Every year, the Rice Design Alliance (RDA) sponsors a charrette competition, bringing together gifted designers, architects, and regular folks with good ideas from the Houston area. The RDA (along with a bunch of dictionaries) defines a charrette as “a gathering of people for an intense period of brainstorming and design.”The 2013 design charrette will challenge participants to integrate the campus of the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (HCCC). Participants will brainstorm general solutions to integrate different aspects of the center, including ways to help increase visibility on Main Street.
Teams may be composed of 1 to 5 people; registration is required. A site visit to HCCC for the participants will take place on Saturday, July 27. The charrette will be held all day Saturday, August 3, at the Rice School of Architecture where there will also be a reception held on the evening of August 5, at which time the winners will be announced.