Your time studying at university will be a defining period of your life. For many people it is their first time away from home, and this makes it an exciting and brilliant period which can also be incredibly rewarding and valuable. It is also a time which will be fantastic fun and somewhere that you will make friends for life. No matter where you are studying, one aspect which will determine just how enjoyable your time is will be where you call home. You will need to find accommodation that feels like home and is somewhere that you can relax, study and also have fun.
Importantly, your home will also need to be in the right location. Ideally, you will want to be close enough to the university so that travelling back and forth each day does not cause stress, and then you will also want to be near the town centre so that you can get out and socialise as well as have easy access to all the stores. For students of Loughborough University, this area is known as The Golden Triangle and is just a 10 minute walk between both. There is a great atmosphere in this area of the town and it is buzzing with student life, but of course the house itself also needs to tick all the boxes and be somewhere that you feel comfortable.
The best student lettings Loughborough has to offer will come from a private landlord. With a private landlord you get to deal with the person who actually owns the house, and this means that they will care about the property as well as your happiness living there.
They will care about the standard of living and take great pride in their property, and also take the time to get to know their tenants by name so that communication is easy. These private landlords will recognise that student living requirements are no different to anybody else’s. This means that the homes will have spacious rooms with double beds, high quality furniture, comfortable sofas, be well decorated, have a garden, televisions, a stylish fitted kitchen, be energy efficient and much more.
You are sure to have a fantastic time at university, but one key element is where your accommodation is. This will have a direct impact on how enjoyable your time is, as it needs to be somewhere that you can relax and unwind, study hard and also have some fun. It is best to opt for private landlords, as this will give you the best customer service as well as ensure that the properties are of the highest standard and well looked after.
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