
Although we've never met, today's guest author has been an online friend of mine since last summer. She's loaded with energy and creative ideas and, I swear, she never sleeps!
Tyler writes and reads a little bit of everything but has a soft spot for thrillers, mysteries, and sexual tension. When she isn't writing or reading, she's re-watching her favorite TV series or playing video games. (Notice, she never admits to sleeping:) The first book she finished reading in one sitting was a Harlequin Intrigue. It taught her to appreciate the power of a good book.

Tyler lives in Florida with her same-named beau and their mini lions.

Manhunt--Harlequin Intrigue

An innocent beauty looking for answers turns to a detective looking for vengeance.


One day. One town. Three missing women.

Things like this didn't happen in Culpepper. Except that they had—once before. Eleven years ago, young Braydon Thatcher was unable to stop a tragic murder, one that hit painfully close to home. Now a detective, Braydon can't help but notice the eerie similarities between the two crimes. But he has to focus on the present and keep distractions to a minimum. Distractions like Sophia Hardwick, who crashes into town like a Florida thunderstorm, demanding to know where her missing sister is. The attraction between them is nearly his undoing. But he has to protect her, because it's clear someone is resurrecting ghosts in order to punish Braydon. And if he lets his emotions for Sophia get the best of him, she could become yet another victim…



Jan Schliesman: How often to you get lost in a story?

Tyler Anne Snell: The question should really be when am I not lost in a story! I’ve loved to write as long as I’ve loved to read. When I’m not creating a story, I’m in someone else’s. I have three e-readers and hundreds of print books. At any given time I’m usually reading a handful of books! But, on the off chance I’m not reading or writing, I’m looking for a new TV series to get lost in or re-watching favorite ones. I’m one of those people who binges when I should be sleeping!

Jan Schliesman: What’s the most exciting part of being a brand new author?

Tyler Anne Snell: For me it’s the reality that I’m essentially getting paid to write. Being an author has always been my one true, life-long dream. I’ve never imagined me doing anything else. So to be able to talk about my book or writing the next one means so much to me! I feel like this is the beginning of something my heart has always wanted!

Jan Schliesman: What do you love most about your debut story?

Tyler Anne Snell: I have to say I’m over the moon in love with the characters. And not just Detective Thatcher and Sophia Hardwick. The secondary characters are relatable, fun, and have a depth to them that I think helps add to the hero and heroine’s journey. I also really enjoyed creating and working with the antagonist. I’m interested to see which character readers like most!

Jan Schliesman: Any writing rituals you’d like to share?

Tyler Anne Snell: Coffee. Music. Rachel. When it’s time to write I usually have a cup of coffee, have Pandora’s Best of the ‘80s station playing, and have a chat up with my wonderful friend Rachel. For every story I’ve ever written or brainstormed, Rachel has been an awesome listener and beta reader! These three are my writing constant!

Jan Schliesman: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Was it love at first sight? Did any part of it sound like a romance novel?

Tyler Anne Snell: Well, I don’t think we’ll ever know…we were too distracted by the fact that we have the same first name! We met when in high school and became friends. It wasn’t until eight or nine years later that we reconnected and began dating. I will say though that in high school we often joked about if we ever married each other it would be hilarious. Since I’m changing my last name to his (though I will always write under Tyler Anne Snell) we’ll have the same first and last name! Our mail will be so confusing!

Jan Schliesman: What did you buy with your first Harlequin advance check?

Tyler Anne Snell: For such a long time I’ve always wanted a treadmill in my home since I keep weird hours. So, thanks to the check I was able to finally purchase one! What’s more is I decided to get a Treadmill with a built-on desk! Now I walk and type to keep from sitting all day. One of the best purchases I’ve made!

Jan Schliesman: Anything unusual that most people don’t know?

Tyler Anne Snell: Aside from the fact that I’m about to marry a man with the same name, most people don’t realize how utterly obsessed I am with Jurassic Park (movies and books), Kurt Russell, and Jackie Chan! Always have been, always will be!

Jan Schliesman: Are you a plotter or pantser? Do you have to have a detailed outline before you start writing or do you write until you get stuck?

Tyler Anne Snell: Honestly, I go back and forth between the two. I like to plot the big things that I need to happen and then fly by the seat of my pants for everything else! Sometimes it makes great scenes…and sometimes I have to calm down and plot it out!

Jan Schliesman's GOTTA ASK:

Tyler Anne Snell's GOTTA ANSWER: Don’t hate, please don’t hate me! I actually don’t eat ice cream that much because my teeth are way too sensitive! I go for brownies or cookies instead. However, if I had to endure the pain it would only be for chocolate!

Find Tyler Anne Snell:

Contact: tylerasnell@gmail.com

Website: www.tylerannesnell.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/tylerwrites

Twitter: www.twitter.com/professorsnell

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/tylerannesnell

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/socialspaz

Blogs: www.tylerannesnell.com/blog

UP NEXT: Tyler's next release is Book One in a new four-book Harlequin Intrigue series! Tentatively called Private Eye Bodyguard, it will release around March 2016. However, she hopes to release an indie book within the year gap between her books! More info. on that later!

Huge thanks to Tyler for sharing the fun on Get Lost In A Story!  Tyler is offering a signed print copy of MANHUNT to a random commenter (North America or International) who answers the question and leaves their email in the post! She's also sending personalized video messages to anyone who sends her a picture of proof that they’ve pre-ordered MANHUNT! Just email it or send a message through Facebook!

Tyler asks: I know we all have heroes and heroines we love, but who is your favorite “bad guy” of all time?

Note: Please leave an email address for notification. Offer void where prohibited. Prizes will be mailed to North America addresses only unless specifically mentioned in the post. Odds of winning vary due to the number of entrants. Winners of drawings are responsible for checking this site in a timely manner. If prizes are not claimed in a timely manner, the author may not have a prize available. Get Lost In A Story cannot be responsible for an author's failure to mail the listed prize. GLIAS does not automatically pass email addresses to guest authors unless the commenter publicly posts their email address. 

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