“”Ya Devi Sarbabhuteshshu, Shakti Rupena Sanksthita Namasteshwai Namasteshwai Namasteshwai Namo Namaha””
Puranas tells us that whenever the evil and wrong has spread its wings over the lesser mortals and caused nothing but misery, the supreme power has annihilated such demonic powers with goodness and pious virtues. Legends has it that when the Gods were defeated and were made to leave the heavenly abode, the divine power of Goddess Shakti could only defeat the evil Mahishaasura. It was only after nine days and nine nights of fighting that peace was restored on the tenth day.
Today the lesser mortals are still plagued by millions of evil forms which engulf the necessary moral character into oblivion. It is necessary to unbind ourselves from the shackles of contraventions and lead a pious and a veritable life. Since the Vedic period, scholars have emphasized on various elements of our lives which have greater influence over our karma. One of the major elements has been Astrological Navaratna stones which redirect cosmic benefits to us have been effective in countering malefic effects of one's ruling planets.
This Navratri, bring peace and happiness into your life as you evoke your devotion towards the nine avatars of Goddess Shakti on the nine days of this festive season.
Evoke the divinity of Maa Shailputri with the 'King of Gemstones- Ruby or Manik'
The auspicious nine days of the Hindu calendar begins with the worshiping of Maa Shailputri through the chants of Vande Vanchhitalabhay chandrardhakritshekharam, Vrisharudham Shooldharam Shailputreem Yashasvineem. It is believed that she is the reincarnation of the Maa Sati, the Lord Shiva's wife. Astrologically it is believed that Manik or Ruby denotes this avatar of the Goddess Durga. Among all the navratna gemstones, ruby bestows the powers of the Sun God upon its wearer. Those who wish to reap the benefits of enhanced status, high power and increased wealth, ruby is the ideal gemstone for them. This Navratri brings home the benefits of the king of the gemstones.
Visit the Ruby gemstone collection for more details.
Get the blessings of Ma Brahmacharini with a Yellow Sapphire Gemstone or Pukhraj.Chant the magical hymns of Dadhana karpadmabhayaamaqshmala kamadalu, Devi prasidatu mayi brahmchaarinyanutama, to invoke the yogic asceticism and devotion towards Maa Brahmacharini. This purest form of Goddess Durga is believed to be denoted by a flawless and pristine yellow sapphire, famously known as pukhraj. Also known to counter the malefic effects of the Planet Jupiter, the pukhraj gemstone, as per the Vedic Astrology brings immense wealth, prosperity and professional success into the wearer's life. Among the navratna gems, the yellow sapphire is the most beneficial gemstone to those who are in administrative, judicial or are a part of the higher management of a company.
Visit the dazzling collection of unheated and untreated Yellow Sapphire gemstone.
The third avatar of Goddess Durga- Ma Chandraghanta and her blessing of the Hessonite gemstone.
This avatar of Goddess Durga denotes honor and valiance. As Maa Chandraghanta is decorated with weapons to win over the evil and wrong, us lesser mortals also need such weapon to counter the malefic effects of the greater cosmos. The planet Rahu has been known to cause havoc into the lives of those whose horoscopes feature him at weaker or unfavorable positions. With the help of the Vedic Astrology and GemPundit, now one may easily attain fame, success, and wealth with a Gomedh or the Hessonite gemstone.
Browse our Hessonite or Gomedh collection for more details.
Bring happiness into your life with Maa Kushmanda and White Sapphire gemstone.
This avatar of Goddess Durga is believed to be the creator of life and this universe. As per the Hindu mythology, she upholds the existence of human life with her gentle and warm affectionate happy smile. Bring the same peace and happiness into your life as the Planet Venus blesses you. Garner these benefits with the representative gemstone of White Sapphire. The wearer of this gemstone is blessed with a happier marital life and equally successful professional enhancement for those who are in artistic fields.
Visit our White Sapphire gemstone collection for more information.
Fight evil with the blessings of Maa Skandamata and Red Coral Gemstone.
The mother of skanda or kartika is known for her maternal warmth and care. It is believed that the Red Coral gemstone denotes the blessings of the Goddess Durga while denoting the planet Mars. This gemstone is believed to bestow materialistic benefits upon its wearer. Also, those who deal with real estate or are linked with this professional field, stand to gain immense benefit from wearing a laal moonga or red coral gemstone. Wear this gemstone as a pendant or as a ring to derive the maximum benefits.
Visit the Red Coral gemstone collection to know more.
Pay your devotion to the mahisasurmardini, Maa Katyayani with an Emerald Gemstone.
As one recites, ChandrhaasujjwalKara Shaardulvar-wahana Katyayani dadhyadevi Daanavghaatini, evoke the divinity in you and pay your homage to the Maa Katyayani who rides over a lion and destroys evil and unjust for the greater benefit and goodness of the mankind. The Vedic Astrology mentions that the emerald gemstones denotes this avatar of Goddess Durga which imparts the benefits of the ruling planet of Mercury. Wearing an emerald gemstone ring helps its wearer in attaining career advancement and greater professional success. This gemstone especially helps those who have to rely on their communication skill. At GemPundit, we offer an enriched collection of certified brazil emerald.
Visit the Emerald or Panna collection for more information.
The seventh day belongs to Maa Kalratri and the precious Blue Sapphire Gemstone.
The fearsome and fearless avatar of Goddess Durga has been the stopping force to the evil and unjust for several centuries. Maa Kalratri, by withstanding by the humanity has won over various asuras or the evil forms which have threatened our very existence. Today, many such evil powers exist in the larger cosmic space which threaten our progress and achievements. Imbibe the blessings of Maa Kalratri this navratri by wearing a blue sapphire as a ring or a pendant. Let this power gemstone unleash the hidden benefits upon you so that no outside force may stop from achieving what you sought for. At GemPundit, we offer certified untreated and unheated Blue Sapphires for astrological purposes.
Visit our Blue Sapphire gemstone collection and know more about it.
Make your life peaceful as you pray to Maa Mahagauri with Pearl Gemstones.
As Maa Mahagauri has always stood for peace and prosperity, bring calmness and tranquility in your life by paying your homage to the calm and serene avatar of Shakti during this Navaratri. It is believed that her powers are associated with the pearl gemstone, which is known to bestow calmness and steady demeanor upon its wearer. At GemPundit.com, we present you with authentic natural pearl gemstone to allow you to reap the benefits of the ever peaceful and serene Maa Mahagauri.
Visit our Pearl Gemstone collection to know more about it.
Make your dreams come true with the blessings of Maa Siddhidatri and the Cat's Eye Gemstone.
SiddhGandarv-Yaksha-dyair-Surai-ramrairapi Sevyamaana sada bhuyaat siddhida siddhi-daayini, i.e. Goddess Durga in the form of Maa Siddhidatri makes the wishes come true of its true follower. There have been many instances when one with a pure heart and better intentions have won over several obstacles by offering his prayers to the deity. Vedic Astrology believes that the blessings of Maa Siddhidatri have been encompassed in a Cat's Eye gemstone which bestows the same benefits upon its wearer. This gemstone increases the chances of professional success and helps in removing the hurdles from the life. For better chances in business, Cat's Eye or lehsunia offers umpteen advantages.
Visit the Cat's Eye or lehsunia collection for more information about this gemstone.
This Navratri, empower yourself as well as your family with the hidden powerhouse of this universe, which is now easily available to us in the form of astrological gemstones. The Vedas and Puranas have, since time immemorial, emphasised the benefits of these gemstones towards the mankind. A gemstone worn after careful consideration of the horoscope may unleash unbound amount of good luck and better opportunities from every direction, upon its wearer. Wear them as a pendant or a ring, these gemstones can be worn individually as well as collectively in the form of navratan rings. We offer genuine and certified gemstones which are absolutely unheated and untreated. Know which gemstone suits you most as we offer Astro-consultation services through our team of highly qualified astrologers.