November 20, 2013 @ 9:00 AM
Gilmer County Commission Room, 10 Howard Street, Glenville, WV
Click H E R E for Complete Video of The Meeting
[video – order #] = Order number is the sequence the Commission covered the items on the agenda.
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Kennedy. Commissioners Darrell Ramsey, Larry Chapman, County Clerk Jean Butcher, and County Administrator Cindy Wilson were present.
Brian Kennedy led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
There were not any public comments.
• 09:15 JANEEVA JENKINS, Ambassador for the State of West Virginia - [video - order #5]
She made an excellent presentation and explained the program to the Commissioners.
• 09:30 MARLEA COTTRILL – Re: The Willard Cottrill Estate - [video - order #10]
She explained the wrongdoings in her dad’s estate and questioned the Commission and Clerk…. [Please see previous reports]
• 09:45 TAMMY STEWART (chair), JEFF CAMPBELL (co-chair), WILDA KUHL (secretary), and MATTHEW ECHARD
STEWART spoke about re-establishment of the Unsafe Buildings and Land Committee. They have changed the name to Unsafe Building and Land Enforcement Agency. They will return to future meetings to explain more about the progress. - [video - order #11]
• 10:15 CARL SHAW - Re: Property Tax Reform - [video - order #13]
He talked about the state of economy and tax issues. He said the high price of land is responsible for unemployment and people going someplace else where the property is cheaper. Chapman commented by saying the availability of land is a bigger factor than the price of it. SHAW wants to reform the property tax system so the land can be used better.
• 10:30 GREG CROMER of Greg Cromer Arial Photography - [video - order #14]
He showed the Commission the Arial photo of Glenville, Sand Fork, … and ask them if they were interested in purchasing them for the Commission Room. The prices were $95, $128, and $195 depending on size. Ramsey said the Commission should buy the picture for the whole county (this was not one of the options) and then the municipalities can purchased them for their city.
• 10:45 CIDY WILSON - Re: Adopt Governor Tomblin’s Proclamation of November 24-30 as “CHRISTMAS HERITAGE WEEK” - [video - order #20]
She read the Proclamation and the Commission adopted it.
• Exonerations and/or Consolidations - [video - order #1]
There were none.
• Approval of estate qualifications and estate settlements - [video - order #2]
They were approved.
• Board Appointments and/or Resignations - [video - order #2.5]
Rick Sypolt was appointed to Unsafe Buildings & Lands Enforcement Agency
Larry Chapman noted that there is still an opening in Center District on Ambulance Board.
• Budget Revisions - [video - order #4]
Jean Butcher, in the absence of Angel Ball, presented to the Commission the Budget Revisions and they were approved.
Two Sheriff Settlements for December 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013 are finished.
• Budget Control Report
There were none.
• Invoices for payment - [video - order #12]
Invoices were approved for payment.
• Approve County Commission Minutes - [video - order #3]
Without any corrections the minutes were approved.
• Receipt of County Board Minutes - [video - order #3.5]
They were reviewed by the Commission.
• EMS Roof Replacement - [video - order #6]
Cindy Wilson explained that no rules were broken in previous bidding for the roof since the Commission wants to set more criteria for the roof. She said if the amount is less than $25,000 no bid is required. She suggested the Commission should come up with a set of criteria for bidding and adopt it. Chapman said, the Commission is still waiting to receive the funds from the state. Wilson said, she is still waiting to receive the forms and contract from state. Senator Sam Cann has said it is OK for the funding, but the forms need filled and sent. Kennedy asked for the draft of bid criteria for Commission review.
• Courthouse Boiler - [video - order #7]
The boiler is installed and working ($5,602.45 part of the bill). A couple of items have not been billed yet. The overall cost is much less than the previous $14,000 price.
• Adoption of 2012 International Building Codes - [video - order #8]
At this meeting the Commission did not feel comfortable at this time to adopt the codes.
• Courthouse Handicap Restroom - [video - order #9]
Commission decided that some work can be done by the Courthouse maintenance person. The stalls can be removed now and go ahead with the rest. The Commission approved for repairs to be done up to $500 cost.
• Receipt of letter from WV State Tax Department certifying Assessor Gary Wolfe has complied with the “assessor’s additional duties” as delineated in WV Code§7-7-6a and is entitled to additional compensation of $9,000.
Commission said last additional compensation was for Farm and this one is for the rest. This was approved. Commission noted the amount was already budgeted. - [video - order #15]
• Robert’s Rules of Order & Sexual Harassment workshop - Presented by John Sorrenti, State Auditor’s Office
12.16 Session 1 - 11:30 – 12:30 & Session 2 12:30 – 1:30 location TBD Free lunch on your own - [video - order #16]
Wilson, Kennedy, Ramsey and Chapman decided to attend the workshop. As for other Courthouse employees, Kennedy said it is up to their boss to decide. Wilson commented when it comes to Sexual Harassment it is the Commission’s responsibility.
• Gilmer County Volunteer Fire Department Bingo License - [video - order #17]
The License for GCVFD bingo has been received.
• Develop & Adopt Commission’s Procedures for Soliciting RFP’s and RFQ’s - [video - order #18]
Kennedy asked for draft of the procedure to be looked at by the Commission.
• State Supreme Court has requested a dedicated electrical outlet for their equipment, which is located in Courthouse Basement - [video - order #19]
Chapman wanted to know what initiated the request. Wilson said, the server has been down at times and problem with Video System resulting in the request. Discussion was made about whom to get to do the job. Kennedy said they needed to get those who have done work before for the Courthouse. He mentioned Bob Reed. But no decision was made. The Supreme Court will pay for the cost.
• Approval to pay Gilmer County Parks and Recreation FY 2012 Audit of $3,320 - [video - order #21]
Reta Kight brought the audit and asked the Commission to pay for it.
• $3,000 grant money has been received to reimburse and close “Project Lifesaver” (alzheimer’s transmitter)
• Grant in the amount of $27,750 has been submitted to West Virginia Technical Assistance Broadband Grant for “ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS PROJECT”. Funds will be used to bring Assessor and Tax Office records online to include tax payments via credit/debit either online or in person.
• Conclusion on Legal Advertising rates
Wilson reported that she met with Corcoran and Hough and it appears that charges are within the code. Wilson still likes to know the pricing for different ad and font sizes. She will report once they are obtained.
• Rich’s Bill for Boiler Parts
Total of $1,394.00 for the parts that was ordered for the boiler and they are not needed now since the boiler is already fixed. The manufacturer is not taking them back. Commission decided to go ahead and pay for them.
Tuesday, December 03 at 9:00 AM