
Read all about the Indiegogo campaign to fund the new comic book, The Stonewall Riots!

Writer Michael Troy, artist David T. Cabera, and colorist Dan Barnes are raising funds through Indiegogo to publish their comic, The Stonewall Riots, which chronicles the 1969 flashpoint for the gay rights movement.  If you’re not familiar with that point in our history, it started on June 28, 1969 when a routine police raid on the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in New York did not go as planned, with the patrons and bystanders fighting back for the very first time.  This was the last straw after decades of harassment and oppression.  The queens weren’t going to take it anymore!  The riots lasted six days and sparked a worldwide movement that continues today.  Writer Michael Troy says “With the LGBTQ community making such amazing strides to equality especially with the death of DOMA, it's important to remember where you came from and we intend to remind people with this comic book.”

The single-issue comic is not based on any previous work but created through extensive research.  Troy has “tried to keep the facts of the story mixed with symbolism bridging the past to the present.”  It will be in a format that can get into the hands of a whole new audience, whether in comic book stores, at conventions, in gay and lesbian centers, or digitally anywhere in the world.

The Stonewall Riots will be published through Bluewater Productions with the funds from contributors going to pay for, as they put it “top notch printing, marketing and distribution.”

Go to their Indiegogo page contribute to this project.  You’ll get a full description of the book along with sample pages by artist David T. Cabera plus information about the various incentives they are offering for different funding levels.

Once funded, they are hoping to publish the book in September or October.  When that happens, you can still be involved by going to your local comic book store and buying it, or if they are not carrying it, by asking them to order and carry it.  Be visible and out, even in your comic shop.

The countdown is on before the Indiegogo campaign closes, so check it out today!


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