
This is a map highlighting the most lewd sounding town name in each US state. Of course, lewd sounding is all subjective. To me, Wankers Corner, Oregon sounds like a lovely place to hang out with your bros. Dickshooter, Idaho not so much. Did you know Sugar Tit, South Carolina got its name because "the men spent so long socializing at the local general store, their wives complained they took to the store like a baby to a sugar tit." A sugar tit is a folk name for a pacifier, by the way. I know, I was hoping they discovered some sort of gigantic Candyland Queen's tits in the woods too. I have dreams about stuff like that. Very X-Files.

Keep going for the entire list of all the dirty sounding town names that didn't get first place.
ALABAMA: Ballplay, Boar Tush, Smut Eye

ALASKA: Clam Gulch, Covenant Life, Manley Hot Springs, Mary's Igloo, North Pole

ARIZONA: Cyclopic, Kaka, Parker Strip, Show Low, Three Way

ARKANSAS: Bald Knob, Biggers, Blue Ball, Boeuf, Corning, Flippin, Greasy Corner, Pea Ridge, Romance, Toad Suck, Weiner

CALIFORNIA: Bush, Chubbuck, Clam Beach, Fort Dick, Hooker, Johnsondale, Johnsons, Old Fig Garden, Peters, Prunedale, Raisin City, Ragged Point, Ragtown, Rough and Ready, Shafter, Woody

COLORADO: Atwood, Beaver Creek, Delores, Hotchkiss, Johnson Village, Lay, Loveland, Lubers, Slagger, Wetmore, Woodrow, Woody Creek

CONNECTICUT: Happyland, Moosup, Seymour, Essex

DELAWARE: Blue Ball, Bunting, Cave Colony, Cocked Hat, Cowgills Corner, Hoars Addition, Midnight Thicket, Swallow Hill

FLORIDA: Briny Breezes, Bunker Donation, Chattahoochee, Fluffy Landing, Miccosukee, Needmore, Wildwood

GEORGIA: Balls Ferry, Boneville, Butts, Cumming, Experiment, Faceville, Flippen, Gumlog, Hardup, Lumpkin, Pyles Marsh

HAWAII: Honaunau-Napoopoo

IDAHO: Bone, Cream Can Junction, Dickshooter, Dingle, Hand Place, Headquarters, Player Place, Slickpoo, Wickahoney

ILLINOIS: Bone Gap, Boody, Breeds, Bush, Chicken Bristle, Chittyville, Diswood, Dongola, Ficklin, Honey Bend, Kumler, La Fox, Lick Creek, Love, Shobonier

INDIANA: Beaver City, French Lick, Effingham, Floyds Knobs, Friendswood, Gnaw Bone, Rocky Ripple, Spurgeon

IOWA: Balltown, Beaverdale, Cumming, Fertile, Hard Scratch, Inwood, Manly, Sac City

KANSAS: Deerhead, Dry Wood, Skiddy

KENTUCKY: Bald Knob, Beaver Dam, Beaverlick, Bigbone, Broad Bottom, Co-Operative, Girdler, Knob Lick, Load, Morehead, Mud Lick

LOUISIANA: Dry Prong, Grosse Tete, Grand Cane, Hardwood, Lucky

MAINE: Bangor, Owls Head, Schoodic, Shady Nook

MARYLAND: Blue Ball Village, Bushwood, Cockeysville, Crapo, Dames Quarter, Loveville

MASSACHUSETTS: Felchville, Mashpee, Woods Hole

MICHIGAN: Climax, Colon, Dick, Felch, Green Bush, Romeo, Sac Bay

MINNESOTA: Ball Bluff, Ball Club, Balsam, Beaver, Big Woods, Burnsville, Bush Landing, Chokio, Clappers, Climax, Comstock, Cumming, Embarrass, Erhard, Goldenrod, Good Thunder, Johnson, Kiester, Makinem, Moorhead, Remer, Sexton, Underwood, Whipholt

MISSISSIPPI: Biggersville, Buckatunna, Hushpuckena, Leakesville, Purvis, Saukum, Shivers, Splunge, Sweatman, Woodville

MISSOURI: Conception, Conception Junction, Cooter, Corning, Fidelity, Ginger Blue, Knob Noster, Licking, Loose Creek, Number Eight, Pilot Knob, Tightwad, Wide Ford, Wien, Wood

MONTANA: Big Sag, Comertown

NEBRASKA: Beaver City, Comstock, Dix, Lodgepole, Ough, Purple Cane, Valentine

NEVADA: Coyote Hole, Jackpot, Lovelock, Pahrump, Parker Strip, Sugar Bunker

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Effingham, Merrimack

NEW JERSEY: Antrim, Bay Head, Buttzville, Manahawkin, Nutley, Ramtown, Ringwood, Spotswood, Succasunna, Tuckahoe

NEW MEXICO: Bluit, Crown Point, Faywood, Loving, Lovington, Pie Town, Truth or Consequences

NEW YORK: Atwood, Ausable Chasm, Baiting Hollow, Ballston, Butternuts, Climax, Conewango, Conquest, Corning, Croton-On-Hudson, Cumminsville, Coxsackie, Feura Bush, Fort Johnson, Glen Head, Johnson, Johnson City, Kringsbush, Mannsville, Porcaville, Pound Ridge, Rathbone, Rockwood, Rodman, Sugarbush

NORTH CAROLINA: Aho, Blowing Rock, Butters, Climax, Coinjock, Engelhard, Forbush, Hobucken, Hookerton, Lizard Lick, Love Valley, Low Gap, Mann's Harbor, Nags Head, Pee Dee, Rhodiss, Roughhedge, Stumpy Point

NORTH DAKOTA: Cummings, Spiritwood

OHIO: Ballville, Corning, Dry Run, Kunkle, Knockemstiff (ghost town), Laings, Licking View, Long Bottom, Mack, Pee Pee Township, Plumwood, Seaman, Shadyside, Spunky Puddle (ghost town), Trotwood

OKLAHOMA: Beaver, Bowlegs, Bushyhead, Dripping Springs, Greasy, Hooker, Jumbo, Loving, Olustee, Pump Back

OREGON: Ballston, Bridal Veil, Butteville, Climax, Drain, Wankers Corner, Woodburn

PENNSYLVANIA: Big Beaver, Blue Ball, Black Lick, Coplay, Hopwood, Hop Bottom, Intercourse, Lickdale, New Beaver, Rough and Ready, Virginville, Youngwood

RHODE ISLAND: Cranston, Woonsocket

SOUTH CAROLINA: Fingerville, Ninety Six, Sugar Tit, Thicketty

SOUTH DAKOTA: Beaver Crossing, Black Pipe, Bonesteel, Castlewood, Hooker, Rumpus Ridge, Swett

TENNESSEE: Ballplay, Big Barren Creek, Bumpus Mills, Finger, Flippin, Guys, Lick Skillet, Nutbush, Rockwood, Shackle Island, Sweet Lips, Wartburg

TEXAS: Bangs, Bleakwood, Camp Wood, Cumby, Cumings, Comstock, Dickens, Ding Dong, Friendswood, Glaze City, Greatwood, Jean-Loving, Kinkler, Latex, Leakey, Lovelady, Rockwood, Snook, Spearman, Tool

UTAH: Beaver, Beaver Dam, Honeyville, Koosharem, Nibley, Shivwits, Teasdale, Virgin, Whipup, Wildwood

VERMONT: Antrim, Cozy Corner, Essex, Hancock, Shaftsbury, Woodford

VIRGINIA: Allison Gap, Assawoman, Bloxom, Brightwood, Bumpass, Fancy Gap, Onancock, Pound, Short Pump, Tuckahoe

WASHINGTON: Babcock, Baring, Big Bottom, Chimacum, Chuckanut, Chumstick, Humptulips, Kooskooskie, Packwood

WEST VIRGINIA: Bald Knob, Beech Bottom, Big Chimney, Big Sandy, Brohard, Cloverlick, Concepcion, Cougar, Cougar Valley, Cucumber, Droop, Floe, Johnson Crossroads, Knobs, Lick Creek, Longpole, Mercers Bottom, Nutterville, Organ Cave, Pickle Street, Pnch, Pipestern, Rimel, Romance, Sandlick, Stony Bottom, Wood

WISCONSIN: Breed, Cheat Lake, Dickeyville, Clam Falls, Imalone, Longwood, Sextonville, Spooner, Spread Eagle, Tainter

WYOMING: Goshen Hole, Hoback, McNutt, Miner's Delight, Ten Sleep, Teton Village (Teton means "Breast" in French)

Thanks to Dave L, who wants to visit every one of these and get his picture taken with a sign. Just any sign? "One with the town name." Oh right right right, that makes sense.

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