
Is America really so far gone that we ared going to elect this thoroughly and brazenly corrupt and compromised woman President of the United States? Can America survive four or eight more years of corrupt Clinton misrule?

“Clinton Foundation Employed a Now-Imprisoned Senior Muslim Brotherhood Official,” by Patrick Poole, PJ Media, October 20, 2016:

Gehad El-Haddad, the now-imprisoned former spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s so-called “Freedom and Justice Party,” was effectively the “Baghdad Bob” of the Arab Spring.

Educated in the UK and the son of a top Muslim Brotherhood leader, Gehad served as the special advisor on foreign policy to deposed Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi.

Gehad incited violence, justified the torture of protesters, recycled fake news stories, and staged fake scenes of confrontation during the 2013 Rabaa protests.

He was arrested in September 2013 after the fall of Morsi and the bloody confrontations during the breakup of the Muslim Brotherhood’s protest camps in Rabaa Square and around Cairo.

During his ascendancy in 2011 and 2012, at which time he served on the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Nahda” (Renaissance) Project to revive the caliphate and reinstitute Islamic law and also served as Morsi’s campaign spokesman, he was being paid by the Clinton Foundation.

Gehad had been employed for five years as the Cairo director of the Clinton Foundation until August 2012, according to his own LinkedIn page:

This shows that the Clinton Foundation subsidized one of the senior Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials in his rapid rise to power.

His LinkedIn shows he was employed by the Clinton Foundation from August 2007 through August 2012, during which time he served in several positions within the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party:

From the early days of the Arab Spring beginning in May 2011, when he was serving as the Muslim Brotherhood’s party foreign affairs advisor, he was being paid by the Clinton Foundation.

He was still on the Clinton’s payroll when he became spokesman for Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate for president of Egypt, and throughout the entirety of his campaign.

He held multiple senior roles with the Muslim Brotherhood while continuing to be in the employ of the Clinton Foundation.

It didn’t take long for Gehad to become a brazen apologist for the worst abuses of the Morsi regime.

When Morsi declared himself above the law and the courts in a November 22, 2012 declaration, Gehad was quick to justify the power grab to reporters and analysts:

@hahellyer@elgindy_ MB could hv protected votes, played easy, let Corrupt Const Court dislove assembly, let criminal police officers walk.

— Gehad El-Haddad (@gelhaddad) November 24, 2012

And when police immediately began to protest Morsi’s power grab, Gehad threatened a purge of the police for not falling into line:

@priyanica Police needs its own cleansing project, which this declaration just enabled. Let’s hope its swift.

— Gehad El-Haddad (@gelhaddad) November 23, 2012

Morsi’s power grab launched a series of protests in December 2012. The Muslim Brotherhood unleashed its shock troop cadres on protesters, including setting up torture chambers for anti-Morsi protesters — all with Gehad’s vocal approval:

Vigilante: on BBC, @gelhaddad says MB sent its cadres to palace protest yesterday to protect the prez they elected bc police stood down.

— Eric Trager (@EricTrager18) December 6, 2012

@tekaldas@Ikhwanweb Sm beatings were overly excessive if attacker had wounded/killed any supporters.

— Gehad El-Haddad (@gelhaddad) December 8, 2012

And as the Ministry of Interior and the police continued to resist Morsi’s violence against protesters, Gehad continued to threaten retaliation:

MoIA & Police force WILL be held accountable and WILL be cleansed for their traitorous role since Jan25th till now.

— Gehad El-Haddad (@gelhaddad) December 15, 2012

Continuing into 2013, Morsi’s regime continued to lose legitimacy in the face of growing protests culminating in the June 30 “Tamarod” protests, where tens of millions of Egyptians took to the streets against Morsi.

In the run-up to June 30, Gehad announced the regime’s moves to counter the protesters:

Arm & Police granted judicial arrest powers to secure major government buildings and ensure law & order on street.

— Gehad El-Haddad (@gelhaddad) June 27, 2013

He also was caught recycling pictures from previous protests to slander the June 30th protests as trying to reinstall the former president, Hosni Mubarak:

In response to what may be the largest political protests in recorded human history, the June 30 protests and the intransigence of Morsi on heeding calls for new elections, the Egyptian army stepped in and deposed Morsi on July 3, 2013.

After Morsi’s removal and as the Muslim Brotherhood seized several critical areas of Cairo in response to grind the city to a halt, Gehad continued to roll out the fake propaganda.

In one case in July 2013, he posted on Facebook a picture that he represented as a mother who was a Morsi supporter whom he claimed had been killed by Egyptian police. But in fact the picture was from Syria in December 2012:

Reporters covering the Muslim Brotherhood’s protests complained that Gehad did nothing as they were beaten by Muslim Brotherhood cadres at the protests:

As the protests began to escalate, so did Gehad’s false propaganda….

Read the rest here.

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