
There’ve been four articles in this series on building a simple weather iOS weather app with Swift:

In the first article, we introduced OpenWeatherMap, its current forecast API, and how to use that API to get weather data for a specific city, both manually and programatically.

In the second article, we went a little deeper into NSURLSession and the related classes that made iOS networking possible. We also took the weather data that OpenWeatherMap returned and converted it from a string containing JSON-formatted weather data into a more easily processed Swift dictionary.

In the third article, we gave our weather app a user interface.

In the fourth article, we took a little detour from the weather app in order to introduce geolocation. We wrote a simple geolocation app that outputs the device’s coordinates to the debug console.

What our app will look like by the end of this article.

In this article, we’re going to take what we’ve learned from our little geolocation app and make some changes to our weather app so that:

When the app is launched, it automatically determine the user’s current location and displays the weather for that location.

The user can press a button marked Get weather for your current location to display the weather at his/her current location.

The user can also enter a city name into a text field and press a button below it marked Get weather for the city above to display the weather in that city.

Another way to use OpenWeatherMap’s “current weather” API

To get the weather for a given city using OpenWeatherMap’s “current weather” API, we’ve been using this call:



API_KEY is the developer’s API key for OpenWeatherMap

CITY_NAME is the name of the city that we want the current weather for

There’s also a way to get the weather for a given latitude and longitude. It’s done by making this call:



API_KEY is the developer’s API key for OpenWeatherMap

LATITUDE is the latitude of the location that we want the current weather for

LONGITUDE is the longitude of the location that we want the current weather for

I’m based in Tampa, whose coordinates are 27.9506° N, 82.4572° W. That translates into:

A latitude of 27.9506 (positive latitudes are north of the equator, negative latitudes are south)

A longitude of -82.4572 (positive longitudes are east of the prime meridian in London, negative longitudes are west)

Another way of getting the current weather for Tampa from OpenWeatherMap is to make the call below.. Try pasting the URL into your browser’s address bar (using your own API key, of course):


We’re going to make some additional to our weather app so that it can do this programatically.

Updating WeatherGetter

Here’s an updated version of the WeatherGetter class, which we use to connect to OpenWeatherMap and get weather data:

We’ve made a couple of changes:

We’ve added two new methods:

getWeatherByCity is called when we want to get the weather for that city. It accepts a String containing the name of a city, which it uses to form an URL, which it then passes to getWeather.

getWeatherByCoordinates is called when we want to get the weather for a set of coordinates. It accepts two Doubles representing the latitude and longitude components of the coordinates, which it uses to form an URL, which it then passes to getWeather.

We’ve also changed an existing method, getWeather. It used to be public and accept a city as a parameter; now, it’s private and accepts an URL as a parameter. It’s now called indirectly; getWeatherByCity and getWeatherByCoordinates take city or coordinate data, convert it into an URL, and then call getWeather. Aside from this change, the rest of its code is the same.

Updating the UI

We’ve added one button with the title Get weather for your current location and put it between the weather data labels and the controls for entering a city’s name. It’s assigned the following:

The outlet getLocationWeatherButton

The action getWeatherForLocationButtonTapped, which is connected to a Touch Up Inside event

Updating the view controller

We’ve also updated the view controller code:

Let’s take a closer look at the view controller code…


Here’s the section of the code for the buttons:

The getWeatherForLocationButtonTapped method handles the case when the user presses the Get weather for your current location button, while the getWeatherForCityButtonTapped method handles the case when the user presses the Get weather for the city above button. Both methods disable both buttons when pressed by calling the setWeatherButtonStates method, and the buttons are re-enabled once either a weather report or error message has been obtained.

WeatherGetterDelegate methods

Here’s the section for the WeatherGetterDelegate methods:

The view controller adopts the WeatherGetterDelegate protocol, which has two required methods:

didGetWeather, which is called when the WeatherGetter instance successfully retrieves weather data from OpenWeatherMap and manages to parse its JSON data into a Swift dictionary, and

didNotGetWeather, which is called when WeatherGetter either fails to retrieve weather data from OpenWeatherMap or parse its JSON data into a Swift dictionary

Both methods are called from the closure provided to the data task defined in WeatherGetter‘s getWeather method. This means that they’re not being executed in the main queue. Both methods’ primary function is to make changes to the UI, which must be done in the main queue. That’s why I put the UI code in these methods into a dispatch_async block specifying that the block must be executed in the main queue.

Location-related methods

Here’s the code for the CLLocationManagerDelegate and related methods:

Most of getLocation() is concerned with ruling out cases where we can’t get the user’s location. Only the last three lines of the method deal with getting location updates from locationManager.

The first guard statement allows control to pass to the next line if and only if location services are enabled for the device. If location services are disabled, we display a simple “Location services are disabled on your device” alert, and getLocation() is exited.

The second guard statement allows control to pass to the next line if and only if the app is authorized to use location services when it is in use (i.e., its authorization status is .AuthorizedWhenInUse). A switch statement in the guard block determines the specific reason why the app isn’t authorized:

If the app explicitly does not have permission to use location services (i.e., its authorization status is either .Denied or .Restricted), we display a “This app is not authorized to use your location” alert, which presents the use with the option to open the Settings for this app and authorize it to use location services.

If the app has not explicitly been given or denied permission to use location services (i.e., its authorization status is .NotDetermined), the location manager’s requestWhenInUseAuthorization() method is called, which displays the alert asking the user if s/he wants to give the app permission to use location services.

The default case is the remaining authorization status, .AuthorizedAlways. There’s no way to get to this point, and I included this case only because the switch statement requires that all cases to be covered.

If control made it past the first two guard statements, it means that location services has been activated for the device and the user has given our app permission to use location services while the app is active. The following happens:

It sets the view controller as the location manager’s delegate, which means that it can receive and respond to location and heading updates from the location manager.

It requests the lowest possible location accuracy from the location manager: kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers, which can pinpoint your device’s coordinates within 3 kilometers (about 1.86 miles). I’m doing this for two reasons:

Weather is a large-area phenomenon and weather stations are far apart, so 3-kilometer accuracy is more than plenty for our needs.

3-kilometer accuracy, as a function of being the lowest-accuracy setting, is also the least power-draining.

In earlier versions of this app, we made a call to locationManager.startUpdatingLocation, which requested that the location manager start sending location update notifications, typically at the rate of once per second. This works, but it’s overkill for the purposes of a weather app. Instead, we’re using a new method introduced with iOS 9: requestLocation, which sends a single location notification once Core Location has determined the current location to the specified accuracy.

Once requestLocation is called, one of two methods will be called as a result:

locationManager(_:didUpdateLocations:) is called if the location manager managed to get the current location.

locationManager(_:didFailWithError:) is called if the location manager failed to get the current location.

UTTextFieldDelegate and related methods

A quick explanation of each of these methods:

textField(_:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:) — This method is called whenever the contents of a text field in a view that adopts the TextFieldDelegate protocol change. We’re using this to enable the Get weather for the city above button when the “city name” text field contains any text, and disable the button when the “city name” text field is empty.

textFieldShouldClear(_:) — This method is called when the user taps the “clear text field” button. We use this to disable the Get weather for the city above button since pressing this button clears the “city name” text field.

textFieldShouldReturn(_:) — We capture this event so that pressing the Return key is like pressing the Get weather for the city above button.

touchesBegan(_:withEvent:) — We capture this event so that tapping on the background view dismisses the keyboard.

And finally, the utility methods…

These methods, explained:

showSimpleAlert(title:message:) — This method allows us to display a simple alert with a single OK button with a single line of code.

String.urlencoded — We use this to encode city names provided by the user into a format that can be used in the query we send to OpenWeatherMap.

String.trimmed — This handy utility function removes whitespace from the beginning and ending of strings.

A working weather app

At this point, we have a basic, working weather app. Given the name of a city or your current location from your iDevice’s location services, it displays the current weather conditions for that location. There’s still plenty of opportunities for features and improvements, some of which are:

Forecasts for future weather: tomorrow’s weather, the forecast for the next few days, or a long-range forecast.

Graphics. Yahoo!’s weather app  shows pictures of the cities that it’s giving forecasts for, and most weather apps provide pictures or pictograms that match their forecasts.

Sound. I’m not aware of any weather apps that make particularly good use of sound. Maybe you can make one!

Personality. Take a look at Carrot Weather, which has a snarky sense of humor.

Download the project files

You can download the project files for this article (53KB zipped) here.

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