
Hi everyone,

so far till this date, i have not done any procedure to my face or any extreme makeover. However, i must say age, weight gain and loss and gravity can contribute to our skin elasticity losing their tightness and sagging skin.

My Review after 4 weeks of thermage  

As a blogger, people tend to look up to our skin and ask what product we use and they do notice if you look tired, you gain weight or even if you apply a lot of makeup etc.

it always bottom down to people want to see you in naked skin or during sports , tennis, jogging and swimming.

Personally, here is my skin concern :

1. i do face the fact that, i really don’t like my sagging skin which makes me look tired without makeup

2. i really don’t want to be always masking with makeup even in my sports.

3. i really wish to stay young, happy and live beautifully.

4. i am ageing, heavy lines on my neck, double chin forming and i wish i can delay it.

i am so glad that with the beauty talks and advice from the kind angels from Soltamedical and Dr Eileen Tan on Thermage face .

The Thermage face procedure can help smooth and tighten my skin for an overall naturally young looking appearance without surgery or injections.

Thermage face is exactly what i am looking for.

First sign i notice will be Bouncy skin texture. And in fact my skin was sagging and tired before that and i have lots of lines on my neck.

now i feel that even by not putting on makeup during my Tennis and swimming, i gain so much confidence .

And the best part of the Thermage skin single treatment is that, my skin will continue to improve and it will continue up to 6 months!!!

There is also little and no down time, in fact i went for my flying yoga class after the treatment and nobody notice any sign of redness or swelling.

Now let’s look at a series of photo of me without makeup and without editing. My results was pretty good for the first time.


The New Thermage 3.0 Tip. no pain

i am really thrilled that my skin was smoother and my laugh lines, frown lines and neck lines are less visible. And i am really glad that many people want to have skin like mine and said that i have baby smooth skin or i don’t look like my age. That is because of Thermage !

And here is my before and after pictures

The before pictures, i even have a double chin if you can notice it.


after, my pores is also reduced and smoother skin. my necklines improvement is the most significant. i am really happy that finally this part of me will not reveal my age!


if you do have a habit of frowning or laughing and lines do form, it is time to visit Dr Eileen Tan and seek her advice . For appointment pls call Tel: +65 62238898

Dr. Eileen Tan Skin, Laser & Hair Transplant Clinic

38 Irrawaddy Road, #05-38

Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital
Singapore 329563

Tel: +65 62238898

* please note that all my photos are not edited. results are straight from my camera. there is zero makeup on the after picture as well.

Before i sign off, take a look at the mirror and see for yourself, do you like what you see?

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