
Yeah, it's really been since July since I've been 'round these parts. On the not-short list of things I find obnoxious is writers who continually post about their lack of posting (the not-short list also includes stuff like people who don't put their shopping carts in corrals, olives, and 99 degree weather), so I usually opt for radio silence. But since it has been a few months...

The long and short of it is this: Geek with Curves is the place I started. I turned to Blogger in 2009 and started piecing together a place to write with only the vaguest ideas of where I wanted it to go and what I wanted it to be. I've been all over the place with topics. I've used my little corner of the Internet to stretch different sorts of writing muscles and to build a body of work to point at and say, "I made this." I wanted to be active, to actually do something rather than only saying I would do it. I succeeded at that part. And so, so many readers kept me going by engaging with me via emails and comments and tweets - I appreciate all the support I received and continue to receive. It's a weird and wonderful thing that anyone reads words I write, much less takes the time to tell me they've read those words.

But I digress

Eventually, I started writing for other places than my blog. And then much, much later, I found myself writing for enough other outlets that I jumped into the freelance life (and regardless of being as secure as I could be, it was indeed a headfirst, fuck-it-all sort of jump) full time. I'll hit my two year freelance-versary in January. I've happily kept busy writing about TV, books, cosplay, Disney, and a whole lot of Star Wars. I've worked some less than exciting copywriting gigs in there as well. The side effect of all that is paid work takes priority and I cover a whole lot of topics I'd normally write about here for other outlets. It's a good problem to have, but it means I post here less and less.

TL;DR (I only recently looked up what TL;DR means and it comes in handy for an over-explainer like me and yes, I just over-explained why I'm using TL:DR. I think I did it wrong.): I post less here because I'm writing elsewhere more frequently.

I know, you're probably dying to know where else exactly. And even if you're not on the edge of your seat waiting to find out, I'm going to tell you. These are a few places you can track me down: Nerdist (TV/entertainment news, op-eds, Star Wars stuff, book reviews, TV reviews), IGN (mostly TV reviews, some interviews, and convention coverage – written and on camera), StarWars.com (all Star Wars all the time), Comic Book Resources (mostly interviews), Adafruit (mostly cosplay), About.com (all Game of Thrones all the time) and Star Wars Insider magazine. I pop up on other sites here and there and also co-host Full of Sith and The Comlink.

I'm not abandoning this ship. I would never. If I was done, I'd go down with the ship like a proper captain. But that day's not coming anytime soon – just know I'm around and completely reachable even if I'm not posting on any sort of regular schedule.

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