
I am currently populating a Dojo ItemFileReadStore with the results of an ArcGIS query (Javascript 3.4 API), which is then passed to a Dijit COmboBox.
I am now having problems with the ComboBox in iOS (see http://grokbase.com/t/dojo/dojo-checkins/132kx1h9jj/dojo-toolkit-16730-combobox-long-drop-down-lists-broken-on-ios). It looks like a dijit.Form.Select might work (although not ideal, b/c there is no autoComplete or placeholders); It works fine on my iPhone for the dropdown lists that I hard-coded. But I am getting an error that I believe is related to the ItemFileReadStore, and the results of my query are not being passed into the select dropdown menu.

In my HTML, I tried simply replacing ComboBox with Select:

My store is still set up the same way as I had before:

...and the Select box is given the store's values the same as before:

I added:

to my init file...

But I am getting this error in Firebug:

In Chrome there is also an error with dojo/parser:

(I also tried swapping ComboBox with FilteringSelect, but the iOS problems are the same.)

note, this question is somewhat of an extension to an earlier question I had regarding specifically the iOS issue with the Dijit ComboBox (combobox GIS SE question)...I would happily, actually rather, still use the ComboBox if there is some way to make it work properly on an iPhone! but I can live with the Dijit.form.Select box if that is what I must do....)

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