Hey guys again
At the risk of sounding dumb, I really need some advice yet again..! My little girl Davy is now about 4.5 months old and about 38lbs. I love her to death but she can really be a handful sometimes.
Everyone on the forums has been super helpful since I got her and first needed help. However since she is my first GSD I will probably have questions every week..
Anyway, lately, I've been unable to bring her near other dogs. I don't know how to categorize her behavior.. I don't know if it's aggression or just puppy or a mix of both. For example, a week ago, a friend brought her 11 month old 55lb mix breed around and we had some issues. For the first 30 min in my home, Davy barked and barked and barked at the other dog.. She nipped her once, then we took them outside to go to the pet store and both dogs were amazing. They were playing and jumping and having a blast. Best friends. We put them in the car and they were great together. We got to the pet store, same. We got to the bar/restaurant we were headed to (they allow dogs) and took them to a secluded area of the patio. For about 30 min they were fine. All of a sudden, Davy jumped up and started barking at the other dog. Wouldn't let her near. For the entire rest of the time, she would sit quietly then explode. She's recently developed her "adult" bark so it's pretty imposing even coming from a puppy. Not to mention embarrassing. I look like I cant control my dog. She didn't try to bite, just wouldn't stop trying to get by the other dog and barking.
She gets along with the other dog in the household though other than typical puppy play barking.
We are enrolled in a basic obedience class currently with a very reputable trainer in the area. I also have more training lined up for further control with a K9 police officer after. She also wears a prong collar. She acts the same way in class though when another dog comes near. Last night, the trainer took control of her and got her to meet a couple dogs and act right. I'm just concerned that I'M going to do the wrong thing and unintentionally teach her to behave this way. I don't want to be the person who has "that dog" that no one wants to or can be around.
Really sorry for the long post.. just trying to give all the information.
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