I am trying to convert a raster layer of U.S. climatic regions into polygon format using ArcMap 9.3 under Windows XP. The original data are to be found at the following address:
Koppen Climate Classification from Idaho's Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Initial attempts to use the Raster to Polygon tool generated "999998 Unexpected Error" and even "Serious Application Error" on a couple of occasions.
To investigate further, I then replicated the procedure on another machine (running version 10 under a more recent operating system), which threw up the more meaningful error: "Raster must be integer type".
Having tried the "Math - Int" tool, it elicited a "000367 Invalid GP data type” error, so I resorted to the "Math - Times" tool, successively trying multiples from 100 to 1000000, every time receiving the error: "000864 The input is not within the defined domain”.
Can anyone suggest a workable procedure that I might use to convert the raster layer of the source data into a polygon format?