There are 12 newly-discovered genealogy blogs that we’ve located this week. Remember to try and help out new blogs by:
using any follow feature listed on the blog
adding them to your blog reader
adding a comment on their blog saying “hi” and “welcome”
Here are this week’s new listings:
Coffman-Livingston | Peach-Hansman
Blog type: Family
Since I began the Coffman-Peach site literally years ago, I have found a lot of information and how to search for data specific to our family tree. There are really TWO trees — one is my Coffman-Livingston tree; the other is the Peach-Hansman tree. Right now the TNG site only has the Coffman-Livingston tree. I plan to add the Peach-Hansman tree the beginning of 2016.
If you are related to me and are researching the same Coffman and/or Livingston lines I am, you’ll find this site to be helpful. Especially if you are Coffman-related. We have one of those ancestors that was “magically” born in that he appears with no siblings or parents. And has been that way since 1998 when I started.
There is little data on the Peach-Hansman ancestry but fortunately my mother-in-law kept everything. I’m now close to being organized enough to get it into the TNG site with pieces of family information on this site.
Conference Keeper Blog
Blog type: Conferences, Industry is the most complete calendar and collection of genealogy events. Just as there is never an end to our genealogy research, there is never an end to our genealogy education. There is always something more, or something new to learn, to enhance our family histories, and help us find those elusive ancestors.
When is the next national family history conference? Where is the closest genealogy society meeting held? Bookmark our site and check back often to find the genealogy education opportunities coming to your area, or to your area of interest. There are conferences devoted to DNA and Genetic Genealogy; to religious or ethnic groups; and to specific location research!
Events are posted on the Calendar tab, as well as under the specific page of their location. Along with a listing of events, those pages also include links to useful research websites specific to each location, including genealogical and historical societies, and more.
Are you a speaker or an author? Check out the Call for Paper section under the “Opportunities” Tab. Are you interested in family history contests? Those can also be found under the “Opportunities” tab, in – you guessed it – Contests.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and our Blog to keep up with upcoming conferences, seminars, and other local genealogy meetings! You can also sign up to follow our blog via email – the link to do so is over on the right.
d’Aïeux et d’Ailleurs
Blog type: France, French
Généalogiste amateur et archiviste, j’ai créé le site Internet “d’Aïeux et d’Ailleurs” en 2007, afin de mêler recherches généalogiques, histoire, archives et numérique.
Les billets de blog, dont les plus récents sont accessibles ci-contre, sont regroupés en plusieurs rubriques : Ciel mes aïeux (portraits et articles consacrés à ma généalogie), Brèves d’archives (actes et découvertes insolites), La boîte à outils (méthodologie de recherches, outils numériques) et Dans la bibliothèque. Ces contenus sont également accessibles à partir de la frise chronologique ci-dessous.
L’Arbre généalogique permet de naviguer, par branche, dans les données collectées. La partie Photothèque regroupe des photographies familiales. Enfin, la partie Ressources propose un ensemble de liens vers des contenus intéressants du point de vue de la généalogie (blogs, outils méthodologiques, actualités).
Frayed Genes
Blog type: DNA, Family
A new blog by an old blogger, was started in late November 2015 by a 20+ year website creating veteran who has been doing genealogy and family history research for about twice as long.
There are associated wiki (, Pinterest ( and Twitter ( accounts. By integrating all these media, I hope to provide information and tips for beginning as well as experienced genealogists and family historians in ways that would be difficult if using just one channel.
The wiki main page serves as an index to all the topics covered, with subpages expanding on them as time allows, while the blog provides a place to present a narrative view of the work. Pinterest is great for collecting heterogenous tidbits and leads, minimally organized into “boards”, while Twitter allows me to keep up with other genealogists and historians in real time.
Fridays Fallen Acorns and Other Nuts
Blog type: Family, Research
Stories of Persons of Interest that I have found in my family research. They have been involved in Murders, Extortion, Kidnappings, Bombings, Shootings, Bootlegging and other interesting topics. None of these persons are living individuals. Most of the information has been found in newspaper articles, police reports, death certificates, etc. Posts are added each Friday.
Blog type: Canada, Family, Professional summarizes, reviews, and promotes events in the genealogy community which Mike Quackenbush either attends or endorses – in an effort to help share the experiences with those who cannot attend.
Mulholland Family History
Blog type: Family
This blog highlights my Mulholland ancestors from County Antrim, Ireland and those that immigrated to Los Angeles and Long Beach California, United States; and Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Repurposed Genealogy
Blog type: Family
Genealogy is more than just names and dates. It’s connecting with your ancestors and the past through our shared experiences. It is something that I am passionate about. I have a tendency to get a bit compulsive about it, and then have to focus on something else for a while to create a better sense of balance.
Roger’s Ramblings
Blog type: Family, Technology
A place to talk about my genealogy, to publish my genealogy online, make available some downloads for TNG (The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding) software, display photos.
Rooted In Elizabeth
Blog type: Family, New Jersey
The genealogy and family history of the Dixon, Karvoius, Klein, and Traina families of Elizabeth, New Jersey.
I was born in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Elizabeth, NJ on what my mother claimed was “the hottest day of the year.” She may have exaggerated, but there was no air conditioning in the hospital and it was the middle of the summer.
Road trips to various historic sites were a part of my childhood. I was never bored. History is fun!
So much so, that I majored in History in college. After that, I worked at Colonial Williamsburg for several years. I learned to spin yarn, and honed my weaving skills. Also, I talked to just about everyone in America. You look familiar. Didn’t I see you there?
Then I did a stint with a company that did contract Archaeology. Being useless with a shovel, I spent most of my days cataloging artifacts held by the National Park Service at Yorktown and Jamestown. Not only was that really fun (no, really!), but I met my husband working at that job. Bonus!
After ten years in the swamps we headed for high ground, ending up in beautiful southwest Virgina. We both did a stint in a university archive, working with great people and lots of fun stuff. More history fun!
Now, for something completely different, I work for a company that makes tools for people who play with yarn and process their own wool for spinning. Essentially a woodworking shop. This is also fun. Power tools…wheeee!
In my spare time I play with wool and yarn, weave tapestries, stick seeds in the ground and hope they grow, and read. Oh, and you know, that whole genealogy thing.
Un arbre pour racines
Blog type: French
Moi, c’est Delphine…. ça fait déjà près de vingt ans que je m’intéresse à la généalogie mais je ne suis toujours qu’une amateur. Je n’ai malheureusement pas toujours beaucoup de temps à y consacrer.
Avant de commencer, il faut quand même que je vous prévienne : j’adoooore raconter ma vie ! Et maintenant, celle de mes ascendants…
J’ai commencé à m’intéresser à l’histoire de la famille en écoutant ma grand-mère maternelle (ma sosa 7) commenter des photos anciennes lors des réunions de famille. Au début, simplement parce que j’aimais beaucoup les histoires qu’elle racontait sur les uns et les autres. Puis, j’ai eu envie d’en savoir un peu plus sur ces hommes et femmes qui sont mes ancêtres. Je me suis réellement lancée dans la généalogie quand elle m’a offert un petit livre à remplir avec les noms de mes parents et grands-parents. J’ai commencé à scanner des photos anciennes et les papiers de famille que j’ai trouvés. Et voilà, c’était parti…
Après une interruption de plusieurs années, je m’y suis remise l’an dernier. Le décès de mon papa m’a rappelé l’importance de la famille et qu’avec le départ d’un proche c’est un pan de mémoire qui disparaît… Il faut donc la conserver pour ceux qui viennent derrière, comme mon neveu par exemple.
Pourquoi décider d’ouvrir un blog aujourd’hui alors que je fais de la généalogie depuis plusieurs années ? Je vous l’ai dit, j’adore raconter ma vie. Ce que je fais déjà sur mon autre blog dédié à mes visites, balades et voyages. Mais aussi et surtout parce que depuis quelques temps, je suis abonnée à plusieurs blogs et comptes Twitter dédiés à la généalogie et, même si je n’ai pas le temps de tout lire en détails, j’y ai trouvé plein d’astuces et de conseils qui m’ont aidée… Cela m’a donné envie de participer moi aussi, à mon petit niveau, à cette grande communauté. Je vais même essayer de me lancer dans le challenge AZ en juin 2016.
Mes publications ne seront pas régulières, elles se feront en fonction de mon temps disponible, de mes trouvailles et de mes envies…
We Will Remember Them WWI
Blog type: Family, Military
I started this blog to commemorate ancestors who were involved in World War 1, so far I have included Rifleman 17/1344, Herbert McWILLIAMS (Ireland), and Private 602, Edward Samuel BRIDGEMENT (Australia), there will be a few others as I continue to gather information. A diary kept by my maternal Grandmother Ada Anna FROST (nee Bridgement) and various family letters and postcards will be included as sources for some of the blog entries, especially those about Edward Samuel Bridgement.
© 2016, copyright Thomas MacEntee. All rights reserved.
The post New Genealogy Blogs 16 January 2016 appeared first on GeneaBloggers.