
There are 6 newly-discovered genealogy and family-history related blogs that we’ve located this week. Remember to try and help out these new blogs by:

using any follow feature listed on the blog

adding them to your blog reader

adding a comment on their blog saying “hi” and “welcome”

Here are this week’s new listings:

As Canadian As Can Be
Blog type: Canada, Canadian, Family, French-Canadian

I remember the day I was standing in the gift shop at the Museum of Man and Nature here in Winnipeg, and stumbled upon my great-great grandmother’s name in a history book.  The book was Sylvia Van Kirk’s Many Tender Ties and the name was Margaret Taylor. I knew this was my great-great grandmother’s name only because another cousin, Maurice Hogue, had begun researching our family roots.  What I discovered about Margaret’s life in the pages of that book would mark the beginning of my addiction to genealogy.

Margaret’s story is a fascinating one, but only one of many that demonstrates how intertwined our ancestors have been with Canadian history.  My family has connections to the founding of Quebec City, Montreal and Trois Rivières, the fur trade, the Napoleonic wars, the War of 1812, United Empire Loyalists, the Métis nation, and the settlement of Manitoba. This became my focus, to discover and share the stories that make up our family’s truly “Canadian” past.

Czech Out Your Ancestors
Blog type: Czech, Professional

My name is Katherine Elizabeth Vasicek Challis. I have a BA in French Teaching with a minor in TESOL K-12 (BYU ’09). I taught Arabic to grades 6-9 at a charter school for a little over two years. I currently stay home with my three children, ages four and younger.

I have always enjoyed old things. As a young girl, I loved to look at the oldest photographs in our family photo album. I have always kept a personal journal.

This interest became a passion as I went to BYU and began to learn more about the genealogical research processes. I took a class on Family History while an undergraduate. I began to spend all my free time between classes at the BYU Family History Library, looking at microfilms and books. My husband and I started spending our weekends on expeditions to places like the Daughters of the Utah Pioneer Museum, the Utah State Archives, and of course the amazing Family History Library in Salt Lake City.

Since 2007, I have been actively researching my own family, with a special focus on my Czech Ancestry. I have been able to solve many difficult problems and trace my direct line ancestry back further than anyone had previously thought possible. I have made contact with distant cousins here and in Moravia, and have become highly proficient at reading and analyzing Czech Parish Registers. I understand the history and culture of the Czech lands, and the motivations for immigration. I specialize in finding the village of origin for Czechs immigrating to the United States.

It was this deep interest and passion that inspired me to start my own business as a professional genealogist. I am positive that my skills can help you discover more about your loved ones of the past.

Heirlines Professional Genealogy
Blog type: Professional

Climbing the Family Tree Professionally Since 1969

HEIRLINES Family History & Genealogy is the professional genealogy company that will help you search for your ancestry and discover your family history. We have been providing quality service for over 30 years. Through the use of the Family History Library of Utah, the Internet, on site research trips, and many other resources and facilities that are available to our experienced professionals, we are able to search censuses, vital records, wills and deeds, court records, church registers, military rolls, immigration lists, and many more genealogical and historical sources to help you with your family history and genealogy goals.

Blog type: Family

This site focuses on the genealogy of the of the Imhoff and Pryor families of greater Utica, New York. The Imhoff’s of Frammersbach, Bavaria, Germany and the Pryor family of Ireland were joined through the marriage of Anne Pryor and Richard Imhoff in November 1959. While subsequent generations share the heritage of these two families, in the not too distant past, their histories diverged to encompass many nationalities and cultures. While the focus may be on the ancestors of Anne and Richard, the ‘whole’ of these families is woven from the stories and experiences of thousands. It is nearly impossible to consider that a ‘family’ is of two names when, with each preceding generation, the number of surnames, minimally, doubles. This exponential growth of the family tree ensures an almost endless opportunity to discover new material!

Son of Swift
Blog type: Family

Hello, my name is Keith F. Shovlin and I’m an amateur genealogist. For the past 11 years I’ve been researching my family history as well as the history of my wife’s family. This research is collected on my website,www.megankeith.com/past

As I move forward, I have continued to expand my avenues of research, from family interviews, to Federal records, to online records and now Ancestry records. While listening to a recent Genealogy Gems podcast, I decided to launch my own Genealogy blog that I would use to record my research and share my findings my family and other amateur genealogists.

So here is my current plan of action: For Mother’s Day this year, I gave my wife the AncestryDNA test and we sent in her sample a couple weeks later. After the site sent us her results we decided to upload her GEDCOM to the site to connect with her newly identified genetic cousins. I uploaded her family first as a private family file and used the site to do some research. Once I had attained a certain level (Five full generations), I reposted the tree as a public tree and added my side of the family as a private tree.

Over the next few weeks I will choose a family member a day, alternating between my and my wife’s family, and report here on my findings. This way I can share what I find, but also properly source my research, a problem I’ve had over the years. At some point I also plan on becoming a board-certified genealogist, specializing in U.S. Census records. I will also share this process on this blog.

To start, I will share a multitude of data on this blog hoping to draw in distant family members doing their own research. Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or requests. I work for the Library of Congress and have full access to the Library’s Local History and Genealogy Reading Room and Ancestry.com through AncestryLibrary.

You can e-mail me at seibhleain@gmail.com or find me on Facebook or twitter (@Seibhleain).

The Naked Genealogist
Blog type: Education, Family

Back in 1999, Jamie Oliver introduced a simplified but extremely successful style of cooking on his show The Naked Chef. Ironically, Jamie didn’t really care for the title of that series. Neither did his grandmother.

Taking a cue from Oliver, I believe genealogy can be more rewarding when it’s stripped-down. And while my title may have brought you here, I sincerely hope my blogging makes you return.

© 2013, copyright Thomas MacEntee

New Genealogy Blogs 19 October 2013 is a post from GeneaBloggers.com. All rights reserved.

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