
As digital marketing strategies become more and more sophisticated, start-ups continue to look for ways to innovate their marketing and draw in a larger audience. One way to do this? Integrate best explainer video into your marketing materials in various channels, and watch your start-up’s digital conversion rate skyrocket!

Here are a few reasons why your start-up company should be investing in video marketing, that is, if you aren’t already.

Explainer Videos Practically Guarantee Comprehension

There’s no better way to make sure prospective clients understand how your product can provide them solutions than explaining it thoroughly in a brief video format. In fact, one study showed that a well-made explainer video can increase customer comprehension of your company’s product by close to 75 percent.

Video Marketing Tops the Charts in Conversion Rates

Landing page conversions can make or break a start-up company, and 71% of digital marketers report that they observed the highest conversion rates on their landing pages with videos about their company and products than any other marketing tool.

Explainer videos are a preferable option when striving for the highest return on your marketing investment as possible.

Consumers Appreciate Videos When They Consider Products and Services

Evidence shows that consumers want video content to help them comprehend products and services about which they may not have heard before. For a start-up with little to no name recognition, explainer videos can be an excellent tool in building brand awareness.

For example, one large consumer study showed that out of 1,051 surveyed consumers, only 14% could remember the last print or online display ad they saw, but 80% could remember the last video marketing tool that they viewed.

Video Marketing Content Integrates Well with Other Marketing Strategies

You can integrate video into your blog posts to drive traffic back to your site with greater effectiveness, as well as put comprehensive explainer videos in your email newsletters to help turn your email leads into conversions with a greater understanding of your product, how it works and how it can provide solutions for them.

You Can Reach and Engage Almost Any Audience

Every marketer strives to create engaging content that draws in the largest audience possible, but many stay conservative with their methods. However, your audience is much more likely to respond to an engaging and informative explainer video rather than a boring white paper or product description.

In addition, video accessibility has never been higher. High-speed and broadband connections are almost universally available in private homes and businesses, as well as free in public spaces like hospitals, airports, some parks and coffee shops. Which demographics are most likely to watch video marketing tools? All of them! According to a survey conducted by a media and marketing company, the millennial demographic is no more likely to view videos than groups aged 35 to 44 or 45 to 54.

Video Marketing Leads to High Ranking Pages

If you’re like most digital marketers, you’re look for the best form of content marketing to rank highly in search results. Research has suggested that blog posts and other marketing materials that utilize embedded video are some 50 times more likely to generate SEO value for your start-up’s site and content.

As we move further into the 21st century, more marketing technologies are available at our fingertips. Ignoring the use of explainer videos to inform your audience, increase conversions and build brand loyalty among current and prospective customers is willfully leaving a huge portion of your marketing ROI on the table.

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