Are you a high school student looking for financial assistance? There are numerous high school scholarships available to meet the needs of the students and help them in accomplishing their dreams. There are many students who want to pursue higher studies in the US but they are financially weak and cannot pay higher education fee. In such a case, the scholarships come as a good rescue because you can easily pay the fee for your college and also meet other important expenses while living in the United States.
The best thing about the high school scholarships is that it is very common and this is the reason that you can explore a number of programs to suit your needs. One can explore the amount of money that will be provided as a part of the scholarship, what is the eligibility criteria and how you have to apply for it. Complete information is available to help the students in getting familiar with the various scholarships and how each one will be useful.
So let us have a look at the different kinds of high school scholarships that best match your qualifications.
21st Century Healthcare Works
If you are interested in entering the heath care field, this is the right scholarship for you. This scholarship is open to the unemployed people and the ones who are financially weak. If you lie in the age group of 18-24, you are free to apply for this scholarship which is definitely a great opportunity for the high school students. The deadline of submitting the application will vary so stay updated with the program.
UMHEF Scholarships
UMHEF is one of the oldest and national foundations that are dedicated in assisting the students to pursue higher studies and fulfill their dreams. It has been serving the people for 42 years; therefore it is a reliable scholarship and offers a number of benefits to the students. Ever year these scholarships are introduced to help the students in building a bright career.
HCC Black History Committee Scholarship
HCC Foundation offers this scholarship to the eligible students who meet the eligibility criteria and are in need of financial support from the foundation. It receives lots of applications every year but only a few are able to make it into the list. If you want to get the scholarship, send your application before the deadline expires.
AMT Student Scholarships
The amount of this scholarship is $500. In order to obtain the scholarship reward, you will have to submit the application as well as the evidence stating your financial condition. Once the criteria are met, you can get a chance to win the scholarship.
ANS Incoming Freshman Scholarships
If you are interested in the field of nuclear engineering, you can apply for this scholarship. It rewards an amount of $1000 to the students who strictly adhere to the eligibility criteria and fulfill other requirements as well.
Some more high school scholarships include COAG Scholarship; VIP Women in Technology Scholarship, Dr. Alma Adam’s Scholarship, SEED Foundation Scholarship, Best Buy Scholarship, Illinois Bonus Incentive Grant and lots more.
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