Mobile technology is a growing trend here in the Kingdom, and organisations are hopping on the bandwagon to harness the social power of such technologies. InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia, is one of such organisations that have partnered with the Ministry of Health’s Communicable Disease Control department (CDC Cambodia).
With backing from the Skoll Global Threat Fund, InSTEDD announced the launch of innovative technology solutions to improve infectious disease detection and disease surveillance. These innovations will enable CDC Cambodia to enable open participatory reporting from citizens across the Kingdom. This not only enables the reporting of such statistics to be more efficient, it also improves the timeliness of infectious disease reporting from over 1000-plus health centres.
Held on January 29th, the launch also saw the new release of a new web tool that will enable the team from CDC Cambodia to screen online media, while sending alerts for potential disease outbreaks related information. Named the ‘Digital Disease Detection and Participatory Surveillance System’, Dr Ly Sovann, CDC Cambodia’s Director, said: “The early detection technology tools will help us tremendously. With InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia’s support, our communication and response system will get faster, much faster than ever before.”
Regional Lead of InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia, Mrs. Channe Suy, also added that the innovative tech solutions would mean greater support for public health, especially when the speed of information will be faster than the speed of the disease spreading. These solutions, which protect against outbreaks and pandemics even more effectively are always welcome.