
Originally posted on: http://geekswithblogs.net/androidappdevelopers/archive/2017/02/22/why-should-ios-developers-choose-swift-programming-for-applications.aspx

Whenever the developers decide to start new iOS app project, they might be pondered whether to chose Swift programming or Objective-C. Apple introduced Swift in the year 2014 after thorough research and development. Before Swift, Objective-C is widely used language for iOS application development.

Some Amazing Features Of Objective-C

Objective-C is considered as the core of iOS application development. It is the top choice for Mac OS development since 1980. Though Swift app developers write code in Swift but they are virtually dealing with fundamental concepts that are inherited from Objective-C. The execution of Internet protocol in a mobile application has become possible due to Objective-C.

The provision of third party framework and libraries is a key feature of Objective-C. Many tools used for iOS development are not optimized with Swift but are better compatible with Objective-C. Objective-C offers the most robust language runtime environment. Hence, for most of the app development companies, Objective-C is still a favorite choice.

Every iOS application development uses the core foundation of APIs. Basically, Objective-C offers a strong set of APIs with wonderful features. The APIs that are used in Swift for memory management and data wrapping, are generally Objective-C based APIs.

Why iOS Developers Are Moving Towards Swift Programming?

As per the experienced iOS app developers, Swift has provided amazing implications and created eagerness in new app developers about iOS app development. Generally, Swift and Objective-C both are the best options for building iPhone applications. But both languages have their own features and benefits.

Generally, Swift looks friendly to app developers who have worked with Objective-C before. Swift has inherited dynamic object model found in Objective-C. The mobile applications developed with Swift are easily scaled to the cloud services.

The Swift has adopted safe patterns for iOS application development by delivering more features in order to make coding easier and flexible. It is equipped with advanced compiler, debugger and structural framework.

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) feature is used in Swift to simplify the memory management issues. Modern and standard Cocoa Foundation is used in order to enhance Swift framework stack. The cross-platform compatibility makes Swift more suitable choice for iOS application development.

Feature Of Swift Language

Swift language has an ability to create responsive, immersive and consumer-facing iOS applications. This all has become possible because of its advanced feature. Following are some advantages of Swift programming:

1. Safe

Type interface is one of the key features of Swift programming which makes it safe. The type-interface reduces the coding length. It uses default setting unless specified by a special keyword. This will help developers to avoid false coding due to false input values.

Moreover, Swift has eliminated the null pointer concept which is used in Objective-C. However, null-pointer ensures crash-free application. But it can generate bugs in applications as a line of code become non-operational (no-op) in nature. Swift generates the compiler error whenever developers use null-pointer variables in a source code. It also generates small feedback loop and alerts developers to avoid the use of null-pointer variables. This will make developers to fix the bugs in the code as early as possible.

2. Interoperability

Developers can use Objective-C code inside the Swift program and vice versa. Therefore application can benefit the best features and patterns of both languages. The interoperability help to keep application code layout native to either Objective-C or Swift.

3. Compatibility

Applications developed with Swift are compatible with the latest and previous iOS versions. Because the Swift applications have Xcode Swift runtime dynamic libraries fixed within the application bundle. These libraries allow consistent and seamless performance on a different version of Swift as well as iOS. Swift app developers can now submit the application in AppStore along with dynamic libraries. Both app and libraries are digitally signed with development certificate to confirm the integrity.

4. Easy To Maintain

In Objective-C, developers handle two code files in order to improve the efficiency and build time of an executable application. But Swift merges the Objective-C header (.h) file and implementation (.m) file into single code (.swift) file. Because the Xcode and LLVM compiler of Swift automatically determine the dependencies and perform the incremental build in the program.

5. Swift Package Managers:

Swift bundle directors help to sort the applications respective of their platform. Swift package managers can track the various activities of applications running on different devices. For example, Mac OS X, Linux, watchOS, and tvOS.


The main objective of Swift language is to extend the success of iOS platform. Swift has provided a lot of features and benefits in order to boost up iOS app development. The robust swift applications has helped Apple to gain wide range of audience for iOS platform.

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