Charity Caswell is a Man who identifies as a Woman. He has created an extremely disgusting Twitter account in which he posits that Cathy Brennan “hates men” because she was raped. The account is here.
Creating impersonation social media accounts is a common tactic of trans activists.
Caswell also attempted to pose as Anonymous to harass Cathy here.
Cathy M Brennan (@BrennanCathyM) _ Twitter Cathy M Brennan on Twitter_ _@AnonyOps this dyke here –_ @BadhbhCatha condones rapists. Cathy M Brennan 311 Murdock Road Baltimore MD 21212 Cathy M Brennan on Twitter_ _@TYEFofficial this dyke here –_ @BadhbhCatha condones rapists. Cathy M Brennan 311 Murdock Road Baltimore MD 21212 Cathy M Brennan on Twitter_ _@TGGuide the dyke here –_ @BadhbhCatha condones rapists. Cathy M Brennan 311 Murdock Road Baltimore MD 21212 Cathy M Brennan on Twitter_ _dyke here –_ @BadhbhCatha condones rapists. Cathy M Brennan 311 Murdock Road Baltimore MD 21212 People following Cathy M Brennan (@BrennanCathyM) _ Twitter People followed by Cathy M Brennan (@BrennanCathyM) _ Twitter Cathy M Brennan on Twitter_ _@ProjectBuddy can you give my channel a shoutout_ http___t