efforts to develop or acquire WMD and their delivery systems still constitute one of major threat to the worldwide security, deployed troops, and allies. Traditionally, international agreements and diplomacy have deterred most nation-states from acquiring biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, but these constraints may be less effective in preventing terrorist groups from doing so. The time when only a few states had access to the most dangerous technologies is past. Biological and chemical material and technologies, almost always dual-use, move easily in globalized economy, as do the personnel with scientific expertise to design and use them. The latest discoveries in the life sciences also diffuse globally and rapidly. CBRN threat requires swift and coordinated response from multiple agencies and synergy among all stakeholders. Management of response to such incidents has assumed critical importance and requires specialized training and dedicated equipment.
The OPEN NATO CBRN Workshop will provide a unique forum for the exchange of CBRN information and ideas among CBRN defence policy makers, doctrine thinkers, incident responders, technology developers, acquisition professionals, and the supporting defence industry. This exchange will focus on the better understanding and increased responsiveness to CBRN user's needs. Selected speakers from CBRN defence stakeholder organizations and agencies worldwide will discuss current issues and future direction. The exhibition will showcase the broad array of CBRN defence equipment and technologies.
Our goals for OPEN NATO CBRN Workshop and exhibition are simple, but bold: to raise an awareness and participation of the diverse joint, interagency, intergovernmental, multinational industry, and academia interest of the CBRN defence community, to promote greater participation in global CBRN defence dialogue and ultimately leverage CBRN community to provide the best support possible to current operations and soldiers.
The OPEN NATO CBRN Workshop is a two-day professional workshop divided into four thematic sessions:
Session A
Security Policy Aspects in CBRND
Current WMD Proliferation Threats
Illicit Technology Proliferation
Organized Crime
Lesson Learnt from the Investigation of Alleged Use of CWA in Syria
Current Problems with Syrians' CWA Stockpiles Disposal
Session B
CBRND Capabilities
Development of CBRN Defence Capabilities
WMD Disablement (CBRN Render-Safe)
CBRN Reach-back and Information Sharing
W&R System and CBRN Hazard Prediction
CBRN Medical Readiness and Countermeasures
Civil-Military Cooperation
Civil-Emergency Planning
International and Interagency Cooperation
Session C
CBRN Protection – National Concepts
National Concepts and Approaches to CBRND
CBRN Training and Simulation
Experience from CBRN Support to HVE's
CBRN Lessons Learned from OEF (Iraq, Afghanistan)
Experience from OEF-HOA
Session D
Research & Development/Industry
CBRN Defence Equipment Acquisition Outlook
CBRN Technology Development Highlights
Trends and Challenges in CBRN-related R&D
Trends and Challenges in CBRN Defence Market