
This is a video of drummer Tyler Williams of the Beau Hodges Band demoing a bunch of Firepixel flamethrowers that respond to different drum beats via attached MIDI controllers. Cool, but I want voice activated flamethrowers. IN MY CAR.

Each FirePixel is capable of 256 different flame heights providing a 1″ - 40″ flame height that can be varied in real-time as rapidly as 6ms. The AfterBurner extends the range of the FirePixel to create a flame anywhere from 1″ - 120″ (10 feet) tall with 512 height options to create a flame of any intermediate size, varied in real-time.

Have I told you how happy fire makes me? It makes me so happy. Rain does too, but not as much as fire. If I were a Pokemon I would definitely be a fire type. Or maybe a dragon type. "You would be a fairy type." Could I at least have a wand with a glitter star at the end?

Keep going for the video. Do you march to the beat of a different drummer? Because all I can hear is a flute.

Thanks to brickton, who agrees there should be flamethrowers attached to everything.

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