Posted in Genius Life
According to Gloria Steinem, only truth will set you free though it may trouble you a lot in the beginning. If you are sick and tired of your life, have waited enough for lady luck to knock on your doors and shake off the illusion that your life will change on its own, then you must read on. These 4 hard truths explained in this article will help you wake up to what is really going on, but I have to warn you, it might piss you off at first.
#1: Money Deceives
The view point of the western world is that technological growth supersedes everything else and we are here to consume and use, and discard natural resources, gadgets, other species, etc. The right to shop is perceived as the ultimate freedom. In this materialistic world, progress is measured in terms of economic growth. Competition, hoarding and taking are considered to be more valuable than cooperating, sharing and giving.
This is a dangerous addiction and it is impacting the humanity as a whole as it undermines the biosphere’s natural systems. What tricks people into thinking that money is essential for survival is not the more evolved aspect of human beings, but the lesser evolved that tricks into this thinking. We presume that advanced technologies has taught us how the world works and forget the fact everything in this universe is connected.
We need to engage ourselves with the nature and cosmos to do away with the cognitive dissonance in order to make the world we live in more economically, ecologically and socially sustainable.
We are like the Pavlov Dogs. Our dinner bell is money. Money is not meant to be hoarded. It is to be circulated for the betterment of the community. It is not money that makes us better people, but health, moral and compassion.
#2: Debt Is Fiction
A nation can be conquered and enslaved in two ways. One is by using the sword and the other is through debt. Nations around the world have been enslaved by debt. What we have today is not at all an economic system. It is ecocidal system. Efficiency, preservation and sustainability are considered to be the enemies of today’s socioeconomic system.
It is a difficult task to make people understand all these things when their thoughts are clouded by money, especially debt. We need strategic access and not ownership, equality and not equity, open-minded people and not those who think in a single track and above all a sustainable economy based on resources.
It is not comforting to know that the nature is like a dictator. We can either live in harmony with the nature or deny the nature and face the consequences. We need to ask ourselves this question: Do we know how to act, behave, appreciate, value each other, survive, love and be ourselves if the economic system tumbles and relationships are no longer defined by money?
#3: Media Manipulates
It has been observed that media is an effective tool for manipulating people. We may be social creatures, but we are also psychological creatures. It is this deadly combination that makes us inadvertently susceptible to the power of suggestion.
Media is our Achilles Heel. The news that is sent to us by the corporate media is not information, but more of a disinformation. You need to be skeptical when you read through or view the information that these media provide.
The key point is that you should not believe anything that you hear and believe only 50 percent of what you see. You must analyze the information before digesting it. However, you must be prepared to reject the information if you observe any signs of deception. You should remain circumspect and also question all authority.
The media do not focus on our best interests. They are after our money so that they can remain powerful. People who are governed by habits such as relinquishing power, responsibility and competence are very good spenders. All that companies have to do is induce little panics of powerlessness, boredom, sexual failure, paranoia and mortality in them. They can be made to purchase all those attractively packaged things.
#4: Government Is A Corporate Entity
Thomas Jefferson said, “The day the control of the government falls into moneyed incorporations’ and lending institutions’ hands, it will mark the death of democracy and the American Revolution’s defeat.” We are not living in a democracy. In fact, we have never lived in a democracy. The conclusion of a study conducted by the Princeton University recently was that we are living in an oligarchy, meaning we are being ruled by some individuals who are plutocrats (rich people).
Money acts as an immoral agent in a system that is considered to be moral, but is actually otherwise amoral. You need to ask yourself whether you want to live a life of corporate slavery or a happy life doing what you love to do.
The Occupy Movement has succeeded in shifting the shape and tenor of this debate. However, we cannot be complacent about it. We need to separate big money and politics. We need to act smarter to bring about the change and allocate power within the society.
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