First off, I wish I had taken more pictures for this post. It got messy. And in case you don't read further than this, don't bother with the powder if you are a first time Henna user, get the Surya Brasil Henna Cream instead. I raved about it here and its my go-to-guy for hair colour and conditioning.
I must also give a massive shout out to Your Tonic: the best place (and only!) to order Surya Brasil products in Ireland. I ordered at about 3:45pm on a Wednesday and it arrived the next day at 11am, with a good few samples in the bag. Thumbs up for service!
I was going to take during and after photos of the process. But that would mean that you get to see how much of a mess this made of my bathroom. I am not a messy person, as I get older I find that "Prep is King" in avoiding muckyness and despite all my prep, when I was done with application:
The box costs about €8 excl postage and contains a packet of powder that you mix with warm water in a plastic bowl, with plastic utensils. That is where the easy part stops. Trying to get the paste distributed evenly through the hair is quite difficult. Even with a highlighting brush.
Surya Brasil Henna Cream is a little more expensive at €13.80, but for me it delivers a far superior result as far as colour, conditioning and ease of use goes, and with a hell of a lot less mess. Rinsing out the cream is way easier than trying to get the powder out.
The colour chart is accurate though, I am a light-ish brown with red untertones in real life and I wanted to deepen the colour a bit more without adding too much warmth or redness and this did the colour job perfectly. But oh the mess.
And yes. I am going to harp on about the mess because it took me ages to get the paste into my hair, never mind evenly distributed. And it took just as long to clean the bathroom after. Rinsing the knots and powder and bits out of my hair was pretty traumatic and (unlike the cream version) I had to go in with a massive dollop of conditioner after I thought I had rinsed my hair clean. Turns out I still had loads of powder against my scalp and I ended up using all the hot water in the geyser (I can just hear my husband moaning about the cost of heating the water!). I eventually stood over the bathtub and rinsed with the hand shower set to "freezing-cold-blast-this-stuff-off-my-head-already-please".
Yes it is all natural, contains no heavy metals, is not tested on animals and the powder is easy to store (although all that can be said for the cream apart from the fact that the cream contains a tiny % of synthetic ingredients to help it stay liquid). The smell won't make your eyes water or take your breath away but the mess is really just not worth the trouble. Get the ready mixed cream instead : revel in the fact that you don't have to put a conditioning treatment into your hair after colouring it and rejoice in the silky soft smoothness that the cream leaves you with.
I don't like doing negative reviews of a product, but this is more of a public service announcement.
Find your favourite Surya Brasil Henna Cream colour at Your Tonic