
Hey guys, this is my very first post here. I grew up with dogs and have wanted a German Shepherd my entire life. I have recently moved to Grafenwoehr, Germany and am excited about being able to buy a German blood-lined GSD. I have one mixed breed female dog currently, who just hit 14 months and have just started looking into local GSD breeders. My spouse and I are looking for some breeder recommendations. I have asked around and the consensus so far is Haus Amberg German Shepherds.


We are looking for a family pet, though I plan on attending training sessions with whatever breeder I purchase the puppy from. I prefer short haired but am not opposed to long haired. I really had my heart set on a sable coloring but after speaking with Haus, I realize their temperament may not be the best fit for our family. I did some research on show/working lines and discovered that majority of sable dogs are from working lines and that show lines (typically red and black here) are recommended for family pets. I am by no means an expert but I am trying to learn as much as I can. I prefer more straight backed and lean built GSDs but am aware these are characteristics of working lines. What is most important to me is to find a dog with the correct temperament so that we will all be happy :)

If you have any advice to offer or any breeders to recommend, please let me know. Thank you!

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