Welcome to the ongoing Animal Crossing: New Leaf adventures of the GGS Gamer crew! This is a game for the long haul, and we’re going to show off our towns and collections and anything else we can find every week! If you’d like to visit our towns, check out the code list at the bottom of the page, and please post your own New Leaf stories in comments!
As this is the first New Leaf Diaries entry, we thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to meet the mayors!
I’m Mayor Joe of Adamsvil! As you can see from my exterior, I have used the iPhone QR-code making app “QR MyDesign” to generate my own cool in-game patterns. The QR code thing has come up multiple times in official Nintendo info, but note that you have to EARN the right to access it, in true Animal Crossing fashion. Talk to Sable (the hedgehog sister who’s always working in the back) over a couple days and she will eventually set it up for you.
In Adamsvil this week, we finally opened up the Roost, so now we can all enjoy hot-ass coffee while being looked down upon by Brewster. In previous games, Brewster collected gyroids, so I’m hoping the Roost opens up a gyroid storage area soon because I am tired of keeping them in my own limited storage.
Also: after a couple days of ordering coffee, Brewster has now allowed me to get a cup to go. This means I can walk around town pretentiously sipping at it. Seriously! The game treats your takeout coffee cup like a tool so you can step through it just as you do with your fishing rod and shovel and stuff. Seems like the cup never runs dry!
Wait. We can have coffee shops? For realsies? Vixville has just opened the most useless shop ever – a GARDENING SHOP. SERIOUSLY. WTF. I don’t need to buy seeds – I STEAL THEM FROM THE ISLAND TOURS, DUDE.
I cannot wait to build this, especially since my town is actually named “Coffee.” Speaking of which…
‘Sup, fans? I’m Mayor Tony, kind ruler and chief landscaper of the beautiful town of Coffee. I hope you’ll come visit us! If you do, you can enjoy a variety of local and tropical fruits, friendly critters – be sure to meet Apple, cheekers! – and many other exclusive hidden surprises. Looking for adventure? Bring your wetsuit and go cliff-diving! Swim on our beautiful, clean beaches! Shake trees and run from beehives! And the fishing? Just…wow. Fun for all ages – my 5 year-old son even has a house here! And don’t miss Club LOL – it just opened, and KK’s axe (and turntables) is always hot!
Tourism pitch aside, I’m very proud of Coffee. As a new mayor, I’m making many bold, important changes, and working with my neighbors to make our town a perfect place to live or visit! We’ve just completed our third cobblestone bridge, making travel around town super-easy. There’s a lovely fountain outside my office, and we’re in the early stages of adding a Dream Suite.
My recently-signed Night Owl ordinance ensures this town remains lively and shops stay open later. But enough about me. Let’s hear about one of the other mayors!
HELLO SMALL PEOPLE. I’m Mayor Vikki. I’m the kind of mayor who cries for a fortnight because she accidentally opened one of her buddies’ time capsules instead of burying it. Honestly – I felt so bad. Owner Iggy did, too. I’ve tried to make it up to him with letters and presents but I think that’s one permanently lost vote.
Anyway. Where was I?
Besides being the world’s most unimaginatively entitled town, Vixville has the Beautiful Town ordinance strongly in effect, which means I’m planting (stolen) flowers and pulling weeds all over the place. I’ve also built a new bridge, celebrated a new fountain and am currently in the midst of saving bells for a Dream Suite – wtf that is. We’re doing well on the fruit front, too. Thanks to generous friends, our native pear is now joined by bananas, coconuts, apples, lemons, mangoes, oranges, peaches, durians, cherries and lychees. Woot, right?
I’m still missing peaches. Grumble, grumble…
I blame our impressive selection of fruit as the reason why I’m permanently running about with a swollen face.
Bloody bees.
To be honest, I’m still not entirely sure what I’m doing. This is my first time playing any kind of Animal Crossing game, and I’m learning on the fly.
Don’t feel TOO bad, Vikki. This is only my second series experience, as I only played City Folk on Wii Classic prior to New Leaf. Though I enjoyed my first foray into Animal Crossing, hands-down this game is WAY better!
And you pick it up quickly. It’s the Seinfeld of video games. A game about NOTHING. I explained to my wife that the credits were rolling over KK Slider’s acoustic set on Saturday night because the game doesn’t end, so it’s a perfect place to foist them on us. As the credits rolled, so did her eyes…
HA! I’ve also learned that selling the beetles you catch on the island leads to mega-bells. It’s thanks to my evening trips to the island that I was able to fund Vixville’s fountain in less than a day. GO TEAM.
Animal Crossing is making me do something no 3DS game has done before; want to go for a very long walk! Walking with your 3DS on standby in your pocket earns you Play Tokens. These can be spent in Nook’s shop for a fortune cookie. If you’re lucky you can trade your fortune for a Nintendo item. I’m getting hooked on this as you may be able to tell from my Link’s Hero Cap and Samus Aran Varia Suit shirt.
My problem is my instincts. I have none. Like: should I change to early bird or late hour ordinances? Does it really matter? And why can’t I pick my own ordinance? I’d love to enforce: SEND ME ALL YOUR MINIMALIST FURNITURE rule. Wait. Is that power abuse …?
Speaking of ordinances, I’ve been debating the Night Owl thing, but that means the stores all *open* later as well. I just can’t commit to choosing to lose the 9am opening. But at least I know I can come to your place after 11pm and the shops are still open, right?
Yeah. I don’t often play in the morning, so opening later isn’t a huge deal for me. Since I tend to play at night, after the kids are in bed, it’s either that or – gasp – change the clock on my 3DS. Actually, I flipped AM & PM times in the last Animal Crossing. Night Owl makes that less of a necessity. Anyway, Peter! Tell us about your town!
Well…I’m Mayor Peter of Wallasey! Named after my real home town, the original names I came up with seemed too long and I ran out of imaginative town names so I thought I’d finally try improve my own! It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the Animal Crossing world so I’m steadily getting to grips with it. This week I completed a number of public works projects. The townsfolk said they wanted a bench so they got a bench! I’ve been on many fishing trips and caught three sharks in a row! They fetched a high price, especially after I enacted the Bell Boom Ordinance for the town to get wealthy. I was hoping this would mean many of the citizens would be more able to contribute to projects but no it is still funded primarily from my own pockets.
If some of you are also hoping for some get rich quick schemes, don’t forget each day to find the money rock (dig a hole behind you before you hit it & you could get up to 16,000 bells!) and the rock that holds a precious gem each day too.
Yes! If someone hadn’t have mentioned the money/jewel rocks and tree-shaking, I’d still be in the dark (although running about without stings, no doubt).
I do need some advice and tips on decor both in my home and throughout the town. A travelling salesman visited yesterday and offered to redo my carpet and wallpaper. I was intrigued and so took him up on the offer; what do you think of the result?
Pretty a-maze-ing, Peter! HORF HORF HORF HORF!!!
I hate you.
Anyway, that’s all for this entry! I hope you’ll come back to New Leaf Diaries each week to see what’s new in Coffee (and the rest) and smile at the quirks of life in this remarkable game! It’s bustling with life and energy and things to do. My 3DS is alive like never before, and the full-game digital download means I’m ever only seconds away from visiting Coffee. Online is great – though the game has crashed on my once, while I was playing with an island minigame with a stranger online – and the Best Friend universal chat feature is excellent. As anyone playing can tell you, New Leaf has already devoured dozens of hours of my life, and I can’t foresee stopping anytime soon. It’s a blast, and there’s always something to do, find, build, plant…you get the idea. Lots of content! GAME OF THE YEAR! I’m just going to go ahead and put that out there. [Mic drop]
3DS Friend Code: 5455 9370 5811
Dream Suite: 4900-2054-1336
3DS Friend Code: 2277 6956 4413
Dream Suite: Coming soon – under construction!
3DS Friend Code: 1005 9366 9040
Dream Suite: Coming soon – under construction!
3DS Friend Code: 3480 3038 9381
Dream Suite: Coming soon – under construction!