
Wyrmwood Gaming, maker of gorgeous wood gaming accessories and creator of some of my favorite Kickstarters is at it again! It’s been a bit since they rolled a totally new product (though they have been putting together awesome custom dice trays as stretch goals for tabletop games on Kickstarter); but it was worth the wait.

The Sentinel Deck Box can hold up to 100 double-sleeved cards in one of 50 gorgeous naturally finished woods. It has a flush lid, held in place by one of the most secure leather straps I’ve come across (it was actually a bit too tight at first on the sample Wyrmwood sent me – not necessarily a bad thing). So far, this is all standard, Wyrmwood has had deck boxes practically since they started business. However, the Sentinel has an integrated magnetic dice cup underneath the box. Demonstrating their impressive woodworking skill, there’s no interruption of the wood grain between the box and the cup.

Between the box and the dice cup, if you explore a bit, you’ll notice a dove-tailed secret compartment. This is where the “Sentinel” part comes in. For an extra $25, Wyrmwood will add a Tile tracker to your deck box! I’m a huge fan of Tile, their app is solid and the service impeccable. When you’re toting around cards that could be worth hundreds of dollars (or, in my case, $20), keeping track of them isn’t something you just shrug off. And with Tile trackers being louder than ever after the last hardware update, there’s no problem hearing the tracking tone.

There are roughly 20 woods to choose from at Kickstarter launch, ranging from $75-375, plus several $500 Masterwork options with rare, unique woods and inlays. Thirty more woods are available to unlock during the campaign. Based on Wyrmwood’s previous Kickstarters, I suspect they’ll be unlocked rather quickly and that there will be far more than the initial 50 available by the project’s end.

In addition to woods, backers can unlock additional aesthetic upgrades. Wyrmwood is offering engraving options, as usual (with free basic engraving unlocked for all once the campaign hits 3,000 backers). They can also add a “Command Window” to your Sentinel to show off your favorite card art (go on, let everyone know you’ve got a Black Lotus in there, see what happens). I particularly like the custom leather straps option – there’s one that corresponds with almost every Magic: the Gathering mana color (I thought they were all accounted for until I saw what I thought was a turtle flipper is actually called “Angel.” That design may need some tweaking!). There’s also a deck divider insert stretch goal that adds an extra $10-75, depending on which wood you choose. As I said, these are all unlockable goals; but Wyrmwood has never had a problem blowing through funding and backer goals within the first few days of a campaign.

If you’re ready to give your deck the luxury home it deserves, you can do no better than one of Wyrmwood’s Sentinel deck boxes. The woods are gorgeous, the integrated dice cup provides utility, and the available Tile tracker is a very welcome bit of security. If you have invested time and money into building a winning deck, this is the best way I can think of to ensure that investment is protected when you’re on the go (well, and still look good). All of the Wyrmwood products I’ve backed have arrived as promised and delivered on quality. Wyrmwood has already started production on the most popular wood options and is promising a July delivery. I have no doubt they’ll meet that target. Back the Sentinel Deck Boxes today for early bird specials ranging from free engraving to free Tile trackers!

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