
The last big Metal Gear Solid game happened in 2008 on the PlayStation 3. It’s been…a really long time, actually. While a lot of us are looking forwards to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, diehard MGS fans have been waiting for creator Hideo Kojima to show us something more. Specifically, the Fox Engine, which was revealed last year. In a “can you tell which is fake and which is real” challenge, the capabilities of the brand new engine being developed by Kojima Productions were shown to be impressive indeed.

However, up until now, we haven’t been given a live demonstration of what it can really do. The engine is nearly finished, said Kojima in a PlayStation blog post today, but in order to tell if it will really work is if a game is developed as the engine’s being created.

“The Fox Engine is nearly finished, but the only way to be sure it works is to create a game at the same time and improve the engine with our tools as we go along,” said Kojima. “Originally we were going to do this for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but a lot happened along the way and instead it is being made with the engine they have at Platinum Games.”

Alongside the reveal of the Fox Engine last year, Kojima also said that he was planning to use it for multiplatform games, which wasn’t the kind of treatment Metal Gear Solid 4 got.

“Production studios in Japan are nearly extinct, a fact that we have recognized for nearly 10 years, and although the Fox Engine is not finished we are ready to show what it can do…on August 30th in Japan to be more specific.”

Via Kotaku.


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