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Question by Andy: What is the easiest way to make money online without getting scammed?

I am looking for ways to make money online without the hassle, and the possiblity of being scammed. I heard and saw bogus websites, those that ask for your credit card number and I’m not into all that. So, does anyone know of good legit ways to make money online pretty fast?

Best answer:

Answer by ColeT
Making a blog and discussing something unique that you enjoy and hopefully as time goes on a dedicated base of people will visit it and they will click on your adsense ads on the page….when the site is up give it time (about 6months to a year before anything happens).

Answer by Domino
pretty fast? to be honest if it were easy everyone would do it. there isn’t a perfect easy way to do anything.

find something you like and promote it, linshare, comissionjunction, adsense, do the research

Answer by DD Kev

Be careful – there are a LOT of scams out there! NEVER pay anything up front to make money online. You should check out this blog called Residuals and Royalties – it has tons of ways to make money online. They may not all be for you – but you will at least find 2 or 3 ways to make legitimate money. (I found 3 ways myself)

This is the website: http://www.residualsandroyalties.com



Answer by honeymoonapples
This is! I promise!


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