Gaming nerds! Comic nerds! It's kinda awesome.
The single geekiest thing I did by far in the past week was a visit to an event at the annual Game Developers' Conference, hosted by the Gay Gaming Professionals group here:
Yes, it was at San Francisco's gloriously tacky Stud Bar (not nearly as leather-y as it would sound), a well-established Folsom dive that this year hosted queer geeks from all over the world. While I'm not directly involved with the gaming industry (closest I come is the occasional gaming-related blog post hereabouts), the organizers assured me I was welcome to attend. In spite of some suspiciously NYC-like drink prices (not the norm in SF, as expensive a city as it is), it was a great time, and I had a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the diversity of queer experiences throughout the gaming industry.
The other nerd highlight of my SF visit was Isotope Comics, the most renowned of many area comics shops. This one features a host of comics and memorabilia, including this vintage Doctor Strange costume:
As well as, for some reason, a host of comics creator-illustrated toilet seats:
Meanwhile, I'm now in Portland, Oregon, which strikes me as a college town writ large – it's kind awesome. Will have some updates soon!