Eczema is a challenging condition without clear causes or cures, so is Doterra eczema essential oils the solution
Many individuals have found dramatic relief through the cleansing practices of natural medicine and the topical application of essential oil for eczema. Here’s an excellent review of popular natural treatments for eczema, and formulas for your own topical aromatherapy formula.
Eczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by irritated patches of skin which may be dry, red, and/or scaly, and weeping eczema will have additional symptoms of oozing and crusting of skin sores. Either way, it’s really no fun, and for many the condition begins in childhood and reoccurs throughout their lives. Cure for eczema truly presents a challenge, as the exact causes are unknown. The natural health field believes the symptoms are an allergic reaction and immune response to either a specific chemical in one’s environment or the cumulative buildup of toxicity in the body coupled with weakened immune and elimination systems. Using both systemic and topical cure for eczema together presents the most effective means of finding relief.
Great success with Doterra eczema essential oils
Many people have had great success with using therapeutic Doterra eczema essential oils blends topically; medicinal grade Doterra eczema essential oils and cold-pressed carrier oils are used a cure for eczema and many skin conditions. Oils can provide short-term relief for many, though healing chronic conditions will likely require addressing the toxins in one’s environment, modifying lifestyle choices, and employing the cleansing practices of natural medicine. Here we’ll have a look at topical essential oil formulas from the medical aromatherapy literature, and review effective suggestions for internal and holistic Doterra eczema essential oils home remedy.
Essential oil for eczema have profound healing effects when the right oils are selected and properly applied. The Doterra for eczema are simple, and can provide nearly immediate relief of symptoms. For dry eczema, use this recipe to make one ounce of your formula: 20 drops of Lavender essential oil, 20 drops of Palmarosa essential oil, one-quarter ounce of Tamanu oil and three-quarters of an ounce of Rosehip seed oil. For children under five, use only one drop of each essential oil per year of age, if over five use two drops. Lavender is a wonderful oil for the relief of itching, and is even prescribed ‘neat’ (undiluted) for simple relief of itchy skin. It has a gentle, soothing effect, with anti-inflammatory and regenerative actions. Palmarosa is a pleasant smelling yet potent anti-microbial and anti-viral essential oil often used in skin care. Tamanu oil is a tropical nut oil highly regarded for its ability to calm and regenerate the skin, and Rosehip seed has been extensively studied for its healing and regenerative properties. This is a powerful yet gentle therapeutic blend that can be applied three to four times daily to relieve itchiness and stimulate skin regeneration.
For wet eczema use is Thyme Doterra for eczema and Lemon Eucalptus Doterra for eczema; several varieties of both Thyme and Eucalyptus are available, be sure to find these specifically. This is a more potent anti-infectious blend of essential oil, still in the soothing base oils of Tamanu and Rosehip. The concentrations of the natural essential oil for eczema remains the same: twenty drops of each in one ounce of base mixture containing 25% Tamanu and 75% Rosehip seed oils. Again, the concentration should be reduced for young ones.
For long-term relief, finding the true cause of the eczema is important. For many, it can be toxins in their environment they are continually exposed to. One mother reported finding the cure for eczema for her seven month old by switching from chlorinated and fluoridated city tap water to distilled water. Another person whom visited a naturopath began filtering the chlorine from her water, and followed the ‘Eat Right For Your Blood Type’ diet (which among other things improves the immune response and lessens inflammation), again with much success. In general, natural health professionals advise the importance of reducing stress levels, improving the body’s acid/alkaline balance, supporting the immune system, decreasing the inflammatory response, and cleansing the liver, kidneys and colon.
It sounds like a lot, but many practices will promote more than one aspect of health. Cleaning up the diet, reducing processed foods and increasing intake of fresh organic vegetables will go a long way. Vegetable juice, when squeezed at home or at the juice bar (rather than bottled or canned varieties) moves the pH to a more alkaline level, and helps cleanse the system. Just drinking the juice of a single lemon in a glass of warm water first thing each morning will alkalize the blood and support the liver in toxin removal. Cleansing may be crucial to eczema sufferers, as the health of the skin is considered an indicator of the body’s toxicity level. Clear skin means a clear liver; allergic skin reaction can mean the internal organs of elimination are overloaded, and response of eczema is really the toxicity ‘spilling over’ to the skin. If you feel your body is in need of a real cleanse, seek the support and advice of a knowledgeable natural health practitioner to learn the most healthful and effective means to do this for yourself.
Other natural health supporting measures that are considered useful for those with eczema: Probiotic supplements have been shown effective. These promote a balance of healthy bacteria in the digestive system (where an imbalance can result in poor nutrient absorption and increased toxicity due to ‘leaky gut syndrome’). Reducing stress and improving vitality through regular physical activity is important. Yoga, Tai Chi or other meditative type movement may be most helpful for those that may have unexpressed or pent up emotions. Nettle tea is thought exceptionally supportive of the immune system and reduction of inflammation. Be sure to get an adequate supply of omega-3 fats; adequate means a significant amount (at least a tablespoon a day for most folks) of Hemp essential oil for eczema or molecularly distilled fish oil – this can be profoundly supportive of one’s health.
Finally, increasing one’s intake of pure clean water is highly recommended, as it also supports nearly every bodily process, including that of cleansing.
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